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SubscribeHows my new tank going?
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Registered: 30-May-2007
female australia
EditedEdited by CrimsonaX
It's into it's forth week.

6 Gal (6.6 to be more specific) Tank

ph: 7.0

Nitrite and Nitrate at: 0

Ammonia: between 0 - 0.25

Tank Temp: Around 25 Celsius

Water Changes: Weekly 20%

It has my one male betta Dante, and one Anubias and Java Fern under a 15 watt light. Whether it's just because it's new or not, my betta seems to enjoy trying to hide in these plants and resting on their leaves so I would like to add more. Probably more Java or Anubias as I know they're hardy low lights.

I'm also giving some half doses of Melafix to help his tail heal the tear, though it seems to have healed a fair amount already with no infection signs.

Anyway just a post to make sure my new tanks keeping in a good direction!

Here are some photos

Post InfoPosted 25-Jun-2007 07:43Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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Well its hard to say where you are at in the cycle process.

How long have you been testing the water? How often are you changing the water?
Have you seen any nitrates or nitrites since you set the tank up?

Other than that the tank looks good. The new plants will look great and I would remove the fake ones once you have a good amount of real plants. As far as the tear is concerned I beleive the melafix will prevent anyinfection and the fish will heal itself. I had a gold barb that was attacked and lost a fin and some scaled by its dorsal fin. In clean water and a few days the scales had grown back and the fin was grown back in a few weeks.

But so far things are going okay.

Thanks for your input as always, Shane - [ Thanks to ScottF ]
Post InfoPosted 25-Jun-2007 08:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Is that Anubias in the substrate or is it tied above the substrate to DW? Also is the Java fern tied to DW?
Seeing it is only a small tank I would do 50% weekly water change once it has all settled down.
Those meds will work just make sure you do it every day and change the water weekly then do another treatment of the meds. The more live plants you get the better.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

Look here for my
Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 25-Jun-2007 08:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female australia
It's tested every 2 weeks.

Weekly Changes

And so far no Nitrites or Nitrates during the times it has been tested.

For now both these plants are in the substrate, Im hoping to buy an Anubias Or Java attached to driftwood next week and possibly some more plants too. Going to see how well the ones I've got now will go before adding extra =)

And yes, about day 3 and the only tear left was the biggest one that's closed a fair way, quite amazing actually 0_0

Post InfoPosted 25-Jun-2007 10:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Your tank looks great, nice pics...

You might think about testing daily for awhile... The tank could be cycled but with water changes, you might actually be introducing ammonia from your water source? If you're only testing every couple weeks, you might be missing the nitrites altogether.

beautiful Betta!
Post InfoPosted 25-Jun-2007 13:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female australia
I haven't gotten a master kit test yet

I'm planning on ordering one online so I'll see how that goes ^^

My LFS is where I'm getting the tests for now, they said the ammonia will most likely break down and cause a spike which should be fine with water changes continued as per usual. Plus I have some sort of cycle bacteria for my water changes now to help out.
Post InfoPosted 25-Jun-2007 14:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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With a small tank adding the cycle product will keep the your levels in check. So you should be fine. You should how ever get the complete testing kit NOW, this is the time you need it the most. Also if your going to put live plants in the tank, than you should also put two oto cats in it as well, they will control the green algae and clean up any extra food. I'm not sure what you can do about the snails you WILL get in the tank, maybe someone here could suggest a very small snail eating fish. 7 gals is not that big but you will need these extra fish in the tank, to make it more enjoyable to watch and less work.

"So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish" Douglas Adams
Post InfoPosted 25-Jun-2007 15:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Oh, I meant to suggest that you buy a liquid test kit, they are much more accurate than the strips.
Post InfoPosted 25-Jun-2007 16:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female australia
How will I get snails!?!?

The place I got them from doesn't have any in with the plants <_<

On the otto side two of them was what I planned ^^
Post InfoPosted 25-Jun-2007 16:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
Nice tank. Your Betta is identicle to mine. Whats his name?
Post InfoPosted 25-Jun-2007 19:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
Nevermind, I see his name is Dante. Cool name. I just call mine Flame as he looks like one. I know.. Boring but whatever. LOL
Post InfoPosted 25-Jun-2007 19:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hi CrimsonaX , Glad to hear Dante is on the up and his fins are repairing .
Tank looks fantastic by the way

Post InfoPosted 26-Jun-2007 12:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Rough but Honest [img]htt
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male usa
Tank and fishie look great. Don't worry about the snails. I know you have a fear for them. We (FP Members) will get you trough it. Snails are part of a good ecosystem in tanks they can be fun to watch. However, they can get out of control and which case you will have to take action where it be an all natural action or a chemical action. I stay away from a Had-A-Snail product because in adds copper to you tank and they you have to absorb that with charcoal. I don't know a lot of about betas so someone here might know if they eat snails and there eggs. If so the beta will take care of the problem for you and you will love him more. If not you will need to get another fish that does. There is a small sized loach that does this but for the life of me I can remember its name or find the site I know I saved about them. Once again we will rely on the collected minds of FP

"So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish" Douglas Adams
Post InfoPosted 26-Jun-2007 16:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 30-May-2007
female australia
Dante has his fins well repaired now, although they've grown some nice edges, looks like the points at the end of a crowntails fins although not that extreme, so he's a pretty red betta for me ^^

My LFS has told me 2-3 panda loaches? (catfish) should be right in my tank, as well as this other variety I forget the name of... it grows to be 5cms and comes in a greyish or albino coloring... Anyway

No problems with the tank lately, my few day old plants are looking swell, and I got my DW attached Anubias to join them soon.
Post InfoPosted 27-Jun-2007 08:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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male usa
Hey Crim, glad to hear the Betta's better
Post InfoPosted 27-Jun-2007 23:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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