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SubscribeMattyboombatty's Planted tank log(updated May 6th, 06)
Tenellus Obsessor
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Well everything seems to be going well so far. I've noticed some good growth on the ludwiggia again. Things are looking a bit less "hacked up" like they were in the pictures, so maybe another picture is due at the beginning of next week. Also, I don't notice an increase in algae growth, which is good. I forgot to mention I got a couple little ottos about a week back. They are helping out a little....not that I can notice though.

and probably like quite a few others here, we are still on the quest to find the right numbers for our ever changing tanks.

I want my angels back, when those dirty fish were in my tank I never had to dose anything but traces and potassium.

This time though, I'm going to stick to it and really try to figure it out. I intentionally started low with my dosing. I'll keep building up if I see any lack of plant growth, or unhealthy looking growth, or algae growth.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 23-Feb-2006 17:40Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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This time though, I'm going to stick to it and really try to figure it out.

Good call You really have to stick to it to make it work, half-arseing it will only lead to trouble. EI seems to be tried and true, work on your own personal levels, but stick with the routine.

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 23-Feb-2006 17:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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I thought I'd update how it's coming along. So far so good. Or should I say, much better. Lot's of new growth and pearling is taking place every day, and I'm pretty sure that I don't see much/any new algae growth. I've already been fine tuning my EI dosage by testing and eyeing things up.

My modified dosing scheme is as follows:

Mon, Wed, Fri - 2ppm KNO3(about half the EI dose, may need to increase, we'll see), .15ppm KH2PO4(about 1/6th EI), Some K2SO4 (need to figure exactly how much here )

Tue, Thu, Fri - 1ml Floraplan (1/8th EI dose, but this I'll continue increasing slowly).

Sat - Test for any corrections(when I adjust here, I adjust the entire week's dosing schedule). 50% water change.

I have a little reminder card on my desk so I don't forget what I need to do each day. Sounds nerdy, but with my schedule lately I tend to forget this is the only way to get things done right.

Maybe in a few weeks I'll have enough new growth without algae to replant the tops and forget this episode ever happened.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 28-Feb-2006 03:43Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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Full tank Shot:

One plant that wasn't affected too badly. What was called a Bronze Crypt Wendtii when I bought it:

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 01-Mar-2006 01:59Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by xlinkinparkx
WOW that a really really nice aquarium, what are the measurements..
Am I the only person who wants to start a new aquarium after reading this?

10gallon: 8neons 5gallon: 1betta
Post InfoPosted 01-Mar-2006 03:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Sat - Test for any corrections(when I adjust here, I adjust the entire week's dosing schedule). 50% water change


So you test weekly and than make adjustments based on the numbers. I know that sounds logical, but IMO that is a problem and that is "Micromanaging". Something I have noticed is that consistently is really important. Even if your numbers are alittle off, the plants and fish could make the adjustment to different levels as along as their within a good range. When things shift to quickly that's when problems start. That's the idea with EI, your resetting the tank each week so nothing gets too out of hand.

BTW - Tank looks good I would love to see a nice piece of DW in there.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 01-Mar-2006 04:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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WOW that a really really nice aquarium, what are the measurements..
Am I the only person who wants to start a new aquarium after reading this?

Thanks linkin. I wish my tank was as nice as you make it out to be though. You should check out tetratech's tank, it's beautiful. The measurements are something like 36L X 12W X 24H. I wish I would have gotten a widerand shorter tank though.

that is a problem and that is "Micromanaging".


