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  L# Gross Plants
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Big Fish
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Registered: 12-Apr-2006
male usa
What plants are unapealling to plant-eating fish? (Silver Dollars, e.g.)

Post InfoPosted 22-May-2006 19:21Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
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male usa
Anubias and java fern come to mind - especially anubias. Look for anything with a tough, waxy leaf. Fish won't be able to pick it apart. Some of the larger grassy plants like jungle vals could work as well.

Another strategy may be to just add a lot of the plants you want. They'll nibble on the leaves of some stems but if there's enough there they won't go through it all. May be worth a shot.

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 22-May-2006 19:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
what about dwarf hair grass, cabomba and myrio? Anyone know about those?

Post InfoPosted 22-May-2006 21:55Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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female usa
All of those are fairly tender plants and the silver dollars will treat them like a salad...
Like nowhereman said, anubias and java fern are tough enough to withstand silver dollars, and I've heard that crinium/onion plants don't taste good to them, so you might try those for a grassy look. Egeria densa/hornwort might grow fast and tough enough that they wont kill it.

Hoping that there must be a word for everything I mean...
Post InfoPosted 23-May-2006 16:15Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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female usa us-maryland
Depends on how determined the fish is as severum eats any plants, including anubias and Java fern, which were recommended to me as well

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 23-May-2006 17:17Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 12-Apr-2006
male usa
Would Silver Dollars eat Anubais?

Post InfoPosted 30-May-2006 02:53Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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