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Mr. Dempson
This is my Jack Dempsey. His name is Mr. Dempson. Let me know what you think. Peace! Naturalist attached this image: [img]http://www.fis...
Naturalist1125-Sep-2004 18:36
Finally got some pictures!
This was an impromptu, spur-of-the-moment idea. My friend brought his digital camera over to show me, so we snapped a few photos of my fishtanks. Yeah...
xngtmare325-Sep-2004 17:57
new cichlid pics
2 female convicts. sorry about the streak on the glass...thought I cleaned it better than that. [img]
Jason_R_S425-Sep-2004 17:48
Just got my new camera... and tank!
i just bought a new digital camera... its great... and i just set up my 85G today. i used gravel from a 70G that i emptied and the filter. my light co...
extrovert225-Sep-2004 03:36
10g River Tank In Progress
Here's my 10g River Tank In Progress . I've got 1 Hillstream Loach, and 4 Danios in it. 2X Whisper Mini's on the right side of the tank, and a p...
poisonwaffle510-Sep-2004 22:58
New Camera? Suggestions wanted.
Realistically, the time has come to pass my camera down to my little sister and get myself a new one. Requirement: Digital, excellent macro feature, b...
littlemousling1810-Sep-2004 19:54
55g. red belly tank, n juvi. black piranha pics.
heres a link to pics of my 55g. red belly tank, and 3 pic of my juv. black piranha. [link=]http://c...
TIGER9110-Sep-2004 10:16
12 gallon nano suggestions?
Here is a pic of my 12 gallon saltwater nano, that i am setting up. It has only has live rock in it for 3 days so it is just starting. It currently...
steve711510-Sep-2004 05:54
gunthers krib
any have a pick of gunthers krib???...
pacudude310-Sep-2004 05:17
Rock Time for the Bristol Nose
I noticed this young BN in between the rocks as I was photographing the Pear time. Keith [span class="edited"][Edited by keithgh 2004-09-03 2...
keithgh210-Sep-2004 03:42
some pics of cories
A couple of pictures I just took. Enjoy! Cory feeding frenzy [link=]
Doedogg210-Sep-2004 01:48
Pics of my new 2.5G
These are some shots of my new 2.5G. Equipment consists of tank, glass top, and Coralife Mini-Freshwater Aqualight (18W CF). I chose black substrate b...
Naturalist1809-Sep-2004 22:47
sparkling gourami finally (new pic)
I've had my sparkling gourami for months...they're very beautiful fish and very difficult to photograph IME. Yesterday I moved it to my 29g so I th...
Theresa_M709-Sep-2004 14:00
Colourful Rams
Here are some pictures of my rams after being conditioned with live bloodworms for the past week. Normally they arn't as bright as this but after bein...
bonny909-Sep-2004 12:21
Baby Kribs first day free-swimming
girlunderrainbow209-Sep-2004 09:16
Pearl Gourami pix
My favorite fish.. [link=]
girlunderrainbow409-Sep-2004 08:46
2 Hillstreams this time
Caught checking each other out.. from the way some of these are acting I think I have some boys and girls.. [link=
girlunderrainbow809-Sep-2004 06:26
red belly piranha pics
heres a link to some pics of my red bellies [span class="edited"][Edited by TIGER9 2004-08-16 00:52][/span] [span class="edited"][Edited by TIGER9...
TIGER9609-Sep-2004 04:02
what kuhlis do at 3am
This morning I was in the kitchen getting ready for work and happened to look at my 29g. I noticed one of my black kuhlis hanging over the heater suct...
Theresa_M1008-Sep-2004 22:19
Hi froggie!
Our African Dwarf frog...just chillin' jessnick42503 attached this image: [img]"]...
Nick308-Sep-2004 14:57
coming soon
as soon as i figure out how to upload pics i will post pics of my 20gallon,triops,and mr bubbels my beta!!!...
pacudude508-Sep-2004 01:25
Tank updates (Pic Intensive)
This 2ft tank is over 6months old. It has been filled with tiny plants and have grown alot since the start. The tank is lit with 2 10,000K Marine Whit...
Forever-mango407-Sep-2004 14:07
paratilapia polleni and leopard ctenopoma
here is a link to pics of my recently acquired paratilapia polleni, and my leopard ctenopoma.[link=
TIGER91407-Sep-2004 13:42
bunch of new fish pictures
Female paradisefish: Theresa_M attached this image: [img]"]...