Well, maybe...but so far it's working better than when I lept blindly into the EI method. EI is great for the ideas behind it, but it's a little too perfect the way it's practiced. Real life doesn't always work the way it is envisioned in theory. Sometimes it does, and I wish it did for me. EI doesn't consider a few "real life" variables. One MAJOR assumption of the EI method is that tap water is mostly clean of major nutrients. Therefore, it will reset conditions at the end of the week. Sometimes this doesn't happen. I'm taking the ideas that I find useful and using them, and adjusting others. Double checking until things get into a rhythm isn't what I'd call meddling, it's just making sure I'm in those EI comfort zones, and if I'm not, then I change some things. And trust me, I'm not blindly believing the test kits either. I don't blindly believe anything, maybe that's a downfall. If the plants are telling me something I'll believe them over the test kits. Right now they are reaffirming each other. In a few weeks I won't need to test anymore and just use the plants as a guide. Right now the plants are a mess, so I can't really go by them.

By the time I'm done I'll probably be dosing exactly what Tom told me to, and then you can say "told ya so". I think the tank needs a gradual change up to those levels anyways. If that happens I'll never knock The Method again, and I'll go door-to-door handing out flyers.

BTW - Tank looks good I would love to see a nice piece of DW in there.

Thanks tetratech, this comes from the newly acclaimed super planter. I'm going to wait until I move again to do any major reconstruction. But I do want a nice driftwood in there eventually. I could only hope my tank looks as good as yours, in it's own way of course, when I've figured this stuff out.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 01-Mar-2006 07:02Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yeah I see where your coming from on the dosing. Small adjustments are fine.

BTW - Thanks for the nice tank comments, I'm not worthy. Anyway, once you put that piece of driftwood in you'll be amazed at what it does for your scape. It just adds alot of interest and depth.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 02-Mar-2006 01:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Something is wrong with the Active Thread link as this is now at least the 10th thread that doesn't show up in my list until after I create a new entry in it . Or maybe it has to do with not having made an entry in a while, whatever the reason, I found it anyway.

Your tank doesn't look all that bad and I hope that your version of adjusting fert amounts will work out well. You and I seem to be the "Critical Fertilators" in the gang and we have to be strong to withstand the onslaught of the hardcore EI followers . At least we don't blindly follow orders, even if doing so will be the end result anyway .


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 02-Mar-2006 12:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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Your tank doesn't look all that bad

Gee thanks....

I will take it as a compliment though.

I was going to do something like this in my signature:

Micromanager of Macronutrients

But now I think it will have to be:

Critical Fertilator

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 02-Mar-2006 17:59Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Micromanager of Macronutrients

I would go with that because we'll really confuse the hell out of the newbies

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 02-Mar-2006 19:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Either way, it works for me

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Post InfoPosted 02-Mar-2006 19:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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EditedEdited by mattyboombatty


Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 03-Mar-2006 06:13Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Post InfoPosted 03-Mar-2006 06:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Well done, Matty

That pretty much sums it up, right there


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Post InfoPosted 03-Mar-2006 21:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I like it!

"If you're afraid you'll make a mistake, you won't make anything."
-Family Circus
Post InfoPosted 03-Mar-2006 21:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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EditedEdited by mattyboombatty
Thanks thanks, I think I'll leave the sig this way for a while. I like it, but couldn't fit the link to my reef tank pic in there.

Anywho, today I decided that for now I'm running within good levels for nutrients with my dosing schedule. Looking at plants, algae, and test kits, everything seems to agree that things are back on track. Other than traces, which I'm going to slowly increase, I think I hit a good spot for now.

However, because the algae seems to have stopped growing I decided to bump my lighting up a bit from first light 8 hours and 2nd light 2 hours, to first light 9 hours 2nd light 2.5hours to see how that goes. I did this mostly because my chain swords seem to be suffering down at the bottom with the decreased light. It probably wasn't the smartest move, but it's been 2 weeks since I've seen algae growth and I eventually want my lights to run at least 10hrs, 4 hours and maybe more than that, if things allow it. With more growth I may need to dose more, so I'll still keep an eye on things.

Any thoughts?

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 05-Mar-2006 03:10Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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How much light are you running? I am running 3.25 Wpg for 12 hours with out any problems.

