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SubscribeBetta Pics
Posts: 16
Kudos: 5
Registered: 11-Apr-2006
female canada
EditedEdited by fallingfornova
Hey everyone,

The pictures didn't work... Dunno why they wouldn't show up. So, here's the link to my photo album. Take a peek if you want.


10 Gallon: Gold Danios 5 Gallon:Flik the Betta
33 Gallon: Platies, Guppies, Bolivian Rams, Honey Gourami's, and Spot the Spotted Climbing Perch
Post InfoPosted 01-Jul-2006 06:27Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
Posts: 633
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Registered: 27-Jun-2003
female usa
That white and red betta is gorgeous! Beautiful paradise fish as well!! Nice work....

72 gallon bowfront:Tanganyikan Lake set up
75 gallon: A. Baenschi trio,Cyanotilapia Afra Cobwe(4), copadichromis trewavase, protomelas sp. tangerine tiger(breeding pair)
Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2006 06:35Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
Posts: 697
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Registered: 03-Jul-2004
female usa
Whered your betta come from?

The best bettas Ive seen are usually from Thailand or Singapore.

I'll do graffiti,
If you sing to me in French.
Post InfoPosted 02-Jul-2006 19:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 16
Kudos: 5
Registered: 11-Apr-2006
female canada
Thanks you two!

The red and white is Flik, and I actually bought him because he was going a bit bezerk in his tiny cup. I was debating between him and another really gorgeous betta, but he was wiggling around and getting all excited, so of course, I had to bring him home! I really thought his colour was neat too - don't see many (or really any...) like that around here. At least in the petstores.

Yeah, my paradise was showing off for me that day. He just went around the tank flaring like that. He's in a new home now, but it sounds like he's doing very well.

Sorry, but I have no idea where Flik came from. Well, he came from a store called AquaGiant Ltd. It's here in Edmonton, Alberta. But I don't know where they get thier fish from. The other one, Ripley (dark one) came from SuperPet. I thought he was so neat looking... Until you go back and see about a dozen that look like him. Ah, well...

10 Gallon: Gold Danios 5 Gallon:Flik the Betta
33 Gallon: Platies, Guppies, Bolivian Rams, Honey Gourami's, and Spot the Spotted Climbing Perch
Post InfoPosted 03-Jul-2006 01:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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