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Subscribethe perfect ten gallon setup?
Big Fish
Posts: 332
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Registered: 04-Nov-2005
male usa
well, there has been alot of discussion on the boards lately from beginers wanting to set up ten gallon tanks. to help me better understand the problems people have been facing i am thinking that i am going to build a stand to house my un used 10 gallon underneath my 29 gallon tank.

the ten gallon will house a beta that is currently in a two gallon in the bathroom,and my south american bumblebee catfish will be moved from my 29 gallon (he hasnt been secure since i added the angelfish and school of lemon tetras, he doesnt come out during the day anymore, darts out from his cave quickly at night, then retreats).

so, i have the starts of a good tank setup, a ten gallon with a single bottom feeder that stays 2.5" and is peacefull, a rather agressive centerpiece fish.

now for the hard part that everyone disagrees on....filler fish. a small school that is easy and wont mess with the betas head. neon tetras in a small school or perhaps a couple cherry barbs if i go the planted route.

discuss please
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Oct-2005
female usa us-indiana
In the words of Rainman " Definitely, definitely, most definitely the Cardinals!" They are much more colorful than the cherry barbs. Plus I personally just love them much more than the barbs. That is of course just my opinion. I think that woudl look great in that tank especially if it is heavily planted!

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 08-Nov-2005
female canada
The bumblebee is going in to the 10g? Is that right? I think they get too big for 10g sized tanks. If not neons or cardinals there are harlequin rasboras, they are pretty, gentle, schooling and peaceful. Mine are doing great with their betta companion. They are also fairly hardy little fish, I have heard so many people have problems with neons being so sensitive and smaller tanks are harder to balance. Also, cycle the tank with the betta, take it slow, in smaller tanks ammonia peaks happen much more quickly than in bigger tanks. And please don't let the bag of schooling fish explode when you are introducing them. It's very traumatic to have lost a new fish to such a stupid mistake! And the small fish like harlies are very hard to find! So be very careful... don't let this happen to you!

"If you're afraid you'll make a mistake, you won't make anything."
-Family Circus
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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female australia us-maryland
If there are other tanks already set up and the tanks not needed in a rush then there's no need to cycle the tank at all! In this case the other fish are adequatly housed for the next few weeks, additionally the stand isnt even ready and set up yet so take the time now to start colonizing the filter and substrate. Add some extra substrate to your current set up, run the filter for the 10 on the 29. When it comes time to set up the tank move the filter over and you wont see much of any spiking if you see one at all :88).

Personally I wouldnt add "filler" fish to the 10. I'd go with plants and the fish you've already listed.

[hr width='40%']

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Posts: 332
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Registered: 04-Nov-2005
male usa
this is a south american bumblebee catfish not to be confused with the asian bumblebee cat. the bumblebee cat is HUGE!!! and even the Giant South American Bumblebee Catfish outgrows a 40 gallon if i remember right. my little south american bumblecat is full grown, actually slightly larger than the 2.3" he was supposed to grow to. havent been able to sex it yet, reclusive little fellow,lol.

anyway, i know the tank will be fine with just the beta and a small catfish, but i wanted a little more to the tank, hopefully something that will get along well with a semi agressive beta. the reason is the tank will be eye level with my 2 year old daughter(the stand i am building will encase the ten gal with the access to the tank locked so her little hands cant grab anything, my beta i have now is very friendly and will actually crawl into your hand!!! he also likes to sleep halfway out of water on a floating plant or on top of the submersed filter in the two gallon,lol). i want something besides just the beta for her to look at. she will watch my 29 gallon tank for hours, calling out which ones are "cordies","angolfoosh",and "tetris".

I have decided I will get a single cherry barb to go in the tank just to add a little bit more since the bumblecat most likely wont show himself much during the day.

the tank will be as close to a ten gallon as i can get, i have decided not to use my currect ten gallon and build a new stand, but to alter my current stand and leave the ten gallon as the sick tank. with minor alterations my current stand can accomidate a 5 or 7 gallon tank no problem, or a tall 10-12 gallon tank. i will see what tanks i can pick up/order and go from there

thanks all to the suggestions. watching how betas react to other fish in a smallish envoroment will give me an idea for when i help suggest tankmates for betas in ten gallons and such

Last edited by Reun at 05-Jan-2006 05:16
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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