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Small Fry
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Registered: 25-Nov-2007
hi im jack
im just wondering which fish you would recomend for starting a comunity
Post InfoPosted 25-Nov-2007 22:06Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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male usa
Hi there! Welcome to Fish Profiles!

We need to know a few things before we can suggest anything to you. Heres a list:

  • What size tank do you have?

  • What type of fish do you want?

  • What filter do you have? (GPH & type)

  • Do you want plants?

Please answer these questions and then we can respond! Congrats on enetering the world of fishkeeping!

PS: Do you know about the initial start up cycle? You should think about doing the fishless cycle for about a few weeks. I suggest you use the ammonia and Bacteria Starters, such as Cycle, Nitravec, Stability, or Biospira. After this cycle, then the fish could be added. If you want more info on how this works, just please ask!

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Post InfoPosted 26-Nov-2007 00:20Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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female canada
Also, do you have any idea what the local water's pH and hardness levels are? And will this be a heated or room-temp tank?

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Post InfoPosted 26-Nov-2007 00:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 25-Nov-2007
i have got a 60 cm tank
which is 60 litres
and i would like to have tropical freshwater fish
that need slightly acidic, soft water
Post InfoPosted 26-Nov-2007 19:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female canada
EditedEdited by Twilight
So, you're looking at small fish, but you have many options with your water parameters.

Of the smaller characins (largely tetras), you could have a small school of Black Phantoms, Flames, Callistus/Jewels, Black (Skirt) tetras, Penguin fish, Glowlight tetras, Bloodfins, Fireheads, Ornate tetras, Rummynoses, Serpaes, Cardinals, Pristellas, etc.

Of the smaller cyprinidae, you could have a small school of Harlequins, Dwarf Rasboras, Cherry barbs, Chequered barbs, etc.

Of the labyrinth fish, a pair of dwarf gouramies or a single male betta would make a lovely 'feature'.

A small group of corydoras would also work, such as Leopard, Bronze, Panda, or Dwarf/Pygmy cories.

Now, which fish you put with which will largely be based on your feature choice. There are certainly more than I've listed, including smaller cichlids and rainbow fish that I know almost nothing about, so I'll leave that to others. Have a look through the profiles, as you have lots of options. I hope my list has helped a bit.

What appeals to you?

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Post InfoPosted 26-Nov-2007 22:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 03-Feb-2007
male usa
Kuhli Loaches would be great for that tank then! They are interesting and active little Fish! Perfect for your tank too!

And for schoolers, if you want some, would be Most tetras, and finnaly, you could have a nice Dwarf Gourami, or a Blue, Gold, Or Opaline Gourami.

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Post InfoPosted 27-Nov-2007 00:42Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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male usa us-california
if you want an nice and easy set up here is a good way to go:

1-male betta
or 3-female bettas
6-tetras (someting you find for a reasonable price that you find lavashing, but stay away from neon tetras!)
4-panda corries
1-apple/mystery snail

this is based upon my prior knowledge of 4 litres per gallon so your tank is about 15 gallons...

this will be a littl eunderstocked and also these are fairly easy species to care for... the corries can be ticky for a beginner so if you want something very easy up your tetra school and add another apple/mystery snail. this will keep your tank very clean!

\\\\\\\"an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure\\\\\\\"
Post InfoPosted 27-Nov-2007 09:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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male usa
The cory numbers seem a bit low, considering they really need 6 and up to be truly comfortable. Neons are ok too, but you just have to watch out and QT for a threat of NTD. Cardinals are also nicer than neons, and have less chance of NTD. But if you are keeping male fighterfish, tetras are a bit nippy and may like the taste of your bettas tail.

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Post InfoPosted 01-Dec-2007 22:13Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 15-Oct-2007
female canada
Dwarf or Harlequin Rasboras would be good. I have never had a problem with Glowlight Tetras and Bettas, but I may have just been lucky.

I vote! Do you?
Post InfoPosted 03-Dec-2007 00:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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