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CAn i see your pics?
can i see ur 10 gallon tanks?? thanks...
fishys_cant_fly1519-Jan-2006 08:54
Bristle Nose and other fish! New Pics!
Here are some pictures of my fish, my bristle nose sure love the Zuccini! [link=
labrakitty616-Jan-2006 23:51
Pics from Sydney Aquarium
I went to the Sydney Aquarium a few days ago and went camera-crazy. A big saltie: [img]
just beginning716-Jan-2006 06:51
new pictures of my fishys
I rearranged the plants in my 55g today and had to leave the fish in because I had nothing to put them in. Well my German Ram girl did not like me in...
GirlieGirl8519315-Jan-2006 05:42
Yoyo loaches that i just bought today
Here are some pics of them,they are around 3cm big. [img]
Rob1619514-Jan-2006 13:38
Newest Addition
Newest Addition to our family!! (Crowntail Betta) rjmcbean attached this image: [img]
rjmcbean814-Jan-2006 08:21
Dollar Sunfish
Here are some pics of my favorite North American Native. This is a male dollar sunfish (Lepomis marginatus).
aquariumaddict413-Jan-2006 04:18
Re-scaped and new substrate
I spent a couple of hours this afternoon changing the substrate of my 80 gallon mbuna tank from sand to gravel. I ended up with a new aquascape as wel...
just beginning812-Jan-2006 04:04
NEW 4Ft Setup
Hi everyone, I'd like to share my new 4ft setup here with everyone. It's been setup for about 2.5 month now. Any opinions or critics are welcomed!...
JQW211-Jan-2006 17:56
New 30g set-up's
5 of the 6 new 30g tanks arrived. Have spent most of the morning setting this up (very exciting stuff, everyone loves new tanks). I am using them for...
nthqldfish611-Jan-2006 06:14
here's some pics of my 55 gallon
chelaine510-Jan-2006 22:04
Pictures of my new Discus.
Pages: 1, 2
I know the color of the Discus is not that good but they are getting better everyday and they also started to eat ,that made me happy because they di...
Rob16192007-Jan-2006 16:03
This is my favorite pleco(L-001)
Isn't he nice looking fella? [img]
Rob1619906-Jan-2006 18:15
Panda Cory Eggs!
[link=Here is a photo of 3 of my 16 Panda Cory eggs resulting from the spawning of the early hours of January 3rd, 2006 ...]http://community.webshots....
Calilasseia405-Jan-2006 23:17
freshwater tank and fish + saltwater fish
heres some pics of my tanks and some fish pics also..check them out comments are welcomed.. [link=]http:...
saltnewbie405-Jan-2006 04:30
Picture of my 75g tank (2 new Driftwoods)
Here are some new photos of my 75g tank. [img]
Rob16191204-Jan-2006 19:37
some updated pictures...
My "baby" platies are now about 11 months old. Here's a couple of shots of them(yellow) and their mother(blue). [link=
T/A304-Jan-2006 06:39
Yellow Lab fry!
Wow its been awhile since I've posted here..Anyway.. Finally after 29 days of holding, my yellow lab spit the fry! She spit at least 6 of them, i did...
FishMan10005704-Jan-2006 06:27
My newest addition
Day 1 he was eating from my hand and day two I was able to somehow get a pic with the other hand Koi Keeper attached this image: [img]http:/...
koi keeper704-Jan-2006 06:21
vertical clowns (more)
There's something about the front right corner of their tank that these fish are drawn to... Hey, can I join? [img]
Theresa_M1103-Jan-2006 22:26
Fishy pictures
Here is my Betta, Charlie in his new 5g planted tank. He is much happier than he was in the little 1g. I finally got a decent picture of him. He swims...
GirlieGirl8519603-Jan-2006 21:08
Update on the five gallon
Well I haven't been here for a while,I was ill, Dad is ill and has been in hospital and then I sprained my ankle.... not one of the best Chistmas I ha...
goldfishgeek203-Jan-2006 21:06
Eeek @ clown
These clownies are not good for the heart. The places they sleep and the WAY they sleep give me a scare nearly every time The quality of the pics...
RustyBlade303-Jan-2006 06:01
my furry fish
I just have to show off my puppies . . . [link=Zoe and Maia's Holiday Photo Album]
zoeandmaia901-Jan-2006 07:22
I just went to exchange my silver aro (plus $2500AUD) for a HB RTG! Just floating the bag in the tank to accumiliza(*spelling) it. The HB RTG has a ce...
