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Beginners Community Tank - Good choices? | |
Rubina Small Fry Posts: 6 Kudos: 2 Votes: 0 Registered: 28-Oct-2007 | Hello! I have researched Tropical fish a lot over the past couple of months, and will be getting a 62 (American) gallon planted community tank soon. I am very aware of the Nitrogen cycle and fishless cycling, and have read up on many different species to find the fish I would like. I have decided on - A school of 10 Cardinal Tetras 6 Bronze Corydora Catfish 2 or 3 Pearl Gouramis 6 Platys Do you think the Platys are a good idea or not...Should I stick to just Cories, Gouramis and the tetras? I am going to have a densely planted layout with several rock caves/formations, and wish to keep a natural feel to the tank. Thanks...Im excited! Ruby |
Posted 29-Oct-2007 00:42 | |
Joe Potato Fish Addict Kind of a Big Deal Posts: 869 Votes: 309 Registered: 09-Jan-2001 | I'd personally ditch the platys and up the size of your tetra and cory schools, and maybe even add a new species. In that size tank, you could easily up the cardinals to 15 (20 if you keep up on maintenance) and the corys to around 15. Cardinals look absolutely stunning in large groups, and the more corys you have, the goofier they act! There's no reason why you couldn't have the platys, and the gouramis would act as good fry control. It's just a matter of preference. 62 gallons is a real good-sized tank and you have all sorts of options to choose from. The hardest part is narrowing down what you want! It sounds like you've done a lot of research and know what you're doing, which is ALWAYS a great thing. I didn't when I started out, and it took me a couple of years to finally get my bearings. Congrats on your new interest and welcome to FP! |
Posted 29-Oct-2007 01:00 | |
keithgh *Ultimate Fish Guru* Posts: 6371 Kudos: 6918 Votes: 1542 Registered: 26-Apr-2003 | I personally would not even have any live bearers in that tank at all. Other than an over population could happen they actually prefer a slightly different water conditions. Up the Cardinals Cories by at least 5 each I would also add 2-3 small SAE to control any algae. Depending on your filtration I would also consider 2 Bristle nose. Saying that the BNs do better if there is some drift wood in the tank. Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info Look here for my Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos Keith Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do. I VOTE DO YOU if not WHY NOT? VOTE NOW VOTE NOW |
Posted 29-Oct-2007 02:48 | |
Babelfish Administrator Small Fry with Ketchup Posts: 6833 Kudos: 8324 Votes: 1570 Registered: 17-Apr-2003 | Welcome aboard Rubina, I have to agree with the potato here. The platys would be okay but you might prefer to have larger schools of the other fish. I definitly agree on increasing the cory school! Corys are pretty crazy fish and the more the merrier. Gallons are a good starting point for stocking levels, but even more important is the footprint of the tank. This not only determines how much surface area is availible for the exchange of gasses but also how much room those fishies have to swim . Since you mentioned fishless cycling I assume this is the way you're planning on cycling your tank? Good to know people are willing to go the route that causes the least harm to the fish . What I'd suggest once your tank has cycled (ammonia and nitrIte risen and fallen to zero) is that you add the fish one school at a time from top to bottom. So 10-20 cards, then the gouramis then the catfish over a period of 2-3 weeks. This will not only let everyone get used to the tank, but also allow the biofilter time to catch up. You won't have as much to deal with and it'll be less stressful on the fish. You'll also have a better idea of how your tank is functioning and then you can decide which fish to add next, be it the platys or someone else. ^_^ |
Posted 29-Oct-2007 02:55 | |
Rubina Small Fry Posts: 6 Kudos: 2 Votes: 0 Registered: 28-Oct-2007 | Thanks for your help and welcomes I will forget the Platys, I just thought they were sweet little things in my friend's 30 gallon, but I would rather have two impressive larger shoals of cardinals and corys than a few platys. For algae I was considering maybe a few Otos? I did originally want some SAE's but I don't think I can get hold of any easily where I live (The UK.) I am definately going for fishless cycling Babelfish It sounds so much better than cycling with fish, Id much rather wait a few weeks more for fish than risk them being damaged from the stress of it or shortening their lifespan. I've read you add fish after the NirtAte has spiked and also fallen. Is this neccesary, as you mentioned adding them after NitrIte is at 0? And here is the tank i'm getting...I think the price is excellent! Thanks! Ruby |
Posted 29-Oct-2007 21:16 | |
Joe Potato Fish Addict Kind of a Big Deal Posts: 869 Votes: 309 Registered: 09-Jan-2001 | In a properly cycled tank, you're almost never going to get nitrate to fall naturally. It can normally only be removed via water changes. So, in effect, once the nitrites have fallen to 0, the cycle is complete. Ottos would work well for you. Just watch out, though. They can be a bit touchy as far as water is concerned so make sure your tank is good and established before you introduce them. Five or six would be just fine in your tank. Sounds like you're well on your way! |
Posted 29-Oct-2007 22:14 | |
Rubina Small Fry Posts: 6 Kudos: 2 Votes: 0 Registered: 28-Oct-2007 | I Saw the tank in person at my LFS yesterday. Its perfect I will be ordering it from the internet after christmas as it is almost £100 cheaper than in the shop! With the Peal Gouramis, would you reccomend a male and female pair? Or would one male and 2 or 3 females be better? I have upped the Cardinals to around 15 as i do want a large, eye catching school ETA - Joe, you mentioned you'd even reccomend adding a new species after upping the cardinals and cories. Do you have anything in mind? I've looked at lots of different fish but can't seem to find any that would be suitable and that I like the sound/look of! Thanks Ruby |