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 05-Mar-2006 04:11Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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Ah yea, I forgot that. It was 2.25wpg for 8hrs. and 3.95wpg for 2hrs. now it's the same for 9 hrs. and 2.5hrs. respectively.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 05-Mar-2006 05:01Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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I wouldn't worry about anything major happening as long as you keep up with your ferts and co2.

55G Planted tank thread
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Post InfoPosted 06-Mar-2006 02:29Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Did you do the lighting changes for all last week? What are the results?


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Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2006 12:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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Yeah, the lighting changes applied to all last week. I still have some algae, but new algae doesn't really seem to be growing, the old stuff is just lingering.

However, I've been in california since Saturday(leaving this saturday) so I don't know what's going on with the tank right now. I'm sure it will be fine. I'll give a big dose of everything when I get back. I'm more worried about the salt tank, with evaporation and everything. Hopefully my ghetto-rigged drip system will keep down the salinity until I get back.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 17-Mar-2006 07:26Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Have you tested the rig before you plan to leave? Make sure its not got to over flow the tank? Good luck!

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 17-Mar-2006 07:29Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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Welp, here's my monthly update. The algae is all but vanished, there's just a few puffballs of BBA left, those things can be stubborn. The hair type algae is gone. The plants are starting to show a bit better color, but I need to increase the micros I think, and maybe increase the photoperiod of the second light a little, maybe a half hour. The nitrate and phosphate levels are rock solid with my dosing regimen. I'm pretty happy with everything right now, but I know the aquascape needs a bit of work, which will come after I move, at the end of May.

So here's a pic:

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2006 02:13Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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With good readings on the fertilizers and diminishing algae, I would not be surprised to see a major improvement on plant growth. You probably will have to prune quite a few times before your move. BTW, I guess it would be worthwile to create a special thread on the move itself as I can imagine it to be a major challenge. Good luck with that.


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Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2006 12:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
To my eyes I think that's the best I've seen your tank look. The plants look lush and healthy. I know your going to be moving, but once you move hopefully you'll add a few pieces of driftwood and arrange those healthy plants into a nice scape.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2006 15:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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I guess it would be worthwile to create a special thread on the move itself as I can imagine it to be a major challenge. Good luck with that.

I'm lucky enough to move every year. I've already moved this tank 3 times, only once while planted heavily. I'm a pro. It's like an automatic reaquascape anyways, so I figure I won't try to get the perfect 'scape until after that. Yeah, I will have to trim a few times, I'm sure, as the plant growth has increased. If I increase the light a little again, I can imagine it will increase even more. I do want to get the benefits from this "new" light I purchased a few months back. I think I'll eventually have it at 10.5hrs on the first light and maybe 4-5hrs. with both on. More if I can control the algae. I've already noticed the increase in plant color and health, and I'd like to see more.

To my eyes I think that's the best I've seen your tank look. The plants look lush and healthy.

Thanks, I agree except for the tenellus. It didn't fare so well with the algae and decreased lighting, but there are a couple healthy ones in there. Once that bounces back the tank will look pretty nice. And don't worry, after the move I'll trade in the two peices of wood I have in there now for something a little different - more visible anyways.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2006 17:18Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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I've already moved this tank 3 times
Uh, you must be an expert then ...

... but did you ever move a salt tank? There is a nice article in the May TFH regarding moving a saltwater aquarium and all the things one will have to (or should) think about beforehand. Might be worthwile reading material.


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Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2006 17:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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No, I haven't ever moved a salt tank. Thanks, I think I will look for that issue, as I'm sure there are some things I've forgotten to think about. It should be warm at least, so I won't have to worry too much about that. I now have about 7 empty 5 gallon buckets, and I'll need a couple more. 9 aught to hold just about all the water in the tank. I'll grab a couple boxes from work for the LR. The corals I'll bag seperate. It's going to be a PITA. I might buy a battery operated air pump, but the fish are only travelling 20-30 minutes, so they should be fine without one.

