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 Freshwater Aquaria
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Hey all....I got some new plants for my ten gallon tank and lo and behold i have far three snails have showed up. I don't wanna squis...
esandbergger1111-Jul-2005 16:37
Inexperienced with Invertebrates
I've been kicking around the idea of getting an invertebrate of some kind for a tank, but have no experience with them. Seems as though each type has...
NFaustman708-Jul-2005 09:36
Are glass/ghost shrimp..
Hoa dude_dude1207-Jul-2005 04:36
long armed prawn
I was wondering if anyone has any information on Long armed prawns. I just purchased one for my tank, and was wanting more info about them....
joyousd506-Jul-2005 17:02
invert for 5g (20ltr)
I want to have some little inverts in my 5g, but I cant find shrimp anywere! & the only snails I remember seeing are the biig fat yellow ones (app...
Hoa dude_dude1606-Jul-2005 14:55
how do i tell the difference between snails???
My friend gave me a snail, but i dont know what kind it is, iv looked up some kind, it it looks alot like the apple snails, and the mystery snails. H...
victimizati0n405-Jul-2005 18:06
Mystery snails
Will a gold mystery snail breed with a brown mystery snail or another colour of mystery snail?????? and where can you get apple snails in australia...
Alex305-Jul-2005 03:46
ghost shrimp
i have like 7-8 ghost shrimp in with a male and female guppies in a ten gallon tank. bout every 2-4 a ghost srimp die im left with none now r u havin...
derek9305605-Jul-2005 03:23
Will clown loach eat small ramshorn snails ?
Hope you are all well ! Seem to have a prolific ramshorn snail on my hands.. So far I've been picking them out before they get big. Lotsa tiny ones....
DaMossMan604-Jul-2005 02:42
Procambarus hinei Dwarf Crayfish
I've recently become addicted to aquabid, and I'm a fan of crustaceons, so what happens when I see dwarf crayfish listed for sale? Impulse buy! Se...
illustrae703-Jul-2005 17:16
new lil' hermit crab
its cool he's got his own(gonna get more soon) tank and the gravel slopes from one side o the tank to the other and the water comes about half way up...
Darth Vader103-Jul-2005 08:17
shrimp and loaches?
I am looking for an algae eater for my tank and was wondering if 4" clown loaches would eat amano shrimp. Thanks....
chipz201-Jul-2005 06:06
Blue Lobster with Lemon Tetras
Would I encounter any problems with this? Right now I have 8 Lemon Tetras in a 20 gal high with a mystery snail and would like to add a Blue Lobster...
kmpaton330-Jun-2005 23:54
Shrimp Identification
I got a new shrimp today from my local fish store, and i'm trying to identify it. its body is about 6 cm long and its arms and claws would have to be...
raggamuffin329-Jun-2005 04:23
A snail just showed up in my tank... Very confused!
I noticed that a very, very tiny snail was creeping up the side of my 20g tank tonight when I got home... Where in the world could he have come from?...
neurotica1983428-Jun-2005 09:22
blue lobster
i have a blue lobster and i am having trouble finding info on them im told he will feed himself on left overs of my other fish! well im sorry but my o...
johnsfish1984324-Jun-2005 05:03
Gee mystery snails realy are mysterious
O.K its a fact that snails can't swim right? well when i got up this morning and turned the tank light on....wait before i get started i have some elo...
Darth Vader322-Jun-2005 05:46
shrimp compatability (again)
finally got my new tank up and running, would inverts be ok with platys, guppys and a L10 red whiptail? if so what would be recommended. thanks...
hembo666421-Jun-2005 03:21
invertabrates; the evelotion of animals
phylum coelenterata contains a range or lower animals that would most likely have been some of the earliest animals to have evolved from the kingdm p...
Darth Vader320-Jun-2005 03:37
Ramshorn Snail
So Ramshorn snail that I've had for like 1.5 years now will magically be floating in the tank. One minute, he's on the side of the glass,...
MestChic62318-Jun-2005 06:04
A CrayFish
My mom is getting a pond in my backyard and i was just wonderingif i can put 1-2 crayfish that i caught in the river(its pretty pouluted). The pond wi...
xlinkinparkx317-Jun-2005 02:56
Banana Shrimp. Info wanted pls.
Am thinking of getting this shrimp for my planted aquariums. Can't seem to find anything much on them online. I read in another thread they're also ca...
