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Small Fry
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Registered: 30-Apr-2006
male canada
EditedEdited by gc
Hey guys,

I'm just got a 33 gallon tank. I have a filter and a heater lined up, I've read about cycling the tank, and now I'm trying to plan out what fish I will get over time. It would be set up for a while so 'm trying to think this through while I wait. This is my list so far (including the average size, as posted on and

2 Banded gouramis (Colisa Fasciatus)(4" )
10 Harlequin Rasboras (2" )
2 Apistogramma Borelli (2.8" )
2 Angelfish (6" ) or 1 Bristlenose pleco (6-8" )

The only fish in this list that are set in stone are the harelquins and the gouramis.

I know I can't add them all at once. From what I've researched all the fish need around the same temperature range, pH range, and are peaceful. I'm just wondering if any of these fish are incompatible, have special needs (places to hide, etc. . .) and if there are too many for a 33 gallon tank. I don't want my tank to look over populated. If there is too much fish, which ones should I remove from my "plan"? I'm also looking for one really cool fish (like a showpiece) tha would replace the angels and the BN and still work with the gouramis and harlequins.

Any suggestions or ideas are welcome.

Thanks ahead of time for any help.
Post InfoPosted 30-Apr-2006 13:44Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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female usa
EditedEdited by GirlieGirl8519
That list looks pretty good to me. The only potential problems I see are the angelfish.

Angels need a tank that is atleast 18 inches high. I am not familiar with the height of 33g tanks, so it may be ok. It would also be better to only have one in that size tank. Angels do better in groups (more than 2) or alone. I don't think you should put 3 in there, so I would change it to 1 angel.

But, the gouramis and angel may have problems. I see you are keeping the gouramis and at 4 inches each, they will rule the top area of the tank. I wouldn't add a 6-8 inch tall angel in there because it would get crowded.

I think I would go with:
2 gouramis
10 harlies
2 Apistogramma Borelli
1 Bristlenose or 4 ottos

Bristlenoses usually get about 5 inches so it would be fine as a bottom feeder/algae eater.

Post InfoPosted 30-Apr-2006 20:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 30-Apr-2006
male canada
EditedEdited by gc
My 33 gal tank is 36L x 12.5W x 18"H, so tank height is not a problem. A friend of mine has some banded gouramis, which were for the same batch as I'll be getting from, and he says they hang out mostly at the mid-bottom area of the tank. If I can't keep Angelfish, I need some suggestions for a showpiece fish. I want one "ooo" and aaaa" fish for my tank. Thanks for your help. What about a male Betta? I've heard that on of those can fit in a community tank.
Post InfoPosted 30-Apr-2006 22:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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long fin males dont tend to fare well in a community tank.

the only problem with a 18''high tank is dont forget about the gravel so it is shorter, but i still wouldn't go with angels.

for a show fish in a 33g, i personally would go with a small group of congo tetras, with an open middle swimming area, and tall eel grass plants around the side, with large peices of dwrift wood. for a nice look.
Post InfoPosted 30-Apr-2006 22:24Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 30-Apr-2006
male canada
I wouldn't mind Congo Tetras but if they are a schooling fish the tank will probably be overcrowded. I want either solitary or pair fish. I think I have enough small fish already in the stocklist. I want something betweeen 4-5". Is there a smaller species of angels or anything?
Post InfoPosted 30-Apr-2006 23:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 30-Apr-2006
male canada
I just found a site that says that Banded Gouramis are good tankmates for Angelfish.

Post InfoPosted 30-Apr-2006 23:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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if you are looking for small fish, angels aren't it, however the rare long nosed angels i believe are smaller than the common angel, but are not often for sale.

there is a small number of common fw fish that are small and live singley, as most small fishes like to school, but you might want to go just more halequins and make an impressive school of those.

i do have banded gouramies(aka gaint gouramies) and they do for them most part they tend to be peaceful, and while i have mines in with small angels in the long run i think angels would be better in a larger tank, but in the end it is up to you.
Post InfoPosted 30-Apr-2006 23:56Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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With that setup, you'd get overstocked....

I'd do this:
2x Banded Gourmi
10x Harlies
1x Bristlenose Pleco

That would look nice. The MIN tank requirement, with nothing else in the tank, for one angelfish is 30g.

Post InfoPosted 01-May-2006 01:54Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Show me the Shishies!
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female australia au-victoria
EditedEdited by Lindy
I think you have enough room to go...

2 banded gouramis
10 harlies
1 angel
2 apistos
1 bn plec
3 smaller cories

Alot of people will cite the rule about cories being in minimum groups of 6 but I've kept many cories in trios and they have been happy as can be. Rules are there to be broken. I think that 30g to one angelfish by itself is being a little too generous.
It might be wise to have a spare small tank handy incase the angel and the gouramis dont work out. I think the tank will be great.

Let us know what you decide.

Before you criticize someone walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Post InfoPosted 01-May-2006 02:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 30-Apr-2006
male canada
EditedEdited by gc
I'm thinking of doing:

1 Bristle Nose Pleco
10 Harlequin Rasboras
2 Banded Gouramis
1 Angelfish
2 Apistogramma Borelli


10 Harlequin Rasboras
2 Banded Gouramis
2 Apistogramma Borelli
2 Angelfish

Right now I'm leaning towards the first scenario.

The fish would be put in to the tank in that order, with a week-long period in between each addition for the tank to adjust its "Bioload".

My tank will be set up with all fish in two months or less so I'll let you guys know soon. Thanks for all your help.
Post InfoPosted 01-May-2006 22:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 30-Apr-2006
male canada
Made a few more scenarios. They're pretty much all the same but the Apistogramma Borelli are swapped for another dwarf cichlid:

1 Bristle Nose Pleco
10 Harlequin Rasboras
2 Banded Gouramis
1 Angelfish
2 Apistogramma Agassizi


1 Bristle Nose Pleco
10 Harlequin Rasboras
2 Banded Gouramis
1 Angelfish
2 Nannacara Anomala

Of course, the original scenario is still an option, which is:

1 Bristle Nose Pleco
10 Harlequin Rasboras
2 Banded Gouramis
1 Angelfish
2 Apistogramma Borelli

My personal favourite are the Agassizi. Would that work? Thanks
Post InfoPosted 01-May-2006 23:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 30-Apr-2006
male canada
Nobody has ANY comments about my new stocklist?
Post InfoPosted 02-May-2006 23:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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female usa
They all sound good to me. I don't know enough about dwarf cichlids to comment on your choices.

I think the 10 Harlies will look great. I'm planning on having a big school of them when I set up a new tank this summer.

Show us some pictures when you get some of the stock. We like pictures.../:'

Post InfoPosted 02-May-2006 23:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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female usa us-maryland
If you want the angel as an 'ooh aah' centerpiece I'd personally leave out the dwarf cichlids. A typical setup is a centerpiece fish, some type of schooler, and bottom feeders. You will already have the gouramis which will somewhat distract from the angel and I think the cichlids would further that. Also if you get a M/F pair there might be problems for the other fish should they breed.

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 03-May-2006 14:44Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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