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  L# 20G Ram Breeding Tank---need suggestions
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Subscribe20G Ram Breeding Tank---need suggestions
Tainted Glory
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Registered: 03-Dec-2005
male usa
Alright so my 120g has been a huge hit for me. I've got a ray, a few dats, and a few more fish coming in the next few weeks. Now, I'm dying to keep some smaller fish with the prospect of breeding. Oddly enough, just as I made up my mind to set up a smaller tank, I get an email for my friend Mattias as Discus Madness in reference to some German Blue Rams. What can I say---they stay small, active, colorful, and pretty easy fish to breed! Perfect!

So the tank is your standard 20g long. I'm not going to have anything special in the way to lighting, just your typical AGA lighting fixture. I may swap out the bulb for a 6700k, but let's not count on that for right now. Substrate will probably come by way of Flourite or Eco Complete. I plan on dosing the tank daily with Seachem Flourish, btw. There will be a fair amount of driftwood and clay pots in the tank providing the hardscape. Now, I'm looking for some plants that grow well under low light conditions and will provide a fair amount of cover. Right now, Java Ferns are the only plant I've decided on. I will most likely anchor it to driftwood to mix it up a bit. Expect to see some planted in the foreground as well.

Bare in mind this isn't going to be a full blown planted tank. I just want some dense planting on one side of the tank for cover and contrast sitting next to my 120g bare bottom.
Post InfoPosted 18-Aug-2006 07:06Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 28-Dec-2002
male usa us-colorado
Given the restraints on the tank, a well planted end
and an open swimming end, you might try the crypts.
There are dozens of varieties, with several shades of
greens to browns & dull reds and nearly as many varieties
of leaf shapes as there are types of crypts. They are
all low light plants and will thrive in light under 2wpg.

On the driftwood you could attach some anubis and they
would slowly grow along the wood completely covering it.


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Post InfoPosted 18-Aug-2006 07:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 10-Mar-2004
female canada
Another plant I have found rams to really like
is the Vallisneria Spiralis.
It does quite well in my low light tanks.
Anything the rams can hide in, under is great for them.
I havent found rams to use caves much, they more
prefer planted level areas with some large flat stones to spawn on.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 18-Aug-2006 10:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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