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Stocking Desktop 5.5 Gallon
I have a fully cycled 5.5 gallon that needs to be stocked.. Some Details: 90 gph filter Excellent Aeration(sp?) Fully Cycled Fluorescent Lighting An...
tetraguy3906-Apr-2006 00:01
Upgrading to Larger Tank. Suggestions?
Hi! It's time to upgrade from my 20 gal and 10 gal tanks to one tank between 55-70 gal. I plan to use the 20 gal to help begin cycling the new tank....
KariLyn23305-Apr-2006 18:36
Setting up 125 gal tank.
Hi .. Nice to meet all. I am setting up a 125 gal. fish tank but this is not my first time. I had it set up before when I lived in tx but now I l...
genie204-Apr-2006 18:15
2 Foot Needs Filling
I got a new foot tank that I sold the contents of yesterday. The dimensions are 2'x1'x1' LWH. My original plan was to do a paludarium but now I'm no...
milkyboy802-Apr-2006 12:36
Planning a new 30 g planted tank...
Hi everybody! I'm new around here, and looking for advice... I'm not a complete beginner as far as aquarium fish are concerned and have had several d...
Jeff in Chicago901-Apr-2006 08:20
Help Needed Plzzzzzzzz
HI I have just bought some Cichlids and put them in my tank but the guy at the pet shop says they need coral not gravel, I had already got gravel i...
mistresspandora331-Mar-2006 17:52
Stocking a 20G tall
I have an established 20 gallon tall tank with an angelfish that is 3 1/2 inches tall and 3 inches long including fins. I was thinking of adding some...
MoFish928-Mar-2006 01:21
New Tank; Suggestions?
You all are probably tired of hypothetical tank questions but i need some advice about my first tank. I am getting a free 10gal from a freind and i am...
afromage50001726-Mar-2006 07:48
Setting Up A 55Gal
Ok this is my current stocking list: 1 GT 1 common pleco 1 bichir 6 giant danios for dither fish any problems with this? also for filtration I was...
Ethan14622-Mar-2006 00:04
Stocking 43.5G Tank
Pages: 1, 2, 3
Hello My tanks have both cycled. Yeah !!! Strange, the 20G tank had a 2 week head start on 43.5G – but they both reached the end of thei...
TW4121-Mar-2006 23:50
Canister Cleanings?
Ok, just thought about this, but I was wondering how often those who have canister filters clean them up or change the filter media?...
monkeyboy1220-Mar-2006 13:31
Stocking levels advice please!
5 White Cloud Minnows 5 Zebra Danios 3 Clown Loach 2 Blue Dwarf Gourami 1 or 2 pair Red Honey Gourami 1 Bristlenose 10 Cardinal Tetra Is thi...
Padfoot720-Mar-2006 05:32
this isnt a very big topic but just for anyone new setting up a tank make sure you have bought water treatment other handy things to have are : 1. pla...
craig_w319-Mar-2006 15:02
New tank soon...
Hey! I have now managed to get my wife to agree to get a bigger tank..(maybe it helped to get my children crying for it ) I will get the 600L/159USG...
Rob16191617-Mar-2006 18:21
20G Long Stocking Recs?
I have a new 20G Long (30x12x12) that I am planning on making primarily a livebearer tank. So far, I only have a pair of Red Swordtails (1 male, 1 fe...
Aqua Newbie n MS1614-Mar-2006 20:43
Newbie's 15gal...
Pages: 1, 2, 3
I have a 15gal that is cycled, and has had 2 male platies in there for 2 weeks. I have a few other posts about particular areas, but i am still confu...
BlackNeonFerret4712-Mar-2006 18:32
how many fish can i keep in a 170 litre tank,40cm/20cm/16cm many thanks sorry and what size pump would i need tank im viewing tommorow doesn,t hav...
toonmick1311-Mar-2006 10:07
55g - ReStocking Advice Please
Hi all, I haven't been here in quite awhile, but I'm back for some advice.... I have a 55 gal that was nicely stocked up until a little over a month...
jazz1009-Mar-2006 19:20
Advice On Tank Instability
I have just set up my first tropical aquarium, and and upon filling it have noticed that the water level is slightly off - there is about a centimeter...
jimbo8282907-Mar-2006 06:35
i have just bought a 215ltr tank withpower head and sponge filters across thetop with spray bar im putting tropical community fish in will i still nee...
toonmick407-Mar-2006 01:22
11 Day Cycle?
So I setup a new 20 gallon tank and on 2/21 I added 2 L. Ocellatus. I seeded the tank with a floss pad from an established tank, a biowheel from an es...
coffeeman806-Mar-2006 14:50
Automatic Fish Feeders
going on holliday for 2 weeks are automatic fish feeders any good ,any info appreciated thanks...
toonmick906-Mar-2006 14:46
Need Advice On Stocking
I currently have 6 serpae tetras in a 10 gallon. I was wondering if bronze corys would be compatible or if the tetras would pick on them. I know ser...
eogle605-Mar-2006 04:50
Who Thinks I Am Over Stocked
ok tank #1 a 10.5: its a rubbermaid cantainer that has 6 tiger barbs in there and thats it filter none at teh ?momet? <-- how u spell it? ne ways it h...
livebearerfreak704-Mar-2006 03:21
RTBS with clowns?
i'm resetting up my tanks, and am looking at many options for my 150, and was wondering if anybody has mixed clown loaches with red tail black sharks?...
monkeyboy403-Mar-2006 21:15
Is This Enough Filtration
is a fluval 404 and an emperor 400 be enough filtration on a future 125 gallon tank?...
blaze5115603-Mar-2006 06:34
I need help plz
I have just found a good spot to put an aquarium. I was wondering what size aquarium would do good its about 30"long, 19' wide and well any high would...
xlinkinparkx803-Mar-2006 05:22
Stocking ANOTHER 10 Gallon.
