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New Neon Tank
I am thinking about changing my 10g Community tank w/ Bio-Wheel to a planted tank. I am very excited but idk what to do. Okay so I want to breed my Ne...
Garofoli524-May-2006 04:17
Info On Fishless Cycleing?
I cant seem to get the searches to work...not the profiles, or the articles (actualy, thats not a search, it just says there are no articles), or the...
Nyteflame624-May-2006 02:10
Stripping Tank
ive decided to strip my 20g tank currently housing 6 cories 1 tetra and 1 bn. The tank has been plagues by 'leech' type critters whch at first were gr...
carpe_diem1522-May-2006 04:39
Tetras and lighting
I just got 4 bloodfin tetras yesterday and I kept the light off for the day and this am I thought I would put it on but I noticed they seemed to be hi...
Shauna372321-May-2006 19:12
Old Reptile Tank Okay For Fish?
I have been thinking about setting up a hospital/quarantine tank. I have a 20 gallon long out in my shed, but it housed our snake when she was small....
sunspotkat521-May-2006 04:19
New tank
got myself a 24g (29g us) tank would like to know how long i need to cycle it and what's the best way to.had my fish for about 6 months and don't want...
martinh619-May-2006 20:35
Setting up new 30 gal tank for Frys
This is what I have now: 10 Gal Tank; 19 Boesemani Rainbowfish (Fry); Bare bottom; Tetra Whisper 20I Internal Filter; RENA Air Pump 200;Lustar Hydro-S...
entkitty519-May-2006 17:54
Too Much???
Is this too much for a 48G long? 1 Dwarf Gourami 8 Harqulin Rasboras(or small Tetra) 2 Keyholes 2 Rams 6 corys If its too much should I get another p...
xlinkinparkx319-May-2006 15:41
Cleaning Aqua One Canister Filter
I have an aqua one 1000L canister filter on a 55 gallon tank with 1 medium oscar. The filter mediums are bio balls, ceramic noodles and a bio chem fi...
roads to riches419-May-2006 11:25
Buying Tank Setup
I am buying a tank setup from a friend. This will cost $140 for a 30g tank, several fish, a heater, filters, decorations, gravel. The Fish are 3 silve...
Garofoli918-May-2006 04:34
Completely New With Fish!!!!
I have never had fish before. We just moved into a new place with a beautiful pond area, and I would love to get some fish! the pump no longer works,...
superchick601316-May-2006 18:15
Clawfoot bathtub.....
Well, i have an old clawfoot bathtub that i scaveneged off a council pickup pile some years ago, & ever since it's been sitting in the yard growing we...
~ Sin ~816-May-2006 16:06
Yay New 48Gallon!!!!!!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!?!?!!? I got a 48gallon!!!!!! Hi guys, I just finished setting up my new aquarium, real...
xlinkinparkx1114-May-2006 17:09
Should I take out the goldfish????
Hi everyone, I'm new to this, I have a 20 g tank and have finished the cycle process, and I would like to start wtih some blood fin tetra. My questi...
Shauna372213-May-2006 23:50
Cycling Process
Hello everyone! Was just wondering a few suggestions.. I have a new aquarium (about 1 1/2 weeks old) with 3 tetras in it.. lemon tetra, and 2 cardinal...
reneeandpauly1612-May-2006 15:10
Smoking???? Will It Hurt My Fish??????
me and my wife are both very heavy smokers and we do smoke in the house will this bother my fish??????...
gwantsfish411-May-2006 15:29
How do you change the filter materials?
Just wondering.. I have a decent sized filter with 2 things.. a blue pad and then a white scrubby pad that go side by side.. what care do I need to do...
reneeandpauly1211-May-2006 12:46
help with picking fish for new 10 gallon!! Please??!!
i was thinking a few different combinations... You help me with the number of fish or add new suggestions....thanks Malaysian themed: pearl or blue g...
ameloy331111-May-2006 02:13
How Do U Do A Water Change
Pages: 1, 2
NinjaSeal2210-May-2006 16:21
Help With Stocking 10 Gallon Aquarium
Hi, Im new. I was wondering if 6-7 Harlequin Rasboras a Coolie Loach, and/or a siamese flying fox were too much fish for a 10 gallon. Any other sugge...
ameloy331010-May-2006 05:18
Suggestions for fish my new 20 g tank
I've just bought my first tank (20G) and I'm in the cycling process right now. I would like to eventually have 8-10 fish and I plan to only introduce...
Shauna372310-May-2006 03:13
New 29g freshwater, any ideas?
So I did freshwater a couple of years ago, got bored and converted to salt, and now I'm heading back. I'm setting up a 29g freshwater and originally...
caveman710-May-2006 02:45
Fishlees Cycling a 20gal
I was just wondering how to cycle an (20gal)aqurium(freshwater) with out using fish? Thanyou...
xlinkinparkx408-May-2006 05:32
Cycle 20G tank
I plan to set up a 20g tank and thought I would take some of the filter media from my 43G, to help it along. On 01.05.06 I already took 50% of the m...
