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Great Barier Reef Photos Names Required please
Pages: 1, 2
Nemo is now the oficial Aquatic emblem of Queensland Australia I know several of these but I would like for some one to give them the correct names p...
keithgh2013-Dec-2004 08:41
Sailfin with new friend
caught this pic last night, just glad it came out. can really see why i bought the gibby pleco. look at the coloring Sin in Style attached...
Sin in Style313-Dec-2004 03:54
my new 55g
I need to add more plants and another bag of sand. Cant wait to see which fish will gain control of the cave on the right side. This tank will be for...
lilcam312-Dec-2004 20:06
Photo Question
Is there a good way to reduce the size of an image without trimming it down? I tried to submit a picture to a profile, but it was much too big. I chop...
sirbooks712-Dec-2004 04:26
Haven't posted any pics in a while...
so here are a few. Just some random ones I have taken over the past couple o' months. Here is one of the HUGE amazon swords that I had to get rid...
tek411-Dec-2004 20:33
For the Endler, Gourami & Betta Lovers!
Here are some pictures of my new fish, and one betta I got for my co-worker. The tanks have a couple of unique backgrounds which turned out to look a...
AngelZoo310-Dec-2004 19:50
Tried feeding pasta for the first time... The keyholes really loved it, only problem was they'd try to take it to the back of the tank to eat: [img]...
Theresa_M709-Dec-2004 18:25
Alex and the Aquarium
Here's some pictures of our boy with the fishies. -Keith I'll try again. Last edited by GandB at 05-Dec-2004 18:29 [...
GandB808-Dec-2004 20:02
My 29 gallon and inhabitants
Tank shot...
Tetra Fan207-Dec-2004 21:35
Another pleco :) Hopefully, it's a male this...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles807-Dec-2004 14:46
banana feeding
Inspired by keithgh I decided to try feeding banana today for the first time... Very popular with my angel, platies, and loaches: [img]
Theresa_M607-Dec-2004 13:25
Blue Moorri, Silver Dollar and Angel
heres some new pics. of the new additions, hope ya like the blue moorii [link=]
stuquarium006-Dec-2004 10:16
Golden Wonders, Brichardi, and Hecqui
Just a few shots I got over the Thanksgiving break: [img]http://img....
littlemousling905-Dec-2004 16:37
Who Likes Orange?
these guys do the fish werent fussed Callatya attached this image:...
Callatya1004-Dec-2004 23:58
Pics of 29 or 30 gal.
Looking for pics of aquascaped 29 or 30 gallon tanks(with stands would be nice, but not neccesary). My dad will be setting one up in a few months, an...
GandB504-Dec-2004 21:42
Revamped 20L
Got sick of the flourescent green/orange/pink/yellow gravel, the huge java moss taking over the entire tank, the fake plants, the dying anubias frazer...
Fallout1203-Dec-2004 22:25
a note about posting pics
the [ img ] tags, as well as the attach photo feature, are only available to [link=premium members]" style="C...
moondog003-Dec-2004 18:42
My various fish(tetras, guppies, cichlids )
Hey all, since I'm a new member(but not new to fish) I thought i better introduce them to you guys. This is not even half the fish i own. Fancy female...
snowyangel003-Dec-2004 18:14
75g takes on new life
from Mbuna to SA, here are the results so far with more live plants in the works. Sin in Style attached this image: [img]http://www.fishprofile...
Sin in Style602-Dec-2004 20:38
Cory Pics (and a Bristlenose)
Here are some photos I took tonight, the first I've done in quite a while. Corydoras sp. "orange line" [img]
Natalie802-Dec-2004 06:55
Fish mix :p
Although this is not a particularly good quality shot, I kinda liked this one and thought I'd share... [img]
RustyBlade702-Dec-2004 04:26
haven't posted pics in a long here goes (lots of pics)
not a cichlid...Polypterus delhezi group shot from my 150. Thorichthy...
Jason_R_S501-Dec-2004 22:22
New Photos of the Fish
Well, I've got a few recently taken pictures of some fish that are (fairly) new to my tank. Here they are: [img]
sirbooks701-Dec-2004 10:20
My First Aquarium [re-post]
Here are a few pics. This is my first's a 55gal freshwater/planted/community, with 34 fish. Enjoy. [img]...
aquatik701-Dec-2004 10:17
caught my festae pair in the act
pardon the pics...didn't want to interrupt by cleaning the glass....