Seems everyone is stocking 10 gallons in here. I've got a planted 10 gallon that I plan to put 10 hastatus cories in and a baby bristlenose (which...
LoserName1303-Mar-2006 05:17
Beginner, 29 Gal Advice
Hey guys, i have been browsing for some time now and i'm looking to buy a regular 29 Gal Marineland Eclipse tank for my room. 30"L x 12"W x 18"H I...
FLEXJr1701-Mar-2006 00:47
2.5 Mini Bowl
Can I put a pair of guppies, i know about the babies, and maybe two ghost shrimp for clean up in a 2.5 filtered and heated?...
cherrybarb527-Feb-2006 16:57
Seeding multiply ways
I am thinking of setting up a multi tank in a 10 gallon. My plan is to add a small amount of sand from my other tank, filter pad from my other tank an...
bcwcat22826-Feb-2006 08:53
Stocking 10G
im thinking of getting a 10g, and im just wondering if this is a good stock- -2 cherry barbs (cycling) -2 golden wonder killies (until the get too bi...
zachf92525-Feb-2006 20:52
I really LOVE my best friends fish, and am thinking of getting some myself (when my hamster pops his clogs)! I have apsolutely NO experience in fi...
Aoo20051724-Feb-2006 04:07
Uh, frogs???
Hello I popped in here a couple months ago, wondering about starting a fish tank around Easter. Well the more we talked about it, the more we reali...
homeschoolmama1222-Feb-2006 16:28
Snails In A Different Spot
ok heres a different one for ya. and yes it is a tank, just a different kind. but the other day i was cleaning out my tanks, well i seen about 6 shel...
monkeyboy621-Feb-2006 16:35
Power Outage - will it effect Cycle
Hello I have 2 tanks that have not yet finished their cycle. At last water test, both tanks showed 0 for ammonia, but were still showing nitrite....
TW821-Feb-2006 07:20
Suggestions anyone?
well, I currently have a 29 gallon. I will soon be moving out of my apartment and into a house. I will have to mostly tear down the tank and what not,...
reun518-Feb-2006 13:57
Stocking Ideas for 5.8G tank
Hello I know this is a smallish tank, but I'm wondering what peaceful community fish could go in a tank this size. Wondering if anyone could...
TW1317-Feb-2006 03:03
46 Gal Bow Tank
I'm thinking of getting a 46 bow. Are there any problems associated with a bow front tank? Anything that I should take into consideration? I will b...
tetrasrcool916-Feb-2006 18:14
Fishless cycling/seeding new aquarium questions.
I have a 10 gallon aquarium that I have been fishless cycling since eary January. Inside of the tank I added several extra filter sponges with the h...
KoN_mkII1016-Feb-2006 03:43
Stocking for 20 gal.
Ok.. right now i have a 20 gal with various fish that I will be giving away soon. I know it's a little overstocked but i'm taking good care of them.....
mrsmonty1315-Feb-2006 05:17
29 Gals...
Pages: 1, 2
Me again! I thiink i've already got New Tank Syndrome, and i am considering getting a 29 gal for the living room. 1)What are the footprints? 2)How mu...
BlackNeonFerret3714-Feb-2006 12:15
How to clean out existing tank
Hi all! I have a 55G tank that was given to me from a friend. He housed a large cichlid in there (oscar) which unfortunately had hole in the head. He...
fishdc714-Feb-2006 06:20
No Compatible Species?
Am planning to keep Discus and was searching through the site for any compatible species to keep with. Found none. My LFS is suggesting Kissing Gouram...
bratnam814-Feb-2006 04:38
Starting a 2.5 minibow
I will be starting a 2.5 gallon minibow tank shortly. The tank will heated but not filtered and I am not sure of the wattage of the light but I wish t...
benny25414-Feb-2006 03:51
Good Deal?
Im looking at a 20 gal hex with stand, random filter, and heater. The price on it is $40- is it me or is this tank a steal? (seller says the tank has...
Sleepy512-Feb-2006 16:27
Second Tank Cycling Help
Hello! I've been away for sometime, but still active within the hobby... still has a hold on me! Hope everyone's doing great, and their fish too...
Fish On The Brains906-Feb-2006 21:28
First 5 gallon planted!!!
I have decided to try my hand at putting LIVE plants in an aquarium. This is the first time I will attempt to do so. I have decided to start off with...
thestooge503-Feb-2006 19:31
100 Gallon Tank
HI, I Purchased a 100 gallon tank at a yard sale (old lady going to a nursing home, sold it with stand/heater,filter, for $40. I have had it in my ba...
ams1110403-Feb-2006 07:25
Tank size & reconditioning, crowding
Just lost my entire post! Starting over: *s* I have an established tank (10) with about 15 fish: 1 adult male platy, 1 adult female platy, lots of fr...
platymom802-Feb-2006 04:44
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