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My very colorful 10g
This is my 10g aquarium. You can't see any fish in this picture but I have 2 zeb...
GirlieGirl8519714-Apr-2005 16:37
After new gravel
. Sin in Style attached this image:...
Sin in Style614-Apr-2005 16:35
4 day old hybrid fry
Mom is a blue acara, dad is a green terror. They just started free swimming yesterday so mom is very busy keeping them in the pit she dug, while dad g...
Theresa_M1014-Apr-2005 16:26
new pics of my 75g..updated..with new pics
Here you have some new pics that i took today [link=]
Rob1619911-Apr-2005 21:05
My planted 10 gallon tank
I don't know if i have ever posted a pic of my planted 10 gallon tank so here is one. I would appreciate some suggestions to give it more excitement....
steve711711-Apr-2005 12:41
As promised more Aquarium photos Cairns Aust
This is actually not in a Aquarium it was in a street cafe on the main street in Cairns (The gateway to the Great Barrier Reef). Note how close it is...
keithgh711-Apr-2005 10:25
New Pics of New Tank: Photo Intensive, 56k Beware!
Hi All, Finally some new pics of my new 75g tank, which was brought in to replace the 90g that broke a pair of seams 2 weeks ago. Enjoy! Inspecto...
So_Very_Sneaky1010-Apr-2005 13:23
what I found in the kitchen sink!
The guilty party: The usual hide-out and planned escape vehicle: [img]http...
Theresa_M609-Apr-2005 11:55
before and after of my 75g
This is my 75g when I started it up 3 months ago Since then there have bee...
Theresa_M409-Apr-2005 02:06
Here are a few pics that I got of my Butterflyfishs, I hope you like them!!! I dont have the best cam but oh well.... Angel Eel...
angeleel408-Apr-2005 04:52
New arrivals!!
Well today i went to the LFS and picked up three play mates for my RBP. they are slightly smaller than him but they are shoaling fine. Heres some pics...
~Mista Psycho~907-Apr-2005 18:01
here's my oscar
this is him tobiey1 attached this image:...
tobiey1407-Apr-2005 03:53
1 Cairns Aquarium Banded Coral Shrimp & Barramundi
Banded Coral Shrimp This series of photos were taken at the now closed Cairns Aquarium. All the information came from them as well. It is found in...
keithgh106-Apr-2005 11:04
These two oto friends are in my 10g Endler's tank. Usually unseparable, and I thought I'd share this picture of them resting after dinner T...
Theresa_M305-Apr-2005 16:22
Re-scaped 33g - With Resized Pictures
Ok, So i got my Premie mebership and now i should be able to succesfully post my pics of my tank. Heres the first one - which is a pic of my tank str...
~Mista Psycho~1104-Apr-2005 21:59
The re-scaped 33g
Heres some pics of the stages of re-scaping my 33g. If you look at my post in the pond room it tells you why i had to re-scape it due to temporary inh...
~Mista Psycho~1104-Apr-2005 14:00
My new elephantnose:)...
My new fish [link=]
Rob1619904-Apr-2005 14:00
i had to move my 55g from a place where it was getting alot of direct sunlight. aka greenwater. so heres some pics of the tank after night 2 [lin...
stuquarium1104-Apr-2005 09:01
crabby get together
Dance party or maybe aerobics? I really like these little guys looking for some company: [img]
Theresa_M903-Apr-2005 18:25
The Fish that shouldn't be there
Due to my dad making a nice big crack in my pond i now have all my fish in one tiny 33g. ]:|]:| Which is supposed to be in the process of aqauscaping...
~Mista Psycho~903-Apr-2005 13:28
My Peacock Gudgeons won't stop breeding...
Peacock Gudgeons won't stop stop breeding, these were taken lastnight.I get this at least once a month if not more. Dad guarding the eggs [img]http:/...
Jubs903-Apr-2005 04:48
The ever changing marble bettas...
At 4 months old approx: [link=]
ontariobetta303-Apr-2005 03:34
Melb Aquarium last in series Shark, Big tank & Filtration No13
This is the last in this series I think I have posted 50 photos from the Melb Public Aquarium. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did taking them...
keithgh1002-Apr-2005 10:02
Proof that second day American Express kicks butt... [link=http://img...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles1102-Apr-2005 06:03
Well, it seems I caught at least one of the guilty parties in my plant-eating mystery ]:| Theresa_M attached this image: [img]
Theresa_M202-Apr-2005 03:39
My New Betta! (NEW pics added!!)
