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Subscribe5 Gallon Tank
Small Fry
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Registered: 31-Jul-2006
female usa
hi everyone,

im new to the boards and had a few questions. I got a 5 gallon tank(you know one of those mini bowl 5 starter kits) and was wondering what kind and how many fish i can safely put in it. I want to make sure that they can stay in the 5 gallon cause my mom would have a fit if i had to get a new tank soon. Do you have any suggestions. Thanks for any advice and have a great day!




Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2006 17:53Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 04-May-2005
female usa
There isn't much that can live in that size tank permanently, but you aren't without options, especially if the tank has a filter and a heater. There are enough small sized filters and heaters now, that there's really no reason not to have them.

A betta is of course an option. You can even have tankmates for a single betta in the form of a colorful mystery snail or one or two african dwarf frogs. I have a betta and 2 frogs in my 5 gallon, and they're still doing well after 8 months.

Shrimp are another possibility that are more interesting than they may sound. I had a 7 gallon tank with a breeding colony of red cherry shrimp for a little over a year, and they were facinating. I started with 5 shrimp, and when I took the tank apart I must have had over 30 and easily 7 generations of shrimp. I also had 3 otocinclus in that tank, and they spawned for me, too.
If shrimp aren't your thing, an unusual pet might be a dwarf crayfish, or a pair of them. Many of the Procambaraus species of crays only reach 2-3 inches long. They are industrious aquascapers and will rearrange their environment to make caves, walls, and hollows. Most crays sold in pet stores grow to be too large for a 5 gallon, so you'd probably have to order them online. I suggest Aquabid (where I've gotten mine), and in particular, the seller going by Pioneer, who also has a site:

Other disputable options might be a few male guppies or male endlers. With livebearers, you want males only to prevent breeding, otherwise you'll definitely need more and larger tanks to keep up with all the fry. Even if the fry don't survive, they can quickly overstock the tank, or pollute the water.

If you can find them, a pair of neolamprologus brevis shelldwellers would also be suitable. All you need is sand, shells, and hard water. You can only keep a single pair, and you'll need to know what you plan to do with fry (your LFS may take them off your hands for store credit once they've reached about 1 inch).

Hoping that there must be a word for everything I mean...
Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2006 18:33Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 18-Jan-2006
female uk
As illustrae said, there isn't much that will permenantly live in a 5. Personally i would only reccomend a betta or some shellies (shell dwellers.) I think live bearers are too active for a 5. Bettas are great. They're really easy to caref for, and have great colours. Their behaviour is REALLY interesting too - especially if they're as stupid as mine is
Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2006 18:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 23-Apr-2005
male canada
Shrimp are really really fun fish to have(or inverts)
I suggest ghost shrimp because there see through and everyone who came to see mine would frake out because you can see there organs.

Illustrae made great suggestions.

oh I also forgot I heard Dwarf Puffers are good for a 5G a trio I think.

10gallon: 8neons 5gallon: 1betta
Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2006 18:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Jun-2006
I have a 5 hex, and I currently have a Betta, 2 otos, and 2 ghost shrimp. My tank is super clean, with good water parameters. The otos take care of the algae, the shrimp take care of the detrius, and my betta looks great.

I also moderately planted my tank with anacharis, java fern, floating water sprite, and some crypts. I also have some kind of green crinkly rhizome type plant, but I'm not sure the name.

I do two 40-50% weekly. It's my office aquarium, so I don't always have time to do water tests. Better safe than sorry with the two big water changes.
Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2006 20:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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female australia
EditedEdited by wish-ga
Those stretchy bendy ramshorn snails are cool to watch.

Fish? Nup, not in that size. Nuttin' that likes to swim freely I am afraid.

Shrimp seem to be a popular recommendation... but I have no experience of them.

Although in another thread [link] [/link] Ethan recommended these for a 5 gallon

Hey whassup with my sig? Durn links.. they are the bane of my post! A hex on them.

Ohhh.... monds musta fixed. "Tankin muchly"

~~~ My fish blow kisses at me all day long ~~~
Post InfoPosted 01-Aug-2006 03:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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