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SubscribeMy 10 gallon, problems and confusions.
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Registered: 07-Jul-2006
Hello all, thanks for the help.

My 10 gallon- 2.3 inch molly*,.5 inch fry of molly*, 4 ottos, black skirt tetra*,threadfin rainbowfish*. and citizen snips ( a blue asian shrimp 3 inches )

plants-2 anacharis, way to much java moss -.-, bamboo, and anubias nano.

I would like a setup that has livebearers, espeically platys, keep ottos, and keep citizen snips.Fish with "*" i will give away.So what should i do? Keep ottos,get sum platys get rid of everythig else?(besides snips).

Also, is there any problem with keeping the shells of dead snails? My otto eats inside of it.I have flourecent light,HOB filter, no heater at the moment.
I feed 3 main things to my tank, tetra flakes,bloodworms, hikari sinking wafers..and ice cream .

Thank you.
Post InfoPosted 25-Aug-2006 06:58Profile PM Edit Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
If you are going to use a 10g for live bearers it will be well passed the safety limit very quickly.
I would not keep any dead snail shells at all when they start to break down it could start to change the water peramiters. Also as soon as the snail dies it will start to polute the water.
Remember with a small tank there is very little room for any problems that do/will hapen.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

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Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 25-Aug-2006 08:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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female australia
Wouldn't citizen snips be happiest floatin' solo in a tank that size.

I am not versed in invertebrate tanks. However, I think one can get into hot water trying to do too much with any tank, stockwise that is.

Irrespective of set up all aquarists big challenge is sorting one's fave de jour. Then give it the best environ possible. Which means not diversifying to include everything you love in the one tank (unfortunately)

If you see other must haves at the lfs then decide if you can accommodate more set ups in terms of:
time to maintain

Eating dead snail? Not too cool. When it is fresh meat maybe but after a while it will be fouling the water (and don't dead snails just stink... ever picked one up in an ungloved hand...never again says Wish-ga). If your friends like to shelter in the unused shell I am sure you can find something similar (or take it out and clean it well).... if they like to peck at foods then you can anchor some fresh foods to a rock for them. Interesting to watch too.

Good luck with it all Cap'n

~~~ My fish blow kisses at me all day long ~~~
Post InfoPosted 28-Aug-2006 05:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
citizen snips might eat a platty

Post InfoPosted 28-Aug-2006 20:21Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
i think i saw those shrimps today, looks like banana shrimps. But anyway i wouldn't think they would eat an adult platy but fry maybe.

I would give away all of the * fish so you should be left with
4 ottos right?

what are you trying to do, breed? as i am sure u know you shouldn't breed any livebearers in a 10 gallon as it isn't enough room. now if you just like platies,

you should go something like this,
4 ottos,
5 adult male platies
your plants...and shells.
Post InfoPosted 28-Aug-2006 21:29Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Jul-2006
Thanks all.The guy at the pet store (who happens to be my best friend's uncle ^^) Told me citizen snips is fine, and i Think hes ok. Hes quite the lil..umm.."redecorator". I really want maybe just ottos,platys, and a guarami or another 2-3in centerpeice fish.any ideas? The ottos love the shell, but funny thing ius ive never seen the snails body again.
Post InfoPosted 28-Aug-2006 22:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Two Tanks
Big Fish
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female usa
If you are going to go with a gourami, make sure it is the dwarf variety.
You could have this set up:
One dwarf gourami
Four ottos
Four male platies
Citizen snips may be what is eating the snails, not the ottos (which are herbavores). I don't know much about your shrimp, but I believe they might require some salt in the water. This will be OK for the platies, but maybe not so good for the gourami and ottos (or the plants).
Post InfoPosted 02-Sep-2006 17:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
My advice is to stay away from gouramis, dwarf or otherwise in a 10 gal. tank. The water parameters are way too unstable and may spike at any moment, and they aren't the hardiest of fish. If fact, they are e to all sorts of maladies that can be brought on by poor water conditions.
Post InfoPosted 02-Sep-2006 20:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Jul-2006
Ermm.. Im getting different advice here. I like the 4 otto,4platy dwarf guarami tank.Would -1 platy work better? Citezen snips i got after the snail died. Could I put Snips with a beta? Male or Female? I might get a 5 gallon plastic kids tank. I am still unsure about plants also. My current funds are a amazing..17 bucks. I think that dwarf platys will have add a bright orange, ottos asw clean up, and guarami to be awsome!!! Will that work?
Post InfoPosted 04-Sep-2006 01:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Two Tanks
Big Fish
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female usa
EditedEdited by Two Tanks
The reason I suggested it, is because I have had similar combinations in the past.
I had this in a ten gallon, but recently moved them to my 29, after getting a new 20g long (did some rearranging here):
Ten gallon:
One dwarf gourami
three cherry barbs
one otto
I have also, had this combination:
One dwarf gourami
four head and tail lights
one otto
It really depends on where you get your gourami. I always went with the one that was most active. My first one died only because he got stuck in an artificial shell decoration, and could not get out. I really enjoy, the little guy I have now - sort of rules the roost in my 29 gallon, but is really sweet and peaceful for the most part.
Current 29 gallon:
One dwarf gourami
six head and tail lights
three cherry barbs
six corys
three ottos
It is really a matter of what you want, so long as the fish are compatable, the tank is not overstocked, and approperate for the size tank you have (small fish for small tanks).
Post InfoPosted 05-Sep-2006 05:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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