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 Photo Booth
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nice white betta eh? bettachris attached this image:...
bettachris222-Mar-2005 05:11
My new gouramis
Hello... Here you have some pics of my new fish..i have 4 gouramis. [link=]
Rob1619321-Mar-2005 22:33
a betta
isn't this the nicest looking betta u ever saw. Bettachris attached this image: [img]
bettachris321-Mar-2005 08:03
Photos of oscar tank, Weather loach and Pleco
Here are some pics Enjoy!! My monster weather loach came out for a show!!! He loves pics! Input welcome. Thanks Angel Eel [link=http://photos.y...
angeleel420-Mar-2005 13:43
new pics (lots of pics)
was taking a few pics of my Thorichthys sp. 'Mixteco Gold' male to add to the profile I wrote and I thought I'd post a few of the pics. [img]http:...
Jason_R_S519-Mar-2005 06:54
testing out new cam...
, meriadoc attached this image:...
denver818-Mar-2005 19:02
Melb Aquarium The Huge tank No12
This is the huge tank that circles the main part of the Aquarium. It has a huge selection most of these fish were caught specially from out local co...
keithgh818-Mar-2005 03:53
Pictures of my fish
Here is a picture of my green terror and my male betta. The pictures aren't of very good quality. Part of it might have something to do with me...
ifancyfish617-Mar-2005 15:19
White cloud
For all you people who think that white clouds are drab, ugly little fish. [link=One of my males displaying]
Joe Potato217-Mar-2005 04:21
PICS-- new at this(be easy on me)
Hello everyone!~ Just back from vacation in LA and i got my new camera! The pictures arent the best, but im working on it! Also im not very good a...
SamanthaStorm516-Mar-2005 18:48
royal pleco and more
Here are photos from 3 of my tanks. I just got the royal pleco tonight. He's such a cutie! [link=Slideshow]
zoeandmaia616-Mar-2005 16:41
Green water tank pics
I've been having a problem with pea soup green water. You couldn't see a few inches inside the tank, it was pretty bad. I caved in and got a diatom fi...
NowherMan61916-Mar-2005 09:41
New Pics!
hey guys. here some new ones from my 55g Green Sevrum [link=]
stuquarium1015-Mar-2005 15:06
New Angel
i ran into a angel breeder droppign off some quarter sized angels in my LFS last week. well instead of yanking fish just dropped into the tank i wait...
Sin in Style1115-Mar-2005 05:15
Ottos does any one some good photos please
Also some infomation about them Keith...
keithgh1515-Mar-2005 03:36
On Saturday night, I picked up a lonely guapore cory from work. It had been without other guapores for two months, and I felt bad for the little guy....
sirbooks214-Mar-2005 14:36
apple snail closeups
here are a couple closeups i just got of my apple snails. you can really see the detail on their faces these little guys aren't as iridescent as...
moondog713-Mar-2005 08:12
a few pics of my tank
Here are a few pics of my planted 70gal. Sorry for the motion blurr, but there's no shutter speed adjustment on my camera. The fish have to be perfe...
curvicep913-Mar-2005 06:49
focus and fish
well I have a sony ds p73 4.1 megapixel camera, and have been trying to get a closeup shot of on of my lemon tetras, and have had trouble getting it t...
lookin_around1313-Mar-2005 00:31
Angels are like cows: one week of grazing
Last week I posted a photo of my tank right after I did some major weeding maintenance and I said the tank would look better a couple of days later. H...
Dr. Bonke1712-Mar-2005 06:54
Bolivian Rams
I've got four Bolivian Rams today from a guy who breeds them. I always used to think those fish were somewhat drab and boring compared to the Ramir...
Untitled No. 4712-Mar-2005 05:44
My new tank 250L (66g)
Here you have some pics of my new tank. [link=]
Rob1619211-Mar-2005 23:49
Melb Aquarium all reef fish No9
Photo 1 This time it is the reef fish from one of their huge reef tanks. Naturally my favourite BARRAMUNDI ROCK COD The barramundi rock cod Latin...
keithgh911-Mar-2005 08:09
My first pics of my fishies
Hi, Hope this linking thing works, but here are my first 2 pics I feel comfortable to publish, lemme know what you think. BTW, I have a HP Photosm...
Rafiki511-Mar-2005 07:33
new pics of robertsoni and red devil
I have 5 robertsoni...1 is a 4 yr old female and the others I've had for about 8 months or so. I believe of these 4 I have 2 males and 2 females. he...