Sen215-Jun-2005 23:58
clams, are they alive???
well i just got my pack of clams, i ordered 6, and this guy sent me around 25] but when i opened the package, about 10 of them were dead (open) so i...
greenfootball315-Jun-2005 04:54
crayfish and snails
Will crayfish eat applesnails? I have 2 little 1" crayfish. Right now they are in the tank with the baby applesnails and mostly seem interested in p...
sham214-Jun-2005 05:32
Do the ghost shrimp have anything that would find them well chewy. ie tetras gourmies catfish or mystery snails?...
judz614-Jun-2005 04:39
MTS and ghost shrimp questions
MTS-can they tolerate salt, as in a brackish tank? Ghost shrimp-do they eat plants? Would there be any chance they could get ahold of and eat guppy o...
Theresa_M312-Jun-2005 08:34
Can someone please help me figure out what kind of snail I have?
Can someone tell me what kind of snail I have? It has a round shell, not pointy at all, and somewhat of white lines running up and down. They breed...
FISHLOVEME209-Jun-2005 08:37
Can a cray fish live with goldfish?
Exactly that. thanks in advance!...
123mjb1109-Jun-2005 03:06
talking of clams..........
i would really like some clams in my tank i live in the uk do you know of any sites in the uk that sell them?? as i fear that international shipping...
ILoVeOsCaRs408-Jun-2005 06:07
mystery solved..cherry red shrimp disappearing
i added cherry red shrimps (8) in my tank a month ago....and just after a few days...some of them disappeared..and i seldom see the shrimps roaming th...
tankie107-Jun-2005 17:56
can anyone suggest a suitable shrimp to keep with a male betta, 5 cherry barbs and 3 ottos in a 15g with sand substrate and artificial planting? i am...
hembo6661504-Jun-2005 00:48
Floating Snail! need advice
Shelldon's getting old now, I think - I've had him for maybe a year and a half. For about the past day or so, he's been floating at the top of the tan...
kitsoncoalesced703-Jun-2005 20:12
I am interested in something called limpets.. I have read about them but I havent gotten a good picture of them yet. if anyone has one Id appreciate...
switchbladeclownloach402-Jun-2005 19:53
anybody have them? how are these things in your tank? how many can go in a 29 gallon? do they move around? i am planning on buying 6 of them for my 2...
greenfootball302-Jun-2005 06:54
one apple snail gone..only the shell left:(
When i woke up this morning to see how the fish was doing i found 1 of my apple snail gone..i only found a empty shell ..the question is who did it?...
Rob1619331-May-2005 18:12
strange wild pond larva things... ID needed, can i feed them to my fish?
Outside we have a man made pond of sorts made from a plastic horse trough... today I noticed it was FILLED with these gross larva looking things and I...
devon7530-May-2005 00:54
Dominant Male Prawn
See the following links for some images: [link=]
Veneer027-May-2005 22:49
Injured Red Claw Crab HELP!
I very stupidly managed to injure my red clawed crab last night during a clean and water change. I didnt notice the crab hanging onto one of the plan...
ChrisParsons026-May-2005 09:27
freshwater clams and mussels?
anybody know where to get them? perhaps a website? i know arizona garden has them, but i think the shipping might be a little outrageous for a poor c...
greenfootball422-May-2005 07:37
Red Claw Cray WITH EGGS!
Callatya421-May-2005 10:49
My daughter brought home a black mystery snail last night and I do not know anything about these snails can anyone help me?????...
kidsmom820-May-2005 19:24
snails down the drain
so i was thinking about this last night while doing a water change, but do snails that get flushed down the drain make it to the sewers alive? i'm su...
moondog1219-May-2005 19:17
expecting baby shrimp
So I've got a few red cherry shrimp, and I believe one of them is holding a clutch of eggs under her tail. They've been there for about two weeks, and...
illustrae417-May-2005 23:23
invert bioload
can anyone tell me what sort of bioload shrimp and snails carry in comparison to fish, i am thinking or adding some inverts to some of my tanks. thank...
hembo666316-May-2005 23:42
I am a beginner with a problem. I have snails that are popping up out of nowhere. I'm guessing that they are mating but I still have no idea where t...
averagejoe_la416-May-2005 00:03
Calcium for snails.
I keep pufferfish, so I have a small tank for raising snails. They are constantly laying eggs and are multiplying very well. I am concerned about th...
pookiekiller12413-May-2005 22:04
What causes molting?
I was wondering is there any other factors to molting besides the animal getting bigger? I mean like weather, water changes so on anything really.....
angeleel911-May-2005 02:20
mixing red cherry shrimp with bolivian or german rams
as the topic suggest...can one do that...will the shrimp strong enuf to defend themselves??? thx...
tankie609-May-2005 23:23
Begginer To Inverts
Hi, I want to know if I could keep a ghost shrimp with a betta in a 2g tank with no filter,heater, or aeration....
cheech_n_chong509-May-2005 03:28
Snail Identification
Can anyone recommend a snail identification site please, I have one in my tank (probably more), it doesnt appear to be a malasian, Apple, or common Po...
leongreenway808-May-2005 05:35
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