Here's some pics of my new betta! His name is Beauty [link=]
SamanthaStorm301-Apr-2005 19:32
A pretty pair?
I just went out and got a new Discus to keep my single Discus happy. They seem to be a happy, pretty pair so far...and I am hoping this will develop a...
So_Very_Sneaky501-Apr-2005 15:25
Mostly Cardinal Tetras...
Here's just some various photos I took today... Feeble attempts to phorograph the new cardinal tetras (I had to use the fastest mode, so that's why t...
Natalie801-Apr-2005 08:55
Go Suck A Lemon
And have some cardinals while you're at it. Here is a display of some haphazard photography with my not-so-great camera... So enjoy! [img]http://img....
sirbooks401-Apr-2005 04:05
My new Ceylon Puffer!
Pages: 1, 2
Well, after four months of searching I've finally found a Ceylon puffer! (the real Tetraodon fluviatilis) [link=Pic 1]
puffer_archer2501-Apr-2005 03:06
National Aquarium Washington DC
This past weekend I visited my third aquarium in this area, the [link=National Aquarium in Washington DC]" st...
Theresa_M931-Mar-2005 23:06
what a valentines day tank looks like
on VDay i bought my girlfriend a red betta and setup a spare tank i had around, a 1g hex. i found some old decor perfect for the situation. well alot...
Sin in Style331-Mar-2005 22:19
5 Gal planted starting to take shape
Pages: 1, 2
I've had the 5 gal sitting on my desk for while. Just kept using cuttings from the big tank which was a bit messy. Finally got around to doing someth...
bensaf2031-Mar-2005 05:32
My Guppy Tank
hey guys. i had a tank that was having serious greenwater issues [link=]http://www.stuartsmithmusic.c...
stuquarium730-Mar-2005 13:33
Some pictures of my Rams. [link=]
jasonpisani1129-Mar-2005 15:11
Pic of my favorite Pleco
This is my Snowball Pleco.
tetratech529-Mar-2005 03:47
new pics of my i got fry to:)
Here you have some new pictures of my 74g tank [link=]
Rob16191626-Mar-2005 22:41
Toad Fish
Pages: 1, 2
As some of you may know I was on a quest to get a Monster Fish. I had the tank set up and was looking for one. Well Wed night I came home from work t...
Shannen2226-Mar-2005 16:30
My First fish tank ! (Lots of Large Pics)
Pages: 1, 2
Thanks to I now have my first ever fish tank fully operational and stocked ! After seeing a nice tank in a doctors office I decided t...
taksan2526-Mar-2005 10:54
Just thought this was a cool pic of one of our Angelicas Loaches. Shannen attached this image: [img]
Shannen326-Mar-2005 10:04
Stop eating my Riccia ! - and others
My Rams have mis identified my Riccia as watercress or something and are dining out on it. Caught this one in the act]:| bensaf attached this...
bensaf1526-Mar-2005 09:57
new pics round 2
Young spotted sailfin: Odessa barb; active dither fish with fanastic coloring:...
Theresa_M526-Mar-2005 06:52
start them young...
My 5yr old feeding the 75g: Theresa_M attached this image:...
Theresa_M226-Mar-2005 06:23
misc new pics of my fish
Young convict: Young jewel: [img]
Theresa_M526-Mar-2005 06:18
blue acara eggs!
I'm so excited, only twice have I found eggs from my fish-cories-and they always ended up being eaten. I was taken a bunch of pics of my 75g today an...
Theresa_M424-Mar-2005 06:40
New Tank pics - Finally got around to it!
Major redecoration for 30 gallon. Used to be heavily fully planted, now its just a few plants... So much easier to clean and gravel vac. [link=htt...
fallenlordz224-Mar-2005 02:44
betta pic,
this is way WAY WAY back in time. hope u like him. bettachris attached this image: [img]
bettachris523-Mar-2005 23:57
New 80 gallon
Well as it says I got a new 80 gallon, I thought I'd take some pics and show you all the set up. This tank is going to be used for my two Oscars. Th...
angeleel1022-Mar-2005 21:55
Melb Aquarium Jelly fish & JF Rooms No11
Photo 1 This is for all the Jelly fish fans. Keith keithgh attached this image: [img]
keithgh1222-Mar-2005 19:01
Pretty pretty fishies
Here's the tank they're in, Which has all those shells in it because...
littlemousling1722-Mar-2005 14:06
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