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 Freshwater Aquaria
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Shrimp ID - Pic
I bought this shrimp as an Amano (Yamato). I don't know much about these guys, can anyone confirm that's what it is. Here's a pic: tetratec...
tetratech1814-Oct-2005 00:01
Shrimp mania
jsut ordered the following shrimp from 10 tiger algae eating shrimp- neocardinia spp. 10 malaysian Rainbow shrimp- Caridina spp. 10 Ru...
Megil TelZeke613-Oct-2005 16:01
"Freshwater" fidler crabs
Does anybody have any experience keeping these facinating little inverts? I've heard all kinds of conflicting information about them, but from what I...
illustrae211-Oct-2005 02:46
ehh, my dead ghost shrimp glows in dark....
i am just curious, why does it glow in dark?? i dont have black lights or anything. but the dead body at the bottom of the gravel glows, and it caugh...
greenfootball1310-Oct-2005 09:09
setup for breeding MTS
I've been having a lot of luck both with breeding MTS and selling them. I'm thinking about setting up a 1-2g tank just for breeding them and have some...
Theresa_M507-Oct-2005 22:04
Do Apple Snails hate light?
I just purchased a Gold Apple Snail for my 2 gallon Betta tank with the thought that it may help a bit with some of the Algae in the tank and that it...
Danioman506-Oct-2005 20:09
Glass Shrimp
I had about 10 or 12 of these guys in my 40 gal. long. Today I have notest one was dead and since then I have seen two of them that have turned orang...
Wingsdlc106-Oct-2005 02:31
How do you breed ghost shrimp?
i would like to breed ghost shrimp so i wont have to keep buying them. can it be done?...
Crazy_Coyote005-Oct-2005 07:45
Amano Shrimp
Anyone know if Amano shrimp are O.K. in new tank? Are they hardy enough to withstand cycling in a planted tank. I would like to add a few, but I sho...
tetratech1205-Oct-2005 02:23
can i keep 2 fidller crabs in a 2 gallon plastic tank???if not,how many ghost shrimps can i have in a either need a way to the surface or need a...
dish dude204-Oct-2005 15:55
red crabs
any info on red crabs max size,diet,min tank size,temp req friend gave me two he know nothing about them and nether do i any info will be helpfull...
deschazkody103-Oct-2005 03:24
what to feed a ghost shrimp
i want to get ghost shrimp and i dont know what they eat...
Crazy_Coyote203-Oct-2005 00:05
apple snails
has anyone got pics of green apple snails? also 1 of a yellow wouldn't hurt (for comparison)...
KittyKat1530-Sep-2005 18:47
What do apple snails eat?
See topic...
dispizeme627-Sep-2005 05:07
ghost shrimp
hello, are ghost shrimp best for cleanin up not eaten food or algea will they eat fry???which crab or shrimp is best must be cheap and small and get a...
dish dude626-Sep-2005 19:22
Snails on Algae?
Ok, I have a 5g betta tank that has insane algae. I'm afraid to add any ottos, because of my betta's agression, so I'm wonderind if snails will do. Wi...
fairynr825-Sep-2005 22:41
Glass Shrimp
Has anyone breed glass shimp??? If so, How?...
Wingsdlc223-Sep-2005 18:46
caught two crayfish!
I took my 5 and 7 year old kids back to where I grew up, Birds Hill Manitoba, and we walked down to the gravel pit pond (lake). The first submerged ro...
pizpot723-Sep-2005 09:17
2 gallon shrimp
can ghost shrimp go in a 2 gallon tnak by themselves, if so how many also coud I put anytihng else in with them...
importfan878520-Sep-2005 17:40
blue cray fish
I want to get a blue cray fish they look so cool. I have a 5 gallon tank and a 29 gallon tank . The 5 gallon is empty but the 29 has 2 Angle fish, 2...
riri1319-Sep-2005 07:08
Snail's on plants
I got plants and they had little black snails on them so I washed them off but I may have missed 1 will they harm plants??...
bcwcat221411-Sep-2005 06:03
Freshwater Crustaceans and inverts
Ive got a few armoured fan shrimp and a small colony of amanos, but I was wondering if anyone out there had experiences with freshwater crabs and othe...
longhairedgit611-Sep-2005 05:49
Anyone got information on freshwater shrimps?
I purchased a lovely specimen at my lfs the other day About 2 inches long - i have never seen one this big Is there a site where i can identify him...
davetherave206-Sep-2005 05:49
not laying eggs
my large mystery snail looks like it has eggs to lay but since i dont ahve any room at the top of my tank it has never laid them should i leave some r...
judz403-Sep-2005 21:56
Reg Crayfish turning BLUE!!! YES!! oh wait......
Do they normally turn blue after a while???? After the last two molts he's a new striking blue. Is this normall? Or am I lucky? Angel EEl...
angeleel603-Sep-2005 04:36
How much can one snail eat?