This is something I don't want to do every year, don't know why I got into it.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2006 18:56Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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EditedEdited by mattyboombatty
I guess it would be worthwile to create a special thread on the move itself as I can imagine it to be a major challenge. Good luck with that.

Well, I decided that I'm going to be tearing this tank down a few days before I move, and bring the fish back to the lfs. This will reduce the stress of moving, for me. This year at least I can walk without a crutch, so that's a bonus. I've also decided that this tank isn't going to be set up again as an aquatic plant tank.

Instead, I'm going to set up a paludarium. I'll have a nice deep area of water where I will keep a few fish, and some plants that won't mind climbing up and out of the water. I'll make a waterfall and get some cool terrestrial plants and mosses, ferns and cool stuff like that. I'm also thinking about poison dart frogs, but I'm sure those can be a bit expensive. I want to do this up real nice so I'll probably be researching all summer.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 03:09Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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I am worried myself about moving all my tanks(5) not to mention all of my junk! No SW tanks but my planted tank I really don't want to destroy. Going to start a thread sometime soon about it.

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 03:49Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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So Matty,

I guess this would mean that this log will come to an ultimate end when you move again

That is sad, as your log was one of the inspirations for me to create my own.

Are there any reasons besides the above mentioned reduction of fish to care for (during the move, at least) and your new love of paludarium? Like - do you feel like you have not achieved your goal with this tank and you don't see it happen anytime soon?


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Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 11:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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So Matty, does this mean you'll be changing your signature from Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients to Microorganism Organizer?

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 13:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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EditedEdited by mattyboombatty
Like - do you feel like you have not achieved your goal with this tank and you don't see it happen anytime soon?

Hehe, I never set my goals so high for this tank. I guess they weren't clearly stated, but since I'm not much of an aquascaper, and before this tank, I wasn't much of a plant keeper either, my goal was simply to grow healthy plants without algae. Actually I feel very accomplished with this tank, I've done that 2 ways. The first was low tech medium light, DIY CO2 and not much in the way of ferts. The second has been just recently after I let things slip, a much more high tech, higher light, pressurized CO2 with a lot of ferts. I feel I got some good experience from this tank.

I guess this would mean that this log will come to an ultimate end when you move again

and from the ashes of the old will come anew.... hopefully they'll let me put up a log of my paludarium up here, since it will be planted.

That is sad, as your log was one of the inspirations for me to create my own.

That's very nice of you to say LF! Thank you. That makes me feel even more accomplished if I was able to get another person into the planted tanks. I'll make sure to update it one last time for you too....I owe you a May update. I'm sure I'll come back eventually, no need to worry. My log doesn't get much attention now anyways, yours and tetratechs and nowherman's thread are plenty to keep people busy.

This is something I've wanted to do for a while, I even found some scribbled ideas on a note card from 3 years ago, including plans for a waterfall. This should be fun. The only thing I haven't figured out is how I'm going to use my CO2 and everything on the paludarium, I spent too much to just let it rust in a corner somewhere.

So Matty, does this mean you'll be changing your signature from Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients to Microorganism Organizer?

maybe I will. We'll have to think of something new, that's for sure.

Wings - I'll help out. It's really not too bad. Being able to cut a few things out here and there really help ease the mind though.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 14:16Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
Instead, I'm going to set up a paludarium. I'll have a nice deep area of water where I will keep a few fish, and some plants that won't mind climbing up and out of the water. I'll make a waterfall and get some cool terrestrial plants and mosses, ferns and cool stuff like that. I'm also thinking about poison dart frogs, but I'm sure those can be a bit expensive. I want to do this up real nice so I'll probably be researching all summer.

