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Subscribe6G Micro planted betta tank
Big Fish
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Registered: 16-Jun-2006
male pakistan
EditedEdited by mughal113
Finally my 6G nursery tank is free from my last batch of mollie fry and im thinking about putting it to some alternate use. Ive decided to plant it and then move my betta to it. I think the poor guy just had enough of that small bowl. Here's the plan
1. Substrate: sand or other small grain gravel
2. Lighting: 16w florescent
3. Yeast/Sugar CO2
4. Filteration: "NO". Thats where I need suggestions. If the plants start settling in and keep my bioload strictly limited to one betta, would it do without a filter? Of course I would be doing those weekly water changes. Would lack of current have any negative impact on the plants?
Post InfoPosted 18-Sep-2006 16:21Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
I think you will find most if not all plants do far better if there is a water movement. Those Vals in the back of the Betta tank are in a full line of air bubbles, the 5ft tank is nothing but water movement and all the plants are growing extremly well. Plants will do far better in a gravel 1-3mm is perfect but you will require at least 3ins.- 75mm for the best results. As far as Bettas not liking or requiring water movement my new Betta loves playing in the full stream of air movement with the Vals.
You might consider a few Ottos for any algae or some Khuli loaches to help cleaning up the bottom.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

Look here for my
Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 19-Sep-2006 02:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male pakistan
I've found a very small internal power filter rated at 42 lph with the LFS. The media is a small piece of sponge. And the best thing about it is, its got a venturi input. So the current is going to be small and the CO2 injection would be better.
Now that im gonna get a filter, i can think of adding some extra fish load. Would four neons do?
My LFS is currently out of any sort of shrimps. What should I get to cater for the algea?
Post InfoPosted 22-Sep-2006 21:59Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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female australia us-maryland
Don't get anything for the algae...don't get algae to begin with .

If you keep ontop of the tank and fight the algae without the need for algae eaters I think you'll be better off, especially in a small sized tank! Neons would do OK, if only because they're less active than say danios or WCMM. Personally I'd chose between the neons and the betta. I think it's a bit on the small size for neons, but if it's heavily planted it should do okay. Especially since you know what you're doing, it's not something I'd suggest to a newbie . Am I correct in that you have a tank you can move the neons to once they get a bit bigger ?
If you do decide to go with the betta I'd suggest doing a bit of aquascaping to provide an out of the current spot for him incase he's one of the picky "I don't like current" types of bettas.

With a six gallon you may also be able to do 2-3 female bettas depending on their temperment.


Post InfoPosted 24-Sep-2006 15:13Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male pakistan
Thanks Babelfish for such a detailed reply []
Yes, I have two other tanks. Both are planted, one being more dense in plantation than the others. But i seriously doubt the existing fish in both of these will welcome any smaller sized fish, especially the neons. Gouramis will make a nice lunch out of them in the 50g, and in the 20g, no...that's not suitable for them as well.
The only reason I wanted some other fish in the tank was to introduce some source of nitrates for the plants. The only betta, and he's not messy at all, wont be able to perform this duty well. I know with this small a size, my options are very limited, but still i would like some bioload to be added. So if neons are ruled out, any other suggestions will be warmly welcomed []
The filter I've got have adjustable speeds, 42lph being the minimum. At that speed, there's hardly any flow and I hope Mr betta wont mind that. Moreover, i have put a couple of stems in front of the outflow nozel to break that current even better.
Post InfoPosted 24-Sep-2006 20:35Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
If you are going to get the Neons you would be better getting the Cardinal Tetras as they are a stronger and less e to many problems like the neons also they look a lot better especially in a planted tank . Also smaller Cardinals will adapt very quickly.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

Look here for my
Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 25-Sep-2006 02:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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female australia us-maryland
If the worry is about not having enough nitrates for the tank, that's something I can relate to. For most people nitrAtes are an issue one way or another. Some have too much, others have too little and get issues that way.
If you have other tanks you may be able to provide supplimental nitrAtes that way. Additionally, you can add them by way of KNO3 additives (some cases of tree stump removers). You'll have to look around in garden supply stores, I'm not sure what's available to you. I know that it's restricted in some areas.
Just a few thoughts in addition to shishies.


Post InfoPosted 25-Sep-2006 03:18Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
DeletedPosted 25-Sep-2006 13:55
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Big Fish
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Registered: 16-Jun-2006
male pakistan
Thanks everyone.
I'll try to find some cardinals. Neons are readily available here but I dont think Cardinal tetras are common here...
Using water from other tanks, a great idea..And this is exactly what I am doing at the moment.
The betta is still in his old bowl. Its gonna take a little while for the plants to settle in. After that Im gonna transfer the fish. I dont think cycling would be a big concern for the betta.
Post InfoPosted 25-Sep-2006 14:03Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 16-Jun-2006
male pakistan
Hi all,
A update..My LFS got has some fresh stock and I have found some nice female bettas and kuhli loaches...I was looking for these both and i'm so happy to find them
I've purchased two female bettas (1" each) and two kuhli loaches (2.5", i guess, each)..Would all these four do in the tank? The tank's looking great with these four.
Plus, would kuhli loaches be comfortable with only 2 of them or I should get more. In the other case, I can get two more of them and move them to 55g and leave just the two female bettas in the 6g.
Post InfoPosted 26-Sep-2006 15:59Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 16-Jun-2006
male pakistan

Algea is mostly out. This tank has been such an experience for me. Diatoms, beard algea and then the green spot algea came and went. All it took was some experimenting with the nutrient ratios in the PMDD. I still have some green spot algea on the walls of the tank and some dead (hopefully) beard algea on older leaves of the plants, but now i can surely call it "under control".
Here's a picture of the tank.

Comments and suggestion and welcome.
Post InfoPosted 20-Oct-2006 21:41Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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female australia us-maryland
Sorry I wasn't able to reply net access. Although with free access at my cars service station I might come get the service done a little more frequently :.

Back to the matter at hand
I know the betta girls will be fine in there, in fact depending on their temperment, they may be able to take another one or two.
I've never kept kuhli loaches, they should be okay especially since it's a planted tank. I'd keep a close eye on maintence at first until the plants really get going. I bet those loaches will like all the hiding places the plants provide! Get a few pieces of driftwood and rocks for some hardscaping for them as well .


Post InfoPosted 21-Oct-2006 16:21Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 16-Jun-2006
male pakistan
Thanks Babelfish,
Yeah, internet access can be a problem. at the comparison with car service. Thankfully, my company allows the employees to use gprs without any limit and cost, making it much easier to login to FP from anywhere anytime
Too late for the kuhlis though. One warm day and the temperature of the tank went upto 34C . Before I could notice it, the loaches were hanging under the surface. I tried to bring the temperature down gradually but no avail. Ive faced a fish loss after quite some time and really didnt feel any good about it. Kuhlis are not a regular import in my area and I really loved those fish.
Thats why its so difficult to play with such small tanks. Just a blink of an eye and the parameters can go vagabond.
Anyway, the plants are looking good now and more importantly, algea seems to have retreated.
I'm out on a hunt for some nice little shripms. They look like the only good option with the betta.
Post InfoPosted 21-Oct-2006 18:23Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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female australia us-maryland
Uggg 34C wow that is a bit much !
You're right about small tanks being difficult like that, it doesnt take much for them to get out of control.
If you have temps get up in that range usually I'd make sure whatever shrimp you get can handle that high of a temp! I'd say plan on increased waterflow but with the betta and plants you dont want it.


Post InfoPosted 28-Oct-2006 07:54Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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