I redistributed the snails from my small "snail tank" to my other tanks so I could use that tank for something else. I put a golfball-sized apple snai...
Satinandtat401-Sep-2005 22:07
snail lifespan
what is the expected lifespan of a freshwater trumpet snail?...
hembo666101-Sep-2005 20:46
finally, my own shrimp tank :)
i finally have my shrimp tank today after removing my TBs and put them in a bigger tank... i got 5 red cherries, 3 blue and 2 other varieties in ther...
tankie529-Aug-2005 02:03
purple moon crab
For some reason I got my kids a purple moon crab. I've got him in 5 inches of water, with an island, and used a filter from another tank to start the...
pizpot625-Aug-2005 21:36
freshwater clams (mollusk)
I love a diverse aquarium. I would like to know if I can have freshwater clams but have not found ANY info on requirements and capatability. SO here i...
marsha_mush623-Aug-2005 20:13
blue cray fish
can a blue cray fish go in a 55 with a oscar and green terror lots of rocks and a couple holoed out logs....
riri1623-Aug-2005 00:51
has anyone heard of a chem called "had-a-snail" its meant to work great against getting rid of snails. The only thing is that i have two dwarf frogs t...
judz419-Aug-2005 02:34
As an early b-day present a friend gave me one of those Triops kits to keep in the dorms. This I find pretty cool since I've never had Triops and have...
Shinigami517-Aug-2005 22:36
could a ghost shrimp...
Would a ghost shrimp live comfortably in a 2 1/2 gallon with good filteration?...
bingy1315-Aug-2005 01:43
golden clams
according to the bid, i and buying 8 small golden clams, i plan to add some of them to my 55g parrot tank. how ever i think two of my parrots are bree...
bettachris414-Aug-2005 07:17
Need snail id please
I bought 2 of these last night and don't know what type they are (the store didn't either). I don't know if these will be beneficial in my tank or no...
angiewny512-Aug-2005 23:14
Snail question
I had two small apple snails in a 5 gallon tank. Both seemed to be thriving and were definitely well-fed. However, I discovered one of them in the pro...
Satinandtat212-Aug-2005 20:54
Louisiana Crawfish?
Anyone heard of this? The LFS nicknamed it the RED LOBSTER, LOL. Just wondered about it & it's needs....
angiewny012-Aug-2005 15:01
I got me some shrimpies :D
Pages: 1, 2, 3
Well, I just went out & bought some "glass shrimp" from "Pets R fun".. But I have some questions about them.. ~Are thay supposed to look slightly...
Hoa dude_dude4309-Aug-2005 12:59
i got apple snails!
one for the betta tank, and two for the molly tank (25G) they are happyily exploring at the moment. The lady i bought them from has not supplied any...
goldfishgeek1606-Aug-2005 19:59
Baiting Mystery Snail away from plants
Ive found that if I boil a leaf of lettuse for a few seconds then put it in the tank, my mystery snail eats all the lettuse and leaves my plants alone...
judz204-Aug-2005 22:09
Hello I just got a snail from the store but it is one that is concidered a pest... I want to know is one able to reproduce by itself? Sounds funny,...
angeleel628-Jul-2005 20:50
QT Ghost Shrimp
Im thinking of getting some ghost shrimp but there always sold as feeders. Would you need to qt them. Can they carry any dieseases....
greenmonkey51326-Jul-2005 18:57
I have an understocked 29 gallon tank it has 3 tetras, 1 rasbora, 6 molly fry, 2 adult mollys, and 2 cories. If i add ghost shrimp to this how many w...
esandbergger225-Jul-2005 18:22
Attn: AUS members! Snail eater4small tank
Hi, well i dont need a snail eater, i usually just drop a piece of lettuce to attract them then feed them to my oscars, but i've noticed alot of peo...
sumthin_fishy621-Jul-2005 09:05
Usefull inverts?
I have a 55g with a sand substrate and everybody told me that MTS would b the best thing for my tank to keep the sand loose. How many fricking snails...
highjinx517-Jul-2005 20:46
Woe is my snails...
I feel really terrible... I recently got a few beautifully colored mystery snails that I had planned to keep in my quarrantine tank to keep things cyc...
illustrae316-Jul-2005 20:19
Freshwater Clams?
How do you take care of these, and what are suggested tank mates and tank size for these?...
Fish Guy414-Jul-2005 05:12
Setting up Brackish Conditions for Nerite Snail Eggs
My Nerites have been laying eggs all over my tank, much to my dismay. DO they ever go away? Will I have to manually remove scrape them? I am thinki...
daviine112-Jul-2005 04:29
2 quick invert questions
i know nothing about inverts. i want to get some ghost shrimps and some FW clams. about the ghost shrimps, do they require water movement? and /fw...
bettachris312-Jul-2005 00:44
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