Jason_R_S701-Dec-2004 10:08
A Couple Pretty Nice Pics
Just a couple decent pics I snapped tonight. [link=Polka Dot Loach Laden with Eggs]
So_Very_Sneaky230-Nov-2004 02:56
Look How Pretty I Am!
Female Glowlight Tetra in top shape. Having 13 altogether now has sure improved everyones colors and personality! [link=Pretty Fish]http://img.photobu...
So_Very_Sneaky129-Nov-2004 22:20
My tank.
What was I trying to do again? Las...
JQW229-Nov-2004 11:55
My First Aquarium
all i see is red x.........
aquatik129-Nov-2004 01:58
How quickly they (yoyos) grow up!
I just got 2 more young yoyo loaches and they are so small and slender they made me realize how much my other 2 yoyos have grown in just months. Their...
MO228-Nov-2004 08:35
Before and After Co2
I've been running a pressurised Co2 system now for a month.Has it made a difference? Heck yes ! Do I like the difference ? Heck......actually I'm not...
bensaf1227-Nov-2004 04:55
Hey, Im trying to eat here!
Pic of my Singapore Wood Shrimp feasting down on some grub in the substrate. [link=Wood Shrimp]
So_Very_Sneaky127-Nov-2004 03:04
Atiydae Shrimp
A little aussie native shrimp with a piece of flake (same species as on the orange) Callatya attached this image: [img]http://www.fishprofil...
Callatya226-Nov-2004 00:24
55g. pics
heres a link to pics of my newly re-done 55g. tank. [link=]
TIGER9625-Nov-2004 03:37
Whoo! Cup's got zebras! Here she/he is. What a pr...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles1224-Nov-2004 08:24
New Photos
It's been a long time since I last updated my tank photo. With all my plants thriving, my 15G is looking great now. Unfortunately I still didn't save...
JQW423-Nov-2004 23:38
The End (updated with another pic)
I really love kuhlis Theresa_M attached this image: [img][/img...
Theresa_M923-Nov-2004 22:52
one of 3 in a 10g with my betta. Sin in Style attached this image:...
Sin in Style223-Nov-2004 17:39
my apple snail
...trying to eat something off the surface of the water moondog attached this image: [img]
moondog523-Nov-2004 07:35
crummy cloudy pics
I decided to overhaul the 75, here she is. Done less than 12 hours ago, so it's still a bit cloudy, the plants haven't grown in or straigtened out, s...
Fallout1522-Nov-2004 20:42
10 gallon
Havent really bothered to do any tank maintinence for a few weeks now, until yesterday, when I spent 20 minutes trying to get the right side of the ta...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles421-Nov-2004 06:46
Babies! - And NEW (much better) pictures!
Pages: 1, 2
Yet more similis fry but now with visible pictures. Fry: [img]htt...
littlemousling2720-Nov-2004 21:15
silly cichlids
Such personalities Firemouth aka 'Evil' guarding his cave: Angel and dwar...
Theresa_M219-Nov-2004 20:04
55g Redone
Here are some general pics of my redone 55g. The tank still looks a bit stark, but I have 4 amazon swords and 4 java ferns coming so I hope they'll fi...
john.stone1619-Nov-2004 09:58
this thread dedicated to....Red Terrors
female, she has to be 6" now [img]
Jason_R_S219-Nov-2004 01:41
Hey guys. enjoy the new pics of my new Gouarmi. i think the colours are awesome. what a poser! [link=
stuquarium1018-Nov-2004 15:27
Updated shot of my zaire frontosa. Ok my male electric blue didn't want to be left out he jumped in there. Tom [link=
tommyc918-Nov-2004 14:53
River Tank Update
Well, lo and behold, my LFS's have finally decided to come into the 21st century. I've just seen my first BN and Otos locally, as well as bumblebee g...
Joe Potato717-Nov-2004 05:30
Clown Loach eating banana
I found this photo I took recenty. As you can see they love their fruit. Keith keithgh attached this image: [img]http://www.fishprofile...
keithgh516-Nov-2004 13:22
new in here, hello all
So greetings all. Here are two of my tanks. What should I change with that 90 litres. I don't like it's decoration...
thapsus516-Nov-2004 13:20
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