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L# Freshwater Aquaria
 L# Invertebrates
  L# blue cray fish
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Subscribeblue cray fish
Fish Addict
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Registered: 04-Mar-2005
I want to get a blue cray fish they look so cool. I have a 5 gallon tank and a 29 gallon tank . The 5 gallon is empty but the 29 has 2 Angle fish, 2 Snake skin gourami I'm not willing to sacrefice any of thoes fish I might be able to get a 10 gallon tank. in the 5 gallon tank I could put his own rock cave and some plants. the ten would have a lot more in it 1 rock cave and some plants and 2 pieces of drift wood. I want to know if they could get it in the five or the ten.

thanks Riley
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:27Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 04-May-2005
female usa
I would put it in the 10. The 5 gal, just isn't wide enough for a full-grown cray and decorations. In a 10, there would be room for the cave (which will be appreciated) and maybe some plants (provided it doesn't dig them all up).

Hoping that there must be a word for everything I mean...
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:27Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 04-Mar-2005
can blue cray fish cycle the tank.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:27Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
The girl's got crabs!
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female australia au-newsouthwales
yes, but do not let the ammonia or nitrite peak too high.

For animals, the entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks. - Terry Pratchett

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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