Jason_R_S510-Mar-2005 13:30
New Tank
I just set up my new 55gal. A tiger oscar and a bristlenose pl*co will be going in there. How does it look? http://null [link=h...
tank77210-Mar-2005 08:24
new red terror pics
female [img]
Jason_R_S610-Mar-2005 03:40
more new pics...oddballs
Polypterus palmas polli Polypterus ornatipinnis...this is about...
Jason_R_S410-Mar-2005 03:18
Baby Angels- Updated Pics Today Mar 9
Ok, so for people who have followed my baby Angel epic, heres the newest pics of them. They were born (hatched) on Jan. 21, so today that makes them 4...
So_Very_Sneaky010-Mar-2005 02:23
My Bettas
Here are my beauties! In order, it's Duzzel, Ryu, Raidon, and then Phantom. Terribly sorry that the pictures aren't better, but I was using...
DragonPhoenix409-Mar-2005 20:11
more new pics...zonatus, synspilus, regani, heterospilus
zonatus [img]
Jason_R_S109-Mar-2005 14:17
new salto, mixteco green, kraussi
Herichthys sp. 'rio salto' male...this guy wouldn't hold still so it was very difficult to focus on him. [img]
Jason_R_S209-Mar-2005 10:51
more new pics...grammodes, firemouths and mixteco golds
grammodes and firemouth I swear everytime I got these...
Jason_R_S209-Mar-2005 10:40
New Angels
hey there i just recently brought a pair of medium sized angels.. they were at work and they paired off very nicely.. noone seemed to buy them for the...
r0b3y709-Mar-2005 07:16
My new Pandas !
[font color="#000080"] Ok guys... these are my new Pandas! Aren't they gorgeous?? Patty [/font] PattyPedd attached this image: [img]htt...
PattyPedd508-Mar-2005 02:19
Birthday present
My parents got my boyfriend a Discus for his birthday, and I thought I would share some of the first shots with you guys. He just came to us today, an...
So_Very_Sneaky307-Mar-2005 14:11
think i'm getting the hang of things now... MORE PICS
playing around some more with my camera a little tonight, came up with these couple shots, but i'm still not quite getting the quality of exposure i w...
moondog1307-Mar-2005 04:43
Centerpiece Showoff
Show off your centerpiece fish here and explain to all of us here at F.P. as to why this is the fish you choose to show off. If at all possible includ...
zachjc_14506-Mar-2005 16:35
Trying to post pics for first time
Hello all. Just givin it a shot. Not very good with computers. Anyhow if it works its just random shots of some fish of mine over the past few months....
stallion81505-Mar-2005 06:35
Taking pics with FUGI FILM FINEPIX 120 NEED HELP
I was wondering if anyone was familar with the camera I have, its not the best digi cam but it takes wicked pics of everything BUT fish!!! Could any...
angeleel1504-Mar-2005 09:50
Melb Aquarium more reef fish No10
Here are more reef fish I particularly like the Coral Trout can be difficult to catch in the wild the colours in the wild fish are more prominent and...
keithgh504-Mar-2005 04:25
Blue Ram Pics
Does anyone have any pictures of Blue Rams in tanks...I have only seen pictures of the fish against a white background and so forth...I am just curiou...
absoluterain1004-Mar-2005 01:51
my 50 gallon malawi tank
nice shot of most of the group before babies started appearing courtesy of the yellow lab and metraclima greshaki krige attached this image: [i...
krige1103-Mar-2005 21:37
My albino kribs
Here are my albino kribs... The first photo was my first set, but i traded the one on the left for a female: [img]
Fluffy603-Mar-2005 19:00
Saltwater aquarium pics
T'was digging through the old memory card, and I came across several unused photos from a Hawaiian aquarium trip. Enjoy. [link=
Cup_of_Lifenoodles503-Mar-2005 10:08
pics of my new pearl of likoma n marbled lancer cat
heres three pics of my new pearl of likoma cichlid(melanochromis joanjohnsonae) [link=
TIGER9603-Mar-2005 07:06
Aquascaping Ideas in Pictures
I was wanting to aquascape a 29 entirely void of any organization and my imagination is not alot better than my aquarium. I was wanting to know if any...
zachjc_14102-Mar-2005 23:44
first pics new camera
one more try freejoe attached this image:...
freejoe402-Mar-2005 20:01
figured somthing out!!!
wow!! i just discovered that if u put the camera on the manual setting insted of auto i get much better pics!!!!! whne i put them on the computer i c...
fishyhelper288502-Mar-2005 04:16
Betta Tank
This is Elbryans Tank. It's a 5 1/2....=^_^= ~*MO*~ NeoDragon attached this image: [img]
DragonPhoenix202-Mar-2005 01:08
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