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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# Filling an empty-looking 10-gallon
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SubscribeFilling an empty-looking 10-gallon
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Registered: 29-Jul-2001
male usa
EditedEdited by oooodkoooo
I posted a question about my 10-gallon dorm tank a bit ago about fish ( Now I'm taking a step back and looking at what plants to use. I want to make this tank look like I've put a bit of thought into its design.
Here's what the tanks looks like so far

So, I'm open to suggestions..
right now I’m thinking of having a general downward slope of plants from left to right with some short foreground plants (dwarf sage maybe?) running across in the front

I know very few plant names so feel free to throw me some suggestions and ill gladly look em up.

Also, for system specs i was looking around and i found a 36w compact fluorescent
light fixture ( I'm thinking about getting this or putting another 10 gal hood over the front of the tank.
Anyone have thoughts on this?

I also plan to use DIY CO2

So, if anyone can give me some advice on aquascaping, plants, or equipment id appreciate it


Are you the Sheep or the Guitar Playing Sheep?
Post InfoPosted 29-Sep-2006 05:32Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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Registered: 26-Apr-2003
male australia au-victoria
I was in the same situatiuon not that far back with my betta tank, and I can assure it is not an easy task. First I had to find what plants were available and all their growing conditions and the sizes they grew to. Once I established I could work out what to buy and where to put them. The basic idea is the less plants the better otherwise it will look like a green salad of just too many varieties. Select the small leafed varieties this does not block the view into the tank and can create an appearance of depth (front to back) If you have a look at my Photo Bucket you can see how I went about setting it out using full sized drawings. I can tell you there have been several changes along the way but the large DW is the main piece as it hides my internal filter and changes the flow of the filter.
The backing is now Corkscrew Val, Serated Java tops on a piece DW which is low and very close to the front, and several Anubias Nana in the front. I have also added a air wand across the back coming up through the Val.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

Look here for my
Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 29-Sep-2006 06:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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