Forever-mango501-Jan-2006 02:40
I got 2 new driftwoods and some other pics too
I got 2 new driftwoods and i will place them better later on. Also som other pics so you can see how my tank looks at the moment. Any sugesstions on w...
Rob1619431-Dec-2005 13:47
ram, corys, bettas, zebra danio, and cichlid
fishyhelper288527-Dec-2005 19:53
Planted Discus
Not really planted, but got 2 plants so far. Im ordering a few more pieces of driftwood with plants on em after the new year. Tank Size: 4 X 2 X 2 I...
Forever-mango427-Dec-2005 13:26
New Pictures!!!!
well, 29 gallon is reset! i only got a few pictures, and they didnt turn out well. my fuji camera works beautifully for still shots but the shutter sp...
reun326-Dec-2005 22:48
Pictures of my 180 Reef
These same pictures are posted in my log, but i dont think many people get around to reading it because its saltwater So here's a link to my tank...
swiftshark88224-Dec-2005 18:00
updating pics of my tanks The pics in there are of my 46 gal I just took 5 mins ago..And of my 55 gal satwater set up and o...
saltnewbie523-Dec-2005 19:43
Fake Plants
I was wondering if anyone had a tank that closely resembled the "natural" look achieved by those numerous members that have delved into the realm of r...
zachjc_14223-Dec-2005 01:07
brevis fry
Mom & dad spawning in a new shell so the one-month-old fry were moved to the opposite end of the tank. Feeding time is a lot of fun since the fry...
Theresa_M523-Dec-2005 01:04
Bob taking a nap
Bob my Oscar seems to sleep pretty soundly. I've come into work in the morning and have had someone tell me that he isn't looking very good and he mi...
Doedogg523-Dec-2005 01:02
Betta Shopping
Riot: (LFS lucky find) [img]
Callatya720-Dec-2005 19:05
65 gal. tank with fantasy castle background
In a few threads I've mentioned my 65 gallon tank, decorated with just anubias and bog wood (an da few pots of crinium or jungle vals) with it's fanta...
illustrae620-Dec-2005 19:02
New Discus
This one is really nice but the photos doesn't really sow of his true colors though. Iam very happy to get a nice healthy discus. The other 4 discus i...
Rob1619420-Dec-2005 12:41
Angels, Eggs, and 5 gal hex re-done
Some spawning pics of the affectionate couple I call... 'The Devils', some kissy kissy, their resulting eggs.. And.. The 5 gal nano.. A very simple o...
DaMossMan419-Dec-2005 05:55
Fat Cat
Stop eyeing off my fish, fat cat! [link=]
Gomer1219-Dec-2005 03:50
Sharing Pics - My Discus
hey guys, following on from robbys discus post i thought i;d post pics of mine so enjoy guys! blue diamond [link=
stuquarium418-Dec-2005 21:39
Adolfis :D [link=http...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles1318-Dec-2005 04:57
New Fishies...Finally! *updated 12/17*
Well, I finally got my 55 set up and looky looky what I got 4 Rams (2 determined male and 2 determined female) and 6 Corydoras Leucomelas Without...
Tetra Fan1618-Dec-2005 04:50
many New pics of my fish and my new Discus
Rob1619618-Dec-2005 04:32
Macro of my sun polyps.
oooo pretty mattyboombatty attached this image:...
mattyboombatty616-Dec-2005 17:00
Pics of my new Texas cichlid
Here is the link to pictures of my new Texas Cichlid, I am still to identify him, if he is the bigger species, or the slightly smaller one. He is quit...
ClownyGirl1112-Dec-2005 14:24
Pictures of my new additions
I have added some new fish to my 55g over the last week. I am kind of embarrassed to show my pictures because they are not half as good as other peopl...
GirlieGirl8519712-Dec-2005 01:43
Quarantine Tank And Cardinals
Here's the promised photos of my small quarantine tank and the new Cardinal Tetras that I've mentioned in another thread. [link=Quarantine Tank - Pr...
Calilasseia311-Dec-2005 18:49
update on Junior the hybrid fry
It's been a while since I did an update on Junior so here's a little background. My female blue acara and male green terror spawned a number of times...
Theresa_M710-Dec-2005 07:07
the 150s on its way up :D
Pages: 1, 2
finally after a few weeks, i'm on my way. i have everything i need. now to just get the substrate and inside decorations. [link=http://i16.photobucke...
monkeyboy2710-Dec-2005 02:09
Finally GFG takes a decent picture of her Fish!!!
Right the first attempt I was so chuffed I forgot the photo!!! goldfishgeek attached this image: [img]
goldfishgeek609-Dec-2005 02:12
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