Posted 07-Nov-2007 17:49 | |
Twilight Hobbyist Posts: 102 Kudos: 76 Votes: 92 Registered: 15-Oct-2007 | |
Posted 07-Nov-2007 21:40 | |
DaMossMan Fish Guru Piranha Bait Posts: 2511 Kudos: 2117 Votes: 359 Registered: 16-Nov-2003 | Welcome Algae control - don't overfeed, do your water changes regularly and have enough water movement that you don't have 'dead areas' in the tank. SAE's - Only feed on algae when they're very small, taking a primary interest in fish food. Add for the sake of having them, or as a small part of an algae cleanup crew. They are still a nice fish to own. OTOS - Require plant tanks that have already been established for a long period of time, very stable and have an abundance of green algae. A newly thrown together plant tank is not the place for otos. Add later down the road. Bristlenose plecos, an apple snail and some SAE's would be a pretty neat cleanup crew in a person's first plant tank. Malaysian trumpet snails would also be good. Should pond snails migrate in on your new plants (and they will) then the mts snails will already be there to outcompete them for food. There are also small ruby red snails that eat algae. Your planning sounding good so far The Amazon Nut... |
Posted 08-Nov-2007 07:25 | |
superstar Hobbyist Posts: 125 Kudos: 17 Votes: 0 Registered: 23-Apr-2003 | I'd look up bristlenoses and angelfish to see if maybe you'd like one and a pair respectively. From what I've read young angelfish brought up with cardinals should leave them alone. Just an avenue for you to possibly explore. |
Posted 08-Nov-2007 15:02 | |
Twilight Hobbyist Posts: 102 Kudos: 76 Votes: 92 Registered: 15-Oct-2007 | |
Posted 08-Nov-2007 20:55 | |
ScottF Fish Addict Addiction Hurts!! Posts: 542 Kudos: 330 Votes: 355 Registered: 28-May-2007 | welcome to fish profiles! I would go with the bristlenose plecos or the sae for algae control. The otos are a little tough to keep as they are sensitive to water quality issues and the abundance of the right kind of algae. The sae's or the bn plecos would be easier. Of course, finding the sae's isn't so much fun lol. Be sure and stay away from the chinese algae eaters (regular and gold) as they can get really nasty as they age. I think a big ole shoal of cardinals would look awesome with the gouramis... cories are so kool... large shoal for them too... For a little different bit of color and texture, a shoal of lemon tetras would be awesome in there... 6-10 of em Good luck, post some pics as you assemble your tank! |
Posted 11-Nov-2007 20:06 | |
Posted 12-Nov-2007 18:06 | This post has been deleted |
sanjugalande Small Fry Posts: 0 Kudos: 0 Votes: 0 Registered: 25-Feb-2007 | i like tetras |
Posted 12-Nov-2007 18:07 | |
Joe Potato Fish Addict Kind of a Big Deal Posts: 869 Votes: 309 Registered: 09-Jan-2001 | The angels could make lunch out of the tetras thought. Possibly, but most likely not. Cardinals get bigger than neons, so even a full-grown angel probably wouldn't give them a second thought. Since you're almost never going to buy a full-grown angel from an LFS, and and the cardinals will reach max size long before the angel(s), it shouldn't be a problem. |
Posted 12-Nov-2007 18:42 | |
Ferox Enthusiast Posts: 219 Kudos: 187 Votes: 28 Registered: 19-Dec-2003 | I'd keep the pearl gourami in a group of one male, two females. Thats how I kept them for a few years, and they did well together. When you pick them out though, pick ones with nice heads, because that's a defect they don't grow out of, regardless of what any salesperson might try to tell you. I tried to keep an angel with my gourami, but it didn't work out. He was just too aggressive. I think you've got a pretty good plan to start out with, and it should be simple enough to tweak if you suddenly find a new favourite fish species. <Vet in Training> Blog under development: |
Posted 13-Nov-2007 00:19 | |
Rubina Small Fry Posts: 6 Kudos: 2 Votes: 0 Registered: 28-Oct-2007 | *Thanks for all your help in the planning of this, but unfortunately I will be unable to start the tank in 2007 or even early 2008, it will probably be at the end of 08.* However, I will be having a 20gal Betta tank in the meanwhile, with 1 male betta and maybe with 6 panda cories or a small shoal of harlequins! At least i'll have a tank to occpupy myself with until I get the larger community tank So...Would you rather have the cories of the harlequins ba Heh, sorry for another question! I've learnt so much already on this forum ETA - Getting the tank for Christmas |
Posted 16-Nov-2007 18:26 | |
Twilight Hobbyist Posts: 102 Kudos: 76 Votes: 92 Registered: 15-Oct-2007 | |
Posted 17-Nov-2007 06:13 | |
Ferox Enthusiast Posts: 219 Kudos: 187 Votes: 28 Registered: 19-Dec-2003 | I'd go with corys, because when I feed my corys the betta steals a shrimp pellet and runs off with it. Very fyun to watch. <Vet in Training> Blog under development: |
Posted 17-Nov-2007 09:08 | |
TravelingGypsy Hobbyist Posts: 60 Kudos: 11 Votes: 0 Registered: 02-Aug-2006 | Same here me is looking at a set up. But i am going to go 2ftlong not sure on the gallons. What size or temp heater will i need and what type of filter i was thinking a hang on filter so the water flows in the tank evenly distrubuting the heat.. And thinking of Neon's..Swordtails guppies and corries but pearl gouramis whats the suggestion i have never had a trop tank before. I've got a coldwater.. what else do i need to bear in mind oh i would love to own a siamese fighter but i suppose they arent for beginners They say fishes are dumb, because humans need to be smarter in keeping the fishes alive. |
Posted 23-Nov-2007 00:32 | |
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