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SubscribeFinally, A 55!
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Registered: 18-Jan-2006
female uk
After turning down the rabbit proposition, my mum has agreed that between us we will be getting another fish tank, and it is going to be a 55!

The thing is, because she's helping out with money etc, etc, etc. We have to have some of the fish she wants in there. I know we'd both rather not have a few big fish instead of lots of little ones.

The one type of fish my mum likes the most is corydoras Catfish, and she would love at least 3 species in there (and that is narrowed down!) Fortunately, the species she wants are Pandas, Dwarfs/Pygmys, and The Albinos from my 15 would be moving into there, and thier numbers would be upped.

I am also in love with diamond tetras, so i would love a shoal of them. We also like Gold tetras a lot, and are much more interested in activity than colour.

I also think my mum would love some Ottos, as she seemed really disappointed i couldn't get any for my 15.

We would like a centrepiece in here, some kind of Cichlid or Gourami.

So, any suggestions? The only thing that is definite (completely) is at least 3 Albino Bronze Corys from my 15, and some more corys. I think if we could fit all three species, it would help me with financing a lot. Looking farward to any stocking schemes, thanks!
Post InfoPosted 21-Feb-2006 22:25Profile PM Edit Report 
Queen of Zoom
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female usa us-maryland
Congrats on the 55g

While not particularly colorful I'd recommend a snakeskin gourami as a centerpiece. I've read they can reach 8-10" but are very peaceful. I do actually have one, it's in the 4-5" range.

Pearl gouramis are often suggested, but I like to go with something a bit different.

I very much like the idea of diamond and gold tetras, I think they'd look great together.

An angel might be another centerpiece option. I can't speak from experience but your tetra choices are larger than neons so I don't think them turning into angel-snacks would be a problem.

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 22-Feb-2006 00:24Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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Congratulations for your new 55 gal. tank. I would get the 2 schools of Tetras, as you recommened & the 3 Corydoras species. As a centrepiece, i would have a Pearl Gourami or an Angel.
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 22-Feb-2006 00:52Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
Congrats on the 55. I'm ready to get one myself. How large do you want your centerpiece to be? If you are looking something small I would get a German Blue Ram or 2. If something larger is wanted, I'd do what Jason said and go with an Angelfish.
Post InfoPosted 22-Feb-2006 02:40Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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female australia
Congrats on the 55!!

i would suggest two angelfish they are gorgeous fish!
Its always fun setting up a new tank!

Truth doesn't always win friends but it influences them
Post InfoPosted 22-Feb-2006 05:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Nobody listened to the fact that they want small fish then

Personally id go with some small shoals (at least 6 of each ) tetras, maybe some flames, royal emperors, and black neons. If you cant hold out for ottos (i would if I could) try a few amano shrimps, and maybe a moderately sized plec like my L-009 from rio de para. layer the entire back of the tank with bogwood and mopani wood for interest and throw in a couple of small echinoda, some java fern and see if you can get some moss to take to the bogwood. Im not big on the centrepiece fish idea, basically cos even most gouramis need a social life and can be territorial, angels can be trouble with small fish. Rams are completely gorgeous but can get downright aggressive at breeding times, and if you go for fish that prefer the water slightly more acidic your options open up a little.Keep things small and peaceful for that 100% happy tank For a little extra shine in the tank, you might just be able to get a shoal of neon rainbows to adjust to the ph that tetras enjoy.Together with the cories you should have a tank that has fish on every level of water and be keeping things as algae free as possible. I love doing 55's theyre a nice size. At least you can do maintenance on them without constantly getting your armpits wet like the various 120's around the house. Fork out for a nice external eheim like a 2224 or bigger( theyre getting superceded in the range so theyre cheap at the moment, and youll always be able to order parts from eheim), and the maintenance should be fairly low too.
Post InfoPosted 22-Feb-2006 16:39Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 18-Jan-2006
female uk
EditedEdited by BlackNeonFerret
Thanks for comments. How do you think of this for a mix?
1 Snakeskin Gourami
???? Diamond Tetras
???? Gold Tetras
???? Pygmy Cories
???? Panda Corys
???? (3+) Albino Corys
???? Ottos
Longhaired, your right, we do want small fish, but i decided to let myself off with a centrepiece.Mainly because all of the little fish then become more interesting to watch!

Thanks for replys, and i really like the idea of tons of bogwood.

Edit: No more Black Neons, as i already have them. Oh, and by adding bogwood, my water is around nuteral.
Post InfoPosted 22-Feb-2006 18:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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female usa
How about:

1 Snakeskin Gourami
8 Diamond Tetras
8 Gold Tetras
8 Panda cories
8 Pygmy cories
6 Albinos

I normally wouldn't suggest 3 cory species in a 55g, but since you are going with the smaller pandas and pygmies, it will be fine. I think 8 is a good number, only because it doesn't sound too large or too small. That will be alot of activity on the bottom.

The tetras could probably be upped to 10 of each...your choice. I just like the number 8 for some reason.

Sounds like a great stocking list.

If you develop algae later on, then you could add about 5-6 ottos. I have 3 but usually don't see them all.

If you want to plant it, I suggest planting it as much as you can when you set it up. I didn't and now I regret it. My 55g is overrun with some type of algae that I can't get rid of. Its frustrating. Plant it pretty heavily while still leaving room for the fishies. Congrats on the big tank and good luck!! /:'

Post InfoPosted 22-Feb-2006 19:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 18-Jan-2006
female uk
i know 3 species isn't great, but i did explain earlier.

So, how about
1 Snakeskin Gouami
10 Diamond Tetras
10 Gold Tetras
8 Panda Cories
8 Pygmy Cories
6 Albino Cories
6 Ottos

I was planning on planting it moderatly, and putting in quite a few bits of mopani wood.

I don't want to put in anything too freaky, as it will freak out my cat, who is really shy. he's going to be feeling strange enough with another fish tank.

Post InfoPosted 22-Feb-2006 22:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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female canada
Sounds good.

Why couldn't you have otos in the fifteen. I was just looking at that thread and I think you've got room. I have 2 in my 10g with a male betta, 5 harlies and (now) 2 pandas, I had 4 but recently lost two, I will be replacing them as soon as the tank is stabilized again.
Especially if the albino cories are moving to the 55 and you get pygmies instead.

Aw my cat loves my fish tanks! He's a fisher cat from way back and the day he realized they were alive! It was a priceless moment!

"If you're afraid you'll make a mistake, you won't make anything."
-Family Circus
Post InfoPosted 22-Feb-2006 23:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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male uk
EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Hahah, I know the problems with cats and fish, my lil cat minnie, she loves to stand in front of the tanks and play "squirrel bashing" with the fish through the glass, I had to make sure all the ledges in front of the tanks were too narrow for her to stand on. It was funny though when I got over the horror of the moment, how in one sequence of rapid-fire punches she tried to take out the 11 closest fish, and then fell off the ledge.

Daft cat.With ninja skills, if not the grace .
Post InfoPosted 23-Feb-2006 03:41Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 18-Jan-2006
female uk
Yeah, cats are great.
So, i am quite happy with my stocking list, unless anyone has any super suggstions???

LuvmyKrib, if i did have 1 betta, 6 Black Neons and 4 Pygmys, could i fit the ottos in there??? I would love some ottos! And i think i have enough algea already!
Post InfoPosted 24-Feb-2006 18:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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And why wasn't I notified about this tank?! (Best friend thing)
Post InfoPosted 27-May-2006 21:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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