That sounds like alot of fun, FPers don't know this about me but I used to be a member of the New York Herpetology Society that wold meet at the Bronx Zoo. So I had my share of reptiles and amphibians, mostly during my younger years.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 14:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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Tetratech - I'll trade you info about salty tanks for info about amphibian needs.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 14:19Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Tetratech - I'll trade you info about salty tanks for info about amphibian needs


My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 19-Apr-2006 16:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Well boys, seems like you're both fairly well set on your endeavors. Here's some inspiration. On the top right is says "galleries" and if you hold your mouse over the word it should give you a drop down list of FW/SW/Paludarium tanks etc.


Eat your hearts out. I know I did...

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Post InfoPosted 20-Apr-2006 22:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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Hmm...those were nice. A few of the fish only SW tanks had a few too many fish in them, unless they had a few hundred gallons of water hidden elsewhere.

The paludarium I liked best was the one with the dart frogs, but I want some water in mine. The fog effect was awesome in the one tank. very cool. Nice link Bensaf, I'll have to peruse through those when I'm setting up the paludarium, thanks.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 21-Apr-2006 04:01Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nice link Bensaf,

Bensaf?!? He wishes!

But seriosuly, you always have to keep in mind that some of these pictures are taken to be one shot deals, at least when it comes to fish. But just in terms of layout and scaping I find them absolutely inspiring

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Post InfoPosted 21-Apr-2006 04:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Now do you think that the owners really take care of them? I bet not!

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 21-Apr-2006 05:19Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Bensaf?!? He wishes!

So the secrets out, Bensaf and Nowher are the same person. One playing the protist collaborator and the other the playing the protist destroyer.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 21-Apr-2006 14:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yeah, I am also having a hard time figuring out which one is Bensaf and which one is NowherMan6. Supposedly, they even look alike (or was that me and Bensaf ).


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Post InfoPosted 21-Apr-2006 14:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by mattyboombatty
oops, sorry nowherman....I always confuse you two cause of your posting colors. one of you needs to switch to red letters or something. Oh wait...then you'd look like me...dangit.

ma bad...

But seriosuly, you always have to keep in mind that some of these pictures are taken to be one shot deals, at least when it comes to fish.

But see that's what makes work for us LFS employees more difficult.

Average salt newb: So I got this 55G tank and I was thinking that I could put (insert mouth dropping number of large fish here) in it.

Me: (laughs)

Average salt newb: What?

Me: Oh. You were that most likely won't work.

Average salt newb: But I saw this picture of a tank on the box that my 55G came in, and most of those fish were in it. The guy at petsmart said it would work to if I did enough waterchanges, like every other month.

Me: Ahhh, you'd probably want 1000G of water in your system and a display of 500G to comfortably house those fish together.

Average salt newb: (confused look)

Me: Let me show you some fish that would work out great in a 55.

Average salt newb: That's it?

Me: Well if you add a large sump and have great filtration - lots of LR, a nice skimmer, You could probably add a few more fish.

Average salt newb: What's a ssss...What did you say?

As you can see the conversation starts to deteriorate from here. Generally they either start thinking for the first time, or an embalism pops. Both of which have a similar effect, massive drooling. At least I get paid for my frustrations.

And yes, I'm exaggerating a little bit. But I do get this conversation at least once a day.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 21-Apr-2006 17:11Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Supposedly, they even look alike

I'll repeat - he wishes

And just for the record, I had the grey on grey going while he was still with a yellow background. But does seniority count in this case?

Anyway, Matty I see the problem. Similar idea was touched on by tetra in LFs thread, about the large amount of fish in certain pics. They should realistically be causing problems for the tank, but the tanks look pristine. In any case, the design is the thing

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Post InfoPosted 21-Apr-2006 17:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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That's pretty funny Matty, but brings out an excellent point. Most novices when they go into a LFS they see big fish in a 20gallon, but don't realize the central filtration system behind the whole thing. It's not the size of the tank it's the size of the bio area, etc.

