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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# Plants = Slimey + Cloudy
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SubscribePlants = Slimey + Cloudy
Big Fish
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Do plants make water slimey and cloudy?

Post InfoPosted 22-May-2006 02:07Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
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Plants , because they produce oxygen, will keep water clear and sparkly. Highly oxygenated water has more clarity.

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Post InfoPosted 22-May-2006 03:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by FRANK
You are going to have to be more detailed and descriptive
than your question implies.

"Do plants make water slimy and cloudy?"

Do plants make the water slimy?
If by slimy, you mean an oil like film on the surface of
the water - No, it's not the plants. This oil like layer
is from excess oils and proteins in the water. It can
come from some fish foods, an absent or ill fitting lid
over the top of the aquarium and when exposed to the air
where folks fry, or broil, or smoke, a lot.
It can be removed by turning off any air stones and
laying a sheet of paper towel on the surface just
long enough to dampen the towel and then rapidly
lifting the towel off the surface before it
becomes saturated. Do this several times, each time with
a fresh sheet. OR, you can and an air stone or
increase the air through them and rile the surface.
This causes the film to mix with any dust and
clump. The clumps then sink to the bottom where they
can be siphoned off.

Will plants make the water cloudy - No. White cloudy water
is an indication of a bacterial bloom. It is the result of
poor aquarium maintenance. Too many fish, too much food,
too little cleaning can all result in a bacterial bloom.
To resolve the problem, do regular water changes, and,
at the same time, vacuum the gravel to remove
compiled fish waste, and excess foods.

If it is a green cloudy, this in an algae bloom and this
link will further describe "Green Water" what it is, why
it is, and how to rid yourself of it.

If Ben's and my answers are off the mark, you will need
to give us all some more information.


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Post InfoPosted 22-May-2006 07:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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