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L# Freshwater Aquaria
 L# Planted Aquaria
  L# 25G Aquariums
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Subscribe25G Aquariums
platy boy
Posts: 131
Kudos: 74
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Registered: 23-Mar-2007
male canada
I have an aggresive tank (barbs) 25g thats been running for 3 months has
6 tiger barbs
6 rosy barbs
4 pearl danios
5 zebra danios
2 blue long fin danios
and i want to grow the plant hornwort can i?

33 gallon 7 neon tetras-5 platys-3 bleeding heart tetras-2 corys-1 rainbow shark-2 L83 gibby plecos
Post InfoPosted 25-Mar-2007 05:19Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 03-Feb-2007
male usa
EditedEdited by GobyFan2007
I want to put hornwort in, can i?

I dont see why not.

You should put all of the plant related topics in ONE topic. That will make it much more easier for everyone else. (If you are aiming for kudos points, this is a poor way to do so. Too hard!)

Rember to list all of the stuff we all told you last time. Dimensions, substrate, fert path, opt. Equipment, temp, water parameters, and lightng(K and Watts).

Just so you know, you dont have to ask about what plants could/couldnt match your stocking, unless you are stocking most cichlids or certain herbivorous fish. If you are unsure, you could check in the profiles, and if it isnt there, then you could ask. Plants are not like fish(most of the time), in where one will kill another. As long as you have the right needs listed above, then you can house the appropriate plant.

Hornwort is a fastgrowing plant that floats, and needs very vast conditions in the way of lighting. Good choice!

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Post InfoPosted 25-Mar-2007 05:50Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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