I tried to sneak up on the female bn to get a few shots and when she saw me she gave me this look!
Looks pretty surprised thoesn't she!!
And some pics of the Royal.
I know human beings and fish can co-exist peacefully.
Ichthyophile Catfish/Oddball Fan Posts: 9962 Kudos: 2915 Registered: 22-Feb-2001
I see you have good taste in plecs. I have a similar combo, haha. Not to mention great shots. Panaque species of the nigrolineatus group are definitely some of my faves, they're just so unique in shape and look awesome.
The aquarist is one who must learn the ways of the biologist, the chemist, and the veterinarian.
I wish they grew faster as well, I want a magnificent specimen sooner! I bought the fish at about 5-6", and it hasn't grown very much at all in the last four or so years. Royal plecs and relatives are, sadly, some of the slowest growing fish in captivity. Some people guess that they grow maybe 1" a year, but I don't think my fish has even grown that much. I haven't really been keeping track to see if it has grown 1" each year, but it doesn't seem to have grown 4" since I bought it. I'd have to wager that my royal plec is about 10 years old, give or take a few years. Scientists in the field have found that P. nigrolineatus size is not a very good indication of age due to variation in growth rate, so that 1" per year growth rate isn't very accurate.
The aquarist is one who must learn the ways of the biologist, the chemist, and the veterinarian.
Posted 07-Mar-2008 20:13
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