Theresa_M707-Sep-2004 04:22
Yet..another new betta
This is our new guy Homer. My wife just fell in love with him at the LPS. I named him Homer because unlike any other Betta we've gotten, Homer made hi...
Nick405-Sep-2004 20:30
our gourami
One of our 4 dwarf gourami's...I'm very proud of this pic jessnick42503 attached this image: [img]
Nick405-Sep-2004 16:47
Exclamation point or least rasboras, Boraras urophthalmoides ... So small they make the tank look huge: [img]
Theresa_M305-Sep-2004 12:28
Which flash
I've been experimenting with the best mix of accurate color representation and getting that "glow" off the fish that really requires a flash. Half my...
littlemousling1005-Sep-2004 07:27
Having a pear of a time
Photo No1 The pear is suspended by very strong fishing line. The spots are from the air bubbles at the back of the tank. It will stay in the tank f...
keithgh1005-Sep-2004 05:49
female betta bubble nest
Who needs a man????huh?????ummmm o right fertilization nice though isn't it? jessnick42503 attached this image: [img]http://www.fis...
Nick605-Sep-2004 02:00
Two Breeding Pair
Both of my breeding pair of wild angels
ppcli3204-Sep-2004 23:17
Winning the battle against algae
It has been a while since I last posted a photo of my tank in these forums. The most recent one was in my diary in the technical tinkering section, wh...
Dr. Bonke1504-Sep-2004 22:26
Do I need a new camera?
The only digital camera in the house, a Minolta Dimage S414, is only able to focus well on ob jects at least six inches away. My mom told me that the c...
sirbooks604-Sep-2004 16:05
this is it, the last of my first batch of pics
Thorichthys sp. 'Mixteco gold' A. robertsoni, P. synspilum and fi...
Jason_R_S1304-Sep-2004 14:21
My 29 gallon if photobucket cooperates
29 gallon shrimp tank, currently[/font] [span class="edited"][Edited by Sunflwrg...
Piscesgirl1704-Sep-2004 14:03
Spotted Hillstream Loach
I have 4 of these..this one's named "Little Guy"..he's the smallest, but the bravest..will even bump my 5" Bristlenose plecos outta the way at feeding...
girlunderrainbow504-Sep-2004 12:53
New Tank
Well it was a stressfull, long day but I've finally done it! I've upgraded the 29 gallon to the 55 gallon and here's some pics. (dial up beware!) [l...
bonny503-Sep-2004 22:06
Clown Loach eating a tomato
Here is one of my large Clown Loaches enjoying a good feed on a piece of tomato. Two hrs later the loaches had moved it 18ins still held to flat rock....
keithgh903-Sep-2004 21:32
New pleco New golden nugget...
Klee103-Sep-2004 06:18
say hello to my little betta frys
They are only a month old and barely visible but I got my first shots of them. jessnick42503 attached this image: [img]http://www.fishpr...
Nick102-Sep-2004 21:23
Finally some decent quality pics!
Ok, I finally got a decent digicam and also some time to snap some fish shots. Thanks to Babelfish for helping me make my decision on the camera!...
mattyboombatty502-Sep-2004 16:00
Fry Tank
Just wanted to share my simple 10 gal. More Javas going in tied to river rocks and driftwood pieces. The algae buildup was bad on the right side befor...
DaMossMan002-Sep-2004 05:50
my kids tanks ;)
We took my kids back to MI this past weekend. I took along one of my female bettas and some Malaysian trumpet snails and got some updated pics of thei...
Theresa_M302-Sep-2004 04:59
white betta
I was able to take some nice pictures of Bob, my new white betta. He prefers to stick to cover, because my tank has current, but he is becoming pretty...
sirbooks401-Sep-2004 20:54
Yet another Betta
This is Onyx jessnick42503 attached this image: [img]"]...
Nick301-Sep-2004 18:31
150 with new gravel and re-decorated
Doing this was the longest 3 hours of my life, but I'm glad I did it. Here's a before pic [img]
Jason_R_S1401-Sep-2004 08:42
help posting pics?
Lemme give this a shot. Keep in mind, my tank is 4 1/2 months old. bencoastie attached this image: [img]
bencoastie401-Sep-2004 06:45
My Bettas!!
Just wanted to show off my boys...This is Izzy...Now I know these are just veiltails..but come on....their awesome jessnick42503 attach...
Nick1401-Sep-2004 04:30
I caught my algae eater..........
NOT EATING jessnick42503 attached this image: [img]"]...
Nick201-Sep-2004 03:57
I caught my algae eater.........
..... NOT EATING...
Nick031-Aug-2004 21:01
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