LF, you asked about Amanos tanks with all the large schools of fish. He's a great photographer, visionist, etc, but he's got to abide by the laws of nature like everyone else. We don't know what he's running for filtration. The fish could be dumped in their for the photo opp, but many of his tanks might be off one central system with a hugh amount of area.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 21-Apr-2006 17:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Good point tetratech

And NowherMan6, always be friendly to old people and give them the right of way

While we are talking about loads of fish in small tanks:
Have you ever seen the adds that show you multiple tanks in different sizes that the manufacturer offers (as kits)? The all have the same picture of fish on them, just the image is shrunk down proportionally (and they do this on the kit package as well). So, while their stocking on a 20G with 10 platies in the picture would make sense, they show the same one for the 6G, expect that the fish are now so small on the display that they look like some "yet to be discovered" pygmy form of platies.


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Post InfoPosted 21-Apr-2006 18:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech
That's true LF,

Take a look at these pearls in a 5 gallon hex.

Oh I forgot the tank must be drilled thru the bottom and dumps to a big a** sump.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 21-Apr-2006 18:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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*shakes fish at manufacturers*

I did see a guy on reefcentral that had a 26 bowfront with a 200 gallon sump with maybe 100lbs of LR in the system. I think he had a 3-4 inch hippo tang, a couple clowns, a wrasse, and a goby or two. That normally wouldn't work out for the best, but he can pull it off because he's got such a large volume of water behind the scenes. He still got flamed because there really wasn't a lot of swimming room for the tang. The water was probably clean of waste though.

There's always some sign of plumbing, it doesn't matter how great a photographer you are, that's 5 gouramis in a 5g hex. And Amano probably keeps each individual tank on it's own. He has different parameters for everything, and that wouldn't be possible if everything was connected. He doesn't drill any of his tanks that I've seen. Most of his tanks you can see the eveolution of the tank, and there's no remote body of water. Just the 500 cardinals in 100G. I never see how he filters the water either though....hmmm. He could have a nice big cannister or 2-3 on his tanks.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 21-Apr-2006 19:26Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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*shakes fish at manufacturers*

Matt! Why do you have to shake the fish all the time?? BE NICE!

BWT it is crap like that, that makes me very unhappy at work some days. Just because someone saw a picture of it, it doesn't mean that it is true! Stupid people! I bet they don't even keep fish!

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 22-Apr-2006 03:13Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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EditedEdited by mattyboombatty
Matt! Why do you have to shake the fish all the time?? BE NICE!

Sometimes it's the only way to get through to people.

BWT it is crap like that, that makes me very unhappy at work some days. Just because someone saw a picture of it, it doesn't mean that it is true! Stupid people! I bet they don't even keep fish!

Yep, though at my store we have to sell these dumb people the fish they want to kill, we can at least take away the guarantee. Most of the time people will reconsider if they know they can't bring the fish back if it dies. They won't listen to "It's a bad idea to do that, the fish will probably die." but they'll listen to "no guarntee" pretty well.

Oh...and [/rant]

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 22-Apr-2006 20:56Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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That is a great idea, eliminating the guarantee is something I haven't thought about. Maybe it would be even better to have a big sign over the entry that states: "We reserve the right to revoke the guarantee if we feel that you are too stupid to pick the right fish for your tank"


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Post InfoPosted 22-Apr-2006 23:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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/rant I have built two web sites today!! GRR!! haha

Yeah I have had to do that a few times but I should proably do it more. We only do 48 hours anyways but none of our tanks are conected. Except the salt tanks. But they all go into OT for a few weeks before coming into the store.

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 23-Apr-2006 01:27Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Maybe it would be even better to have a big sign over the entry

Nah, we like to spring this on people to catch them off guard. It works better that way.

We only do 48 hours anyways but none of our tanks are conected. Except the salt tanks. But they all go into OT for a few weeks before coming into the store.

