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 Photo Booth
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Planted community 30g, cichlid 55g
(Link's at the bottom) Check it out pleeeeease I know you have to click the pics, but you can deal with that, cant you? I only got a full tank...
smantzer313-Jan-2005 00:44
caught in the act
Yesterday, after I did some serious weeding in my tank (see my other topic: [href: two weeks growth]
Dr. Bonke1312-Jan-2005 09:49
Help me choose a picture!
My website ( isn't the easiest to navigate the way I have it set up, so I'm changing the index page to improve that. Now I'm trying to pic...
littlemousling512-Jan-2005 08:55
Some Victorian pics
I thought I would share some pics of a few of my Victoria Basin cichlids The first one is one of my Mpibi lutea [link=
Mullet19612-Jan-2005 06:52
Deadly Gibby Pleco (sailfin)
a while back there was a thread about Gibby plecos being agressive. especielly when it comes to thier food. i thought i would show MY experience with...
Sin in Style411-Jan-2005 17:10
Photo Collection
I'll just put all of my fish pics here instead of having one per fish . I'll update here when I take more pics... [img]
john.stone1011-Jan-2005 08:25
Aquarium photos Yes or No & one more
Pages: 1, 2
Could I have an honest opinion/comments please. I spent several hours at the Melb aquarium taking well over 100 photos I have at least 50 photos that...
keithgh2111-Jan-2005 07:29
See anything wrong with this cory's barbels? I just noticed this myself (kind of hard to...
Natalie310-Jan-2005 21:56
More photos from the Melbourne Aquarium No2
With the previous photo of the car/tank I am waiting for them to reply with some technical infomation about the set up of the car. I will not attempt...
keithgh910-Jan-2005 09:08
Blurry Shots of My Red Tail Golden Arowana
Hiya guys, Just wanted to share some pictures. Enjoy. [link=]http://www.picturesky.c...
validator410-Jan-2005 08:20
Gold gouramis
the latest additions in my 75g community tank. 3 female and 1 male gold gourami about 3 inches with tail. total stock now is: 4 gourami / 1 pleco / 9...
Sin in Style910-Jan-2005 03:44
My new beautiful angelfish.
Here's my new beautiful angelfish. Can anyone tell me what trait are they and what sex? [link=]http...
JQW1010-Jan-2005 03:36
Florida Diving Photos
Pages: 1, 2
Hey all, Yesterday I came back from my 2 week vacation in Floriday where me and my wife did some diving at Key west. Just before we went there we bou...
Dr. Bonke2310-Jan-2005 00:35
Pics of my 40
Pages: 1, 2
Finally got some pics uploaded. Any suggestions on the layout? Booger attached this image: [img]
Shannen2708-Jan-2005 23:58
Pics of my tank...I hope this works, I've never done this before :)
Here it is...hopefully. Feel free to critique both my picture taking skills and the tank itself...I promise I won't cry or start name calling Jen...
jenbabe2561408-Jan-2005 16:44
75g turning into a SA tabk
just showing an updated pic to someone Sin in Style attached this image: [img][/i...
Sin in Style507-Jan-2005 18:13
Neon Tetra
john.stone604-Jan-2005 20:27
Our move is finally done, I did the tanks over two days. I'd been really dreading it, and while it was a lot of work it went better than I expected....
Theresa_M204-Jan-2005 06:50
New 55 Gal Tank
Just got done stocking this, going to have better pictures later when it gets dark [link=]
Sandy02704-Jan-2005 05:28
Finally getting angels!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have waited so long to get some black lace angels and i finally won a bid on aquabid. Im getting a pair of black lace angels. http://www.aquabid.c...
CoryAddict003-Jan-2005 23:43
any pics
any pics on guppies or endlers...
Guppy gurl102-Jan-2005 06:19
need help on posting pics
i just got a new digital camera and i can finally post pictures theres just one problem i dont know how to do it if anyone wouldnt mind helping me tha...
chizunk402-Jan-2005 06:15
lots of Endler's
Two months ago I purchased three pair of Endler's from a breeder to add some color & pattern variety to my existing Endler's tank. Since then th...
Theresa_M502-Jan-2005 05:48
Why Aussie Octopuses hit the bottle
This was taken from on of our Aussie Daily papers Sept 04 Port Phillip bay is in Victoria and only a few minutes drive for me to be there. Keith...
keithgh1301-Jan-2005 08:20
Yeah, so I just came back from the store... [s...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles301-Jan-2005 08:14
Pregnant Balloon Molly Picture
I was wondering if anyone could provide me with a picture of a pregnant balloon molly....
zachjc_14101-Jan-2005 03:18
Pretty Tanganyikans
Brichardi: Caudopunctatus: [img]
littlemousling301-Jan-2005 00:48
bought some new fish today
There's an lfs in Indianapolis that orders somewhat regularly from Jeff Rapp's, and luckily for me they got an order from him a couple weeks ago. Most...
