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SubscribeStocking levels advice please!
Small Fry
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Registered: 14-Mar-2006
5 White Cloud Minnows
5 Zebra Danios
3 Clown Loach
2 Blue Dwarf Gourami
1 or 2 pair Red Honey Gourami
1 Bristlenose
10 Cardinal Tetra

Is this too much for a Juwel Rio 180 tank?

Tank has just finished a fishless cycle after 14 days.

Have been advised to add most of desired fish as soon as possible, to prevent bacteria die back and then mini cycles as fish are added.

Also, is there an alternative to Clown loach's as snail bashers?
Someone did suggest YoYo loach's but i am worried they may trouble the Gouramis?

Post InfoPosted 18-Mar-2006 18:35Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 18-Jan-2006
female uk
A Jewel 180 (180 litres - right?) is 47.5 US gallons, therefore clown loaches get WAY too big. Yoyo loaches or Dwarf Chain loaches would be a better choice.

5 White Cloud Minnows
5 Zebra Danios
3 Clown Loach
2 Blue Dwarf Gourami
1 or 2 pair Red Honey Gourami
1 Bristlenose
10 Cardinal Tetra

I would also choose a Single, or a trio of gourami, and i think something larger would be better. How about a trio of pearls? I also don't know what other people think, but from what i know WCMM are cold water, so would do better in a Coldwater aquarium. Get rid of them and get a few more Dainos.

So you could have
6 Zebra Dainos
5 yoyo/8 Dwarf Chain loaches
3 Pearl Gourami
1 BN
10 Cardinal Tetras
Post InfoPosted 18-Mar-2006 20:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male malta
I would go with this setup:-

8 Zebra Danios
3 Yoyo Loachs
2 (pair) Blue Dwarf Gourami
2 (pair) Red Honey Gourami
1 Bristlenose
10 Cardinal Tetras

add the fish slowly & make sure that the water parameters are fine for them.
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 18-Mar-2006 22:19Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Certainly the Clown loaches will get too big. I would tackle it differently. Add only the Zebra Danios for at least three weeks, making sure the tank is ready for all those fish (which you will have to rethink as too overstock)
Then get your water fully tested at your LFS before buying any more fish. If you have been advised to buy all fish at once from a LFS go some where else. By adding all those fish (which are too many any way) will cause a massive sudden cycle. Go to a LFS where you can good advice not somewhere where all they want to do is sell you more fish as you certainly will many if you follow the instructions you were given.
Do you have any live leafy plants if not get some before you add the remaining fish.
If you have a snail problem add one small CL and return it when it has done its job they are very slow growers and would not hurt you tank for some time.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

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Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2006 02:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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I also like the idea of a large gourami trio over the small gouramis

Are the danios a species you want to keep or are they just for cycling?

Instead of the clowns, yo-yos or queens would fit nicely...or a good-sized group of kuhlis

So maybe a trio of larger gouramis, a big school of cardinals or the cardinals and danios, loaches, and the BN.

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2006 06:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 14-Mar-2006
Thanks for the replies.

The tank is cycled. It was done by a fishless cycle, based on advice and guidance from a guy who has cycled 70+ tanks in this way, and his advice is that the idea is to more or less add all the fish you want to keep (within stocking limits for your tank) as soon as possible, otherwise the bacteria that has grown will die back to support however many fish you do add intially, and the tank will mini cycle every time you then add subsequent fish.

I have more or less been persuaded away from the clown loach's, and also advised against the Yoyo's because they will harass the Gouramis.
Looking at some Lochata's as a replacement.

Water stats are currently: Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, GH 10, KH 4, pH 7.4. I am having an issue with Nitrate at the moment, which tends to spike after a fishless cycle, currently after a 60% water change it is reading 20.
I am probably going to do 25% daily changes in an attempt to stabilise this as it seems to climb back to 80 overnight, before i add any fish.

And i saw today some Leopard Danio's that may well go in instead of the Zebra's!

Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2006 20:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 18-Jan-2006
female uk
You dont have to add all the fish at once. In fact, most people advise AGAINST that, and suggest adding gradually. I would only add one group of fish at a time.

I agree on Pearls over Zebras, but get 6+

Have you decided one your stock?
Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2006 22:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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female usa
The danios may nip the gourmis if you have too many in there.

Post InfoPosted 20-Mar-2006 05:32Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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