We do a full week including marine fish and corals. There are a few select fish we don't offer guarantees on for good reasons. We have individual tanks as well for all our freshwater, and our salt section has 5 different systems and 4 LR tanks to try and keep everything seperate as much as possible. One for fish only, one for corals only, two for inverts and small fish that need to be seperate from other fish, and one for an odd mixture of things.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 23-Apr-2006 07:08Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by mattyboombatty
Well I think this is going to be the last post before I move. I guess I'm not going to do a paludarium. My housemate(girlfriend) doesn't want anything in the house that can survive out of water for any amount of time. So off. No more SW info for you just kidding. So I guess that means I must continue with my log, though I'm thinking tank change. Maybe a 33L maybe a 40Br or 50 like LF. Corner bow? I'm undecided at this point except for the fact that I don't like disproportionately tall/skinny tanks. I want some room to scape. What do you guys think?

So if I get a new tank, do I start a new log?

Anyways, I'll get to this week's update. Things are going well, even though I keep forgetting to dose ferts due to finals/work/life. It ends up that lately I've been dosing twice a week and doing 5ppm of nitrate and 1ppm of PO4 and 3mLs of micros at each dosing. This isn't what I want, but it seems to get the job done. I liked how the ludwiggia looked ever since I hacked it all the way down to get rid of the algae, so I kept it that way, just trimming it down a bit every week. I detest the left side of the tank(mostly just the bacopa), but I'm going to leave it until I move. I like everything from the ludwiggia to the right, though the tenellus hasn't seemed to come back yet. I doubt it will now, I think I killed it all. I put a little trimming of my nana in the foreground. I think I have 2.5 feet of anubias nana in my tank . That and the huge ball of lace java fern is taking over the tank! Attack of the slow growers! All joking aside...I really like the giant java fern, it's my favorite thing about that tank right now.

OK to the pic: (nice color on the crypt in the front left though, huh?)

Attached Image:

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 07-May-2006 03:14Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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anything in the house that can survive out of water for any amount of time. So off

Sorry to hear that about the paludarium. I'd imagine the paludarium would have been alot of work to keep clean considering the animals that would co-habiat wit the fish.

Plants look really good. I like that lace fern. I saw a 200g tank once that had a few hugh bushes of that stuff with some strategically placed rock and it looked really great.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 07-May-2006 23:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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So I guess that means I must continue with my log, though I'm thinking tank change

Maybe a 33L maybe a 40Br or 50 like LF
I am going for the 40G Breeder, you can do the same and we can have a straight competition
So if I get a new tank, do I start a new log?

To your tank now: I like its look, although some plants need to grow back. Yeah, the fern is very nice. My favorite in the picture is - the Pearl

Gotta run now, wife is calling me for dinner.


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Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 00:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I'd imagine the paludarium would have been alot of work to keep clean

Yeah, you're right. I'm probably better off this way. One planted tank and one reef tank is plenty of work.

Plants look really good. I like that lace fern.

Thanks, I'm going to regret getting rid of that one, since I'm still going to tear down the tank before I move. I think I bought it for $3...I wonder how much it will go for now attached to a peice of driftwood.

I am going for the 40G Breeder, you can do the same and we can have a straight competition

Well if you feel like waiting for me then we can definitely have a scape-off. I'm sure you'd win though. I don't have good vision.

Gotta run now, wife is calling me for dinner.

You got a good lady there Ingo. Makes dinner AND puts up with the fish thing. That's a keeper.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 16:29Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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It's funny how we're all getting the itch for new/ restarted tanks. I'm going to replace my 46 bowfront myself - the shape is hard to deal with, as is the perspective when viewing the tank. Personally I'm waffling between something in the 20 gallon range and 40-50 gallon range. We'll see how much OT I make in the next month or so

That, I guess, is a segway into commenting on your tank choices. I would stay away from a corner tank. Not that there isn't enough room, but it would provide a real challange when scaping it, starting first and foremost with the curved glass and how it effects the appearance of the scape.

