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L# Freshwater Aquaria
 L# Planted Aquaria
  L# Lighting
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Registered: 05-Mar-2007
male usa
The Hood that came with my Aqua-Tech Tank is a Marine Land Eclipse F18T8 Natural Daylight Bulb 24" I just got the tank trying to get everything set up would that be good enough for live plants or not if so I will just use fake plants
Post InfoPosted 13-Mar-2007 04:17Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 28-Dec-2002
male usa us-colorado
If I'm decoding your bulb correctly, it is a T-8 bulb
that means that is is one inch in diameter, and 18 watts.

As far as how good, or bad it is, would normally be
determined by the capacity of the tank. Divide the
18 watts by the capacity of the tank and that will tell
you how many watts per gallon you have.

If you are around 1 to 1.5 wpg, and I suspect that you are,
you can grow any of the low light demand plants, such as
any of the crypts or some of the anubis (rooted to drift
wood) etc.

It's not the greatest idea for plants but will work. You
might consider replacing the bulb with one that says
DAYLIGHT or SUNLIGHT on it. That should increase your
plant growing abilities with a single tube bulb.


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Post InfoPosted 13-Mar-2007 08:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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