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Big Fish
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Here are some new pics of my 55 and my Fry tank.


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Fry tank

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My Tanks at Photobucket
Post InfoPosted 14-Aug-2007 22:42Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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female usa
I love Jim's tanks!!!

The pottery that growls!
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2007 00:20Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
Da...Dum .. Da...Dum
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Registered: 16-May-2007
male australia
Jim , Great tanks Mate . Is that a log? you've got floating ?in the 55 .?
You've got some good looking plants in there .
Do you get good growth .? Do you have any Algae problems ?

Just interested in other peoples experiences .

Good looking tanks , well done .
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2007 11:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Member MTS Anonymous
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male usa
Yes it's a floating "log" Its a fake one designed to float for the fish to play in and around. Funny thing is its my Clown Loaches and CAE that use it the other fish ignore it, for the most part. I have it tied into the corner with fishing line to keep it in that spot otherwise the current would move it to the other side of the tank. blocking out light to the Red Rueben Swords planted there.

Growth for most of the plants is slow but there is growth all over the tank. And as for Algae. I have very little algal growth, nothing the CAE can't handle.

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My Tanks at Photobucket
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2007 13:22Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
fish patty
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female usa

Looking good Jim! I just noticed the log myself. I will have to is the first of it's kind I have ever seen.

What are those dark red fish in the tank that are shaped like Rainbows? If that's what they are, I didn't know they came in red?

Congrats on the zebra danio fry! That was a cool accident that happened.
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2007 19:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
great tank jim! whats ur WPG?
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2007 19:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Member MTS Anonymous
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male usa
EditedEdited by FishKeeperJim
Thanks its about 2.6 Wpg 130 watt light for the 55. The log is commonly available here in the states at most LFS's that is the medium size.

And the dark red fish is a Rainbow the Glossolepis incisus (New Guinea Red).

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My Tanks at Photobucket
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2007 21:44Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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male australia
i've seen those logs advertised in an aquarium magazine but thats the first time i've ever seen one in someones aquarium

woot woot woot woot woot woot
Post InfoPosted 16-Aug-2007 12:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
Da...Dum .. Da...Dum
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Registered: 16-May-2007
male australia
Jim , I meant to ask last night in Chat what are you feeding the
Baby Brine Shrip to ,I assume in the Fry tank ?

I bit of a description on how you did it would be interesting as
well ( Sorry if you've already posted in elsewhere ),
I've got Angels trying to breed unsuccesfully atm . Never know
when they will get it right


Post InfoPosted 17-Aug-2007 03:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 22-Aug-2007
male usa
wow nice tank! those fish are awesome!

Im not insane your insane thats why you think im insane so that makes us both insane....?
Post InfoPosted 23-Aug-2007 18:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 11-May-2006
male usa
That a nice set up ... it gotta feel good to look at a tank like that the end of a hard day...i plan to eventually keep rainbow too..

I was think of getting the same log...when i read that it doubles as a feeding ring.. top hole keep food from hitting the bottom.. just wanted to ask if you tired and if so, comments on whether it works.
Post InfoPosted 24-Aug-2007 05:01Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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male usa us-pennsylvania
nice rainbows and moss
Post InfoPosted 02-Sep-2007 16:25Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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