Jason_R_S828-Dec-2004 17:40
Yo-Yo Loaches
Thanks to Babel's wonderful recommendation of the Nikon Coolpix 5400, I can now take all the pics i've always wanted to... THANK YOU BABEL! [img]http...
john.stone828-Dec-2004 17:36
kids and fish
Oldest son putting broccoli in tanks; it's a favorite food with my fish: [img][/im...
Theresa_M427-Dec-2004 18:16
My BARRA Aviator is now fully protected in Aust
I have just returned from the Great Barier Reef and was informed the the Barramundi Rock Cod is now full protected and is not allowed to be removed fr...
keithgh724-Dec-2004 05:53
Close ups of my Anubias tank
No1 I am often asked, how did I set it up? I had a lot of rocks in fact a very large collection ex two tanks a 4ft & 6ft. Also plenty of drift w...
keithgh1024-Dec-2004 04:04
My first Bolivian Butterfly Cichlid
It has taken a few days for them to settle down and find a cave of their own I think they are sharing a small entrance of the largest cave, which has...
keithgh823-Dec-2004 10:54
Random Fish shots
After the tank the inhabitants ! A new favourite Cherry Barbs. Great little fish. Got 3 pairs. Females just as beautiful just in a different way. [...
bensaf923-Dec-2004 05:26
Random tank shots
Haven't posted in a while. Had a bit of time so decided to post some tank shots. First one is the now 2 ft tall amazon sword which continues to grow...
bensaf1122-Dec-2004 15:44
My guppy
I havent been here in a while, but i finally got my digital camera. Here are some pics of my baby gup that i breed.[link=
cherrybarb422-Dec-2004 01:03
My new RES tank
I just set up my RES (red ear slider) tank. It's a 45 long (same as a 55 but 18" tall). It's a camera phone pic, but I hope to get some better pics....
crickit99222-Dec-2004 00:47
Large and small Clown Loaches grazing
I think I recently read that it is not advisable to keep large and small clowns together. Well these have been together for over 18 months. There...
keithgh921-Dec-2004 20:26
New Guppies
Bought 3 new guppies this wednesday. Here they are: [link=][...
JQW221-Dec-2004 19:34
Rare shelldweller
I just got (along with some Cyps, Caudopunks, and others) some Altolamprologus compressiceps "Sumbu," a variety of Comp that's developed smaller so as...
littlemousling220-Dec-2004 16:58
Danio & Betta Friends! New Glofish.
A picture of my friends new betta that we picked out for his g/f's x-mas gift. He's a real fisty Crown Tail, seems to be in good health so far, and al...
AngelZoo020-Dec-2004 16:46
MY tank for a new FP member
I hope this is all what you expected. Keith keithgh attached this image: [img]
keithgh1119-Dec-2004 21:19
Fixing small Anubias with rubber bands
I have attached a small piece of Anubias to the large drift wood using two robber bands, too difficult to tie down with fishing line. I also moved a...
keithgh619-Dec-2004 07:32
Planted Tank photos (Dial up beware, 400 kb)
Pages: 1, 2
Hello, It's been a while since I put some photos of my tank, I've been too busy writing my thesis to be around these forums much. Anyway, I've just s...
Dr. Bonke2017-Dec-2004 20:14
My Fishies! [UPDATED new pics]
Just thought I would make a thread to put all of my fishie pics in one place. Corydoras me tae [img]
trystianity1116-Dec-2004 17:35
Planted 10 gallon.
Here it is. GandB attached this image:...
GandB516-Dec-2004 14:27
who let the cats out meow meow meow
you smell something? Sin in Style attached this image:...
Sin in Style1315-Dec-2004 22:25
Sparkling Gourami Standoff Pics :)
Pages: 1, 2
The two males in the group of five were doing their 'standoff' against each other tonight, and I caught pictures of them! Hope you enjoy the shots....
SuperMummy!2015-Dec-2004 22:22
White balance?
What do the different white balance options physically do to your pictures? I have these options: Auto White balance preset Daylight Incandescent F...
mattyboombatty1114-Dec-2004 22:00
Clay pot 'caves'
Here it is. GandB attached this image:...
GandB313-Dec-2004 14:15
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