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Hello all,

First id like yo say thank you for everyone who will respond. Well, i will soon be getting a 15-20 gallon aquarium.There is a few different mixes I was thinking of doing, please just pick whichever you think will make the animals more comfortable and happy.

1- A mix of these three; guppyies,ottos, and ghost shrimp.
T like this combo because it is kind of self-maintained. Ottos eat the algea,shrimp eat the excess food( biggest problem) and I'll feed the guppies.

2-I don't think this will work..but angelfish.One of my favorite fish,will it work in a 20?

3-A corn snake...whcih doesnt really count as a fish

4-Tiger barbs..there a bit nipppy, so i dont think they will be to good.

5- You help decide.

Thank you all for reading my..slightly pointless writings.
Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 00:41Profile PM Edit Report 
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male canada
I like 1 but instead of guppys, why dont you get something like neons with a dwarf gourami or platies?

10gallon: 8neons 5gallon: 1betta
Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 02:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male australia au-victoria
1 yes but not with any live bearers. I would also go for Cardinal Neons as they are far easer to keep than the cheaper plain Neons.

Remember you will basically want the tank established long before you get the Ottos.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

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Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 02:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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male usa
I like #1, and yes livebearers would be fine as long as you stick with either male or female only.

That is unless you have other tanks to move their fry to.


Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody. -- Mark Twain
Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 03:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
EditedEdited by GirlieGirl8519
Definitely #1. And with tetras instead of the guppies. Guppies will soon overstock the tank, so I'd leave them out. You could get a school of about 6-8 for a 15g tank or a school of 8-10 for a 20g.

Angels are too big for a 15 or 20g tank. Tiger barbs would be ok in a 20g long tank, but not a 20 high or a 15g tank. They are very active and get pretty big (~3in).

If you go with tetras, you could have some lemon tetras, cardinals, flames, glowlights, or harlequin rasboras (not tetras..but another small schooling fish).

Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 03:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thank you so much all.
Well, i do have other tanks alreday so over stock would not be a huge problem.As for tetras,I really really dislike them, they seem to have no individuality. Tetras of any sort or out. I think any sort of live bearer has much more color and an attitude. Maybe I could have a school of Harlequin Rasboras instaed, with maybe a male swordtail or 2 male paltys for an extra color? Thank you all again
Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 03:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
EditedEdited by Needeles
I myself have some Rsaboras and I really enjoy them. They will swim sometimes by themselves and other times in a school. They also have some nice color if they are taken care of. They also seem to be pretty hardy fish and tend to hang out in the middle to top areas of the tank. You will want to get a few taller plants as they do like to swim through them. Try to get at least 6 of them to keep them happy. Good luck on your tank and I hope you enjoy it as much as enjoy mine.

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Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 05:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
Harlequin rasboras are great fish. I have 6 in my 10g tank and I will hopefully be moving them to a 38g soon and adding more. They are very pretty, like a metallic red color. Very nice!

I think with the harlies, the swordtail and the male platies you will have a nice little tank. I'm not sure if there are any aggression with male platies. If not, then I'd definitely get males so you won't risk overstocking with fry.

I'd try to get a 20g long if you can. More surface area so the fish will have more room to swim around.

Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 16:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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female usa us-maryland
I agree, harlequins are a very nice choice. You could have something of an Asian theme with a school of them plus a dwarf gourami or a pair of cherry barbs.

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 16:28Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks all.Could I figure out a way to put like 2 swordtails (males) in the mix?I've see the most beautiful lyre-tail swordtail at a great lfs. The guy there also gave me a free platy. I don't want any tetras,nor schooling fish.Not my style . Thanks all.O, keep in mind it may be a 15 gallon.
Post InfoPosted 11-Jul-2006 21:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
DeletedPosted 11-Jul-2006 21:51
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Mega Fish
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male usa
Male swordtails tend to not get along very well together and tend to battle quite a bit and you may want to rethink keeping them together.

If keeping livebearers you would probably be better off with male guppies or platies as they tend to be much more sociable with each other.


Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody. -- Mark Twain
Post InfoPosted 12-Jul-2006 00:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Thanks all.

I think this will be my setup.
If its a 15 gall-5 ottos,3 guppies(2f, 1m),2 swarf guraimis(will help if tomany babies, and a bunch of ghost shrimp
If its a 20-Same thing, but instead of dwarf guarmis school of 7

Sound ok??
Post InfoPosted 12-Jul-2006 00:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
I would go with just one dwarf gourami. In smaller tanks, males don't get along very well. I've had one dwarf gourami kill another in a 10g tank after weeks of bullying.

I'd just get one and not risk the aggression. One will be fine by itself.

Post InfoPosted 12-Jul-2006 01:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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male usa
I have to agree with only the 1 dwarf gourami. Also be prepared to have baby guppies survive as there always seem to be a few that do. You are probably going to need some other tanks to move the eventual overflow to.


Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody. -- Mark Twain
Post InfoPosted 12-Jul-2006 02:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Jul-2006
Thanks all, I think I have everything covered.
Post InfoPosted 12-Jul-2006 02:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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