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  L# CO2 for plants?
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SubscribeCO2 for plants?
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male uk
hi i was reading this web site today and they said that u need CO2 for your plants. I thought that there was allready co2 in the water and did not know u had to add more to keep them healthy. My main Q is how do i go about this what do i need and is it realy nesasary. But i think my main thing is will it affect my fish
Post InfoPosted 12-Oct-2006 20:18Profile PM Edit Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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male usa us-northcarolina
EditedEdited by mattyboombatty
here is a page about pressurized CO2. That's a CO2 source.

here is a reactor. That's how the CO2 gets dissolved into the water.

This (sorry FP coding isn't allowing me to hyperlink it) is a page on the yeast method for CO2. This is another source of CO2, it's cheaper and less effective/reliable than pressurized. That said, I used yeast CO2 for a while successfully.

Need is a very strong word. No you don't NEED CO2. There is a nice strong trend that shows a positive relationship between supplemental CO2 and healthier plants(and nicer looking tanks). Especially in high light setups. If you are just going with a low light setup and slow growing plants, I'd say skip it and just make sure to get that tank as full of plants as possible.

For your last question about the fish: yes, it can effect your fish, and you have to be careful with what you are doing. However, there is a lot of room to "play" around with. It's not very easy to hurt your fish with CO2. If you were to go with the yeast method, it is arguably impossible to affect your fish.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 12-Oct-2006 20:29Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male uk
thanks for the help

i have been having a look around and this web site seems gd
would the CO2 from this company be ok
Post InfoPosted 12-Oct-2006 21:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
I have never used CO2 at all and never intend to reason being both of my tanks have far too much aircirulation and water movement. That is not that I dislike them I did my research first and found out it was not suitable for my tanks. A well set up tank using CO2 is a fantastic site.
I only use liquid ferts now.

Do all the resarch you can first the only advice I can give you is buy a good quality unit which will give you any back up service if required.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

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Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 13-Oct-2006 02:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 291
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male uk
thanks for the help keithgh i think i will leave the CO2 as it is prob to much work for wat i would get out of it. Also as it is a low light tank so i dont think it will make much diffrence if i add CO2
Post InfoPosted 13-Oct-2006 19:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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Registered: 02-Mar-2003
male canada
i have a small 15g planted tank for my gf it has 5 neons n 2 ottos
lots of plants and i have found that the addition of co2 grealty benifited the plants
mostly amazon swords java fern greasslike plants anubias cherry hedge n rotilia
i run a bubbler at very low pressure n increrase it at night after the lights r off
i use a yeast container with a difuser this i didnt see any inprovement as it runs at night as well whihc does not help but i also got a co2 system from jungle products it has a clear box type holding cell and a small cup into which co2 dissolving tablets are placed this system has made a drastic improvemnt on my plants
i add iron n potassium supplements as well
the jungle system is about 40 bucks canadian and its a no hassel thing and tablets are 10 bucks for 25 or so

jsut watch you dont alter the ph to much with the addition of co2 if u use it
Post InfoPosted 16-Oct-2006 22:12Profile ICQ MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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