TW107-May-2006 14:50
New 130 Gal. Tank What Should I Use????
i am wanting to start my first aquarium with a 130 gal. tank because i have heard that a bigger tank is a good way to start because of maintinace. i n...
gwantsfish205-May-2006 22:26
29 Gallon Stocking Help
Hi! Will the following stocking plan work for a 29 gallon moderately planted? -1 angelfish -10 flame tetras -10 harlequin rasboras -4 bronze cories...
egtrixie403-May-2006 17:06
First Tank Stocklist
Hey guys, I'm just got a 33 gallon tank. I have a filter and a heater lined up, I've read about cycling the tank, and now I'm trying to plan out what...
gc1303-May-2006 14:44
Algae and pH Swings?
My new 20G Long tank was nearing the end of it's "fishless" cycle last week. At that time the water test results were as follows: pH 8.0 Ammonia 0...
Aqua Newbie n MS303-May-2006 14:12
Saltwater Tank Converted Into Freshwater?
I have found someone who has a 55g tank for sale. The problem is that it was used as a saltwater tank before. This may be a silly question...but is it...
GirlieGirl8519303-May-2006 04:56
30g Brackish Water Tank...couple of questions
I'm starting another 30g tank, but this time i am going to give brackish water a shot. The water (with water conditioners) has been running for a wee...
Yemo Soto002-May-2006 02:58
Dwarf Puffer Tank
I have just started to set up my second tank, it's a 15G single 18W bulb job and is presently cycling. I am undecided what to stock in it as although...
PurestDJ1128-Apr-2006 21:52
A few questions about my 10G
Hi All! It's great to see this site!! I've asked ppl at the pet stores and they know nadda. I've checked at least 6 sources and have gotten literal...
GirlLovesHerFish527-Apr-2006 00:27
Cleaning a tank that has been in storage? (vinegar?)
Hey guys, Im back after a fishy absence of a year or so. My girlfriend and i are setting up a tank at her house. Have all the equipment in the know...
Luke8186225-Apr-2006 17:05
20 Gallon Long Setup/Stocking Help
Hello! I currently have an empty 20 gallon long aquarium that was previously used for a turtle. I want to convert it into a fish aquarium, so I need...
egtrixie1122-Apr-2006 16:59
Small Tank Filter
Does anyone have any recommendations for a good filter for a small 2.5 Gallon tank? I have a tank sitting around that I would like to put something i...
slickrb322-Apr-2006 04:49
What's the proper size tank?
Ok So I have this Bala shark. I didn't know how big it would get when I bought it ( pet store people will pretty much sell you anything ). I a...
sunspotkat121-Apr-2006 22:33
Turning My Pool Into A Big Fishtank
well since noone swims in it and it is also heated im gunna convert it into a fish tank =)...
NinjaSeal1020-Apr-2006 22:36
16 Gallon Bow Front...
I want a predatory fish for a 16 gallon bow front... I was thnking dwarf pike cichlids, what do you think? What about any other type of fish?...
topoftheline520-Apr-2006 21:02
Good Set Up For A 33-40 Gallon Tank
i'm getting a 40 gallon tank for free from a family friend that had bad luck with aqariums. it comes with the lid and undergravel filter which i won't...
rocker23320-Apr-2006 16:05
Fish and reptiles
I'm starting an 150g aquarium. I was going to have a Tang Cichlid aquarium, but have switched my mind. I'm going to have fire bellied newts. I'm going...
nickman713620-Apr-2006 04:00
15 Gallon
i have a 15 gallon tank is it ok for me to get some barbs? if so how many? wat other kind of fish should i get ?...
NinjaSeal1219-Apr-2006 16:26
Ripped Off?
I recently bought a 10 gallon tank for $80, Was that the biggest rip off ever? I dont have a clue, could someone tell me how much tanks cost like up t...
Garofoli1819-Apr-2006 07:25
New 20G Cycling
My new 20 Gallon Long has been in a fishless cycle for about a month. Apart from a problem with a rusty piece of plant wire (which has been removed a...
Aqua Newbie n MS519-Apr-2006 02:06
Question about cycling my new 55
Hi. Great site! I've been poking around for a while now and have finally found the courage to show myself. I have a new 55gal that I'm getting...
sunspotkat517-Apr-2006 21:33
Hello and some questions
Pages: 1, 2
Hi there! My name is Wayne and I have recently set up a freshwater tropical aquarium. My tank is a 65litre (about 17 US gallons) which has been goi...
wayne_rowley2116-Apr-2006 15:20
Good Filter For A 10 Gallon?
whats a good filter for a 10 gallon tank? i really have no clue=P, i've seen many but the prices vary from 15$-30$. i don't rlly know which one to tru...
rocker231215-Apr-2006 03:05
Fish Suggestions?
Hey everyone, Just a quick question for you all. I have a 10 gallon tank that I've had running since October (with a fair bit of success now that I'm...
FallingForNova813-Apr-2006 20:44
10 Gallon For My Girlfriend
This summer, I'm getting my girlfriend a 10 gallon. We're thinking about 1 male betta, 4 ember tetras, and 3 pygmy cories. Does this sound like a go...
eogle1811-Apr-2006 07:57
Ok I need something unusual for a 12 gallon setup...
I won an Eqlipse 12 and I am at a complete loss what to put into it. I have a thriving 15 gallon plant/shrimp tank and want something unusual to go in...
MuscaDomestica1111-Apr-2006 06:59
Cycling a 5 gallon vs 30 gallon
Using a fishless cycle how long would it take to cycle a 5 gallon and how long for a 30 gallon FW....
JTF911-Apr-2006 05:40
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