And definetely start a new log

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 16:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
then we can definitely have a scape-off
I am not gonna wait for you, instead I am going to enjoy my head start
I'm sure you'd win though. I don't have good vision
If there is one thing that will stop me from ever becoming a great planter then it is my lack of vision. There is no other explanation for why I seem to strip my 125 about every 2 months and move everything around. I just cannot envision how it all will come together. So, I would say we are even in that department
That's a keeper
Yup, she is . Since almost 12 years by now.


EDIT: And NowherMan6 - get a 40G Breeder as well, so we can have a 3-way scape-off

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Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 18:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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It's funny how we're all getting the itch for new/ restarted tanks.

I got bored with my planted tank like 4-5 months ago(the tank has been up for 1 year and 4 months now). Ingo made me keep going. It's a good thing I did though, or I never would have come up with my modified EI schedule - and thus never would have enjoyed a higher light setup. I think it's important to switch things up or you lose interest(that's no excuse for rescaping every two months LF). At least I do.

I would stay away from a corner tank. Not that there isn't enough room, but it would provide a real challange when scaping it, starting first and foremost with the curved glass and how it effects the appearance of the scape.

Yeah, I thought it might be interesting to scape(though not as easy), and I've never had anything but a rectangular box.... Corner bows are more expensive(no discounts on tanks for me), so I doubt I'll go that route for just that reason. I bet if done right it would look pretty sweet though. Maybe I'll do that in the future with a 94 corner bow. That would be nice.

I'll probably get either the 40br or the 33. I think I'm going to get the 50 for my reef tank(Can't have two of the same tanks and upgrade the lights to T5 HO, and use the 3foot 2X96W PC fixture for the 40Br. The 33 is 4 feet long, and I'd have to get another fixture, and I don't think I can fit 2 new fixtures into the budget.

I am not gonna wait for you, instead I am going to enjoy my head start

*shakes fish at LF*
I guess chivalry is dead or whatever. So be it. You'll start over a few times before I even get going, so I guess it's fair.

There is no other explanation for why I seem to strip my 125 about every 2 months and move everything around.

Sure there're fidgety. With the plants, the fish, the equipment. Me, I just let my aquascape continue to go without vision. So either that or you're normal and I'm just lazy.

I'm going to come up with a great aquascape for the next tank. Instead of planning everything else out and spending little time on the actual scape design, I'm going to spend a few days coming up with an aquascape and plants that will fit it. As of now, I have no idea what I want.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 19:41Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yeah, that pretty much sums it up

I'm going to come up with a great aquascape for the next tank
And that is what I am telling myself as well. But I did that for the 125G, too, and it didn't work out


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Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 20:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And that is what I am telling myself as well. But I did that for the 125G, too, and it didn't work out

I think scaping a 40BR is going to be easier than scaping a 125. The key is finding proportionate rocks and DW and plants. Scaping the 125 is hard because it's so long and it's difficult to carry horizontal flow for 72 inches. That seemed to be on of the problems you kept running into - you'd wind up with a scape that looked like it could be a the scape for 3 different tanks rather than one continuous one. 36 is much much more managable. It's better IMO to have good depth compared to length, rather than overall length. I'd rather have 48X24 or 36X18 over 72X18 or a similar long tank.

I'm lookinf forward to seeing both your tanks, that way I can see what I'm up against

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Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 21:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And that is what I am telling myself as well. But I did that for the 125G, too, and it didn't work out

I think the key would be to use larger groups of less kinds of plants instead of small groups of lots of plants. At least for those of us that aren't as talented as others. Bensaf could probably make 20 different plants in a 10G tank look like there's good cohesion. Me I can't do that, so all I know is that my scape will probably be quite simple. I think that's what nowherman was trying to get to.

I didn't really do that with this tank. I went out with a simple scape plan that wasn't well defined and just tried to make the plants grow nice. I think I'm knowledgeable enough now to take the growing of most plants for granted and try to assemble a nice scape.

That's the hope anyways, not sure if I'll follow through on that.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 21:23Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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