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SubscribeShekoi's 72 gallon planted tank log
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cheers for the replies.

i'll wait then.

i'm starting setup now quick advise needed.

spray bar same side as intake pointing towards other end.

or on the opposite end poniting towords the intake.

got 2 heaters one either end? or on either side?

where would co2 think go with above spra bar postions? so i can leave room!

cheers shekoi
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:42Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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don't know whats wrong with my threads - every time i post something and go back later to check the thread my posts aren't there.

i have to right a new reply to see what people have writen?]:|
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:42Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Sometimes a pic is worth a thousand words.

Here you could see my spray bar upper right (green tube) and my intake. The spraybar is attached to the left side glass at an angle downward. I think you could see the bubbles in the water.

My heater is that thicker black tube. If you have 2 one on either end.

You could also see my wood diffusor. The space you need would depend on what method you use for co2 diffusion. There are several and all seem to work, but if you use an airstone or glass diffusor it should be positioned under the spraybar.

tetratech attached this image:

Last edited by tetratech at 24-Jan-2006 12:00

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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so you have your spray bar on the back off the tank pointing forward but slightly down? does this give enough movement at the other end of the tank?

is it best to have the spray bar lower the surface? or slightlt above and pointing down -to stop co2 being removed

Last edited by shekoi at 24-Jan-2006 12:02
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:42Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yes the return tube that connects to the spray bar is coming back up from the filter over the left back. It then attaches to the spray bar that runs just below the surface along the left edge. I actually cup on the left glass holding it there.

It's best for co2 diffusion to have very little agitation at the surface, so it works good to have the spraybar just below the surface.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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just filled her up for the first time - substrate has been put in - water very cloudy but i'll let it settle then remove about half so easy to aquascape - i'lll prob fill it up again with water from my 40g.
says it should anywhere from 2 to 12 hours to settle out. flourite when wet is almost like soil.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:42Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Welcome to the world of Chocolate Milk! Once everything calms down it gets much better. I have done a few replants in my tank and all I dont have any major problems. I have had it in the tank since Aug.

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:42Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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the tanks going to look great - what colour have you pianted (waxed it)

what is the large wood you have in there?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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So far so good shekoi,

That was the easy part .

Now we gotta make it pretty

How exciting,


PS: You cannot see your post because your browder might have cached the page. If so then simply post the entry, go to the pager where you posted it, and hit the refresh button (on your browser, not FP). That should do the trick. Let me know if it still does not work.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Looking good so far

What do you mean when you say you have grasses left over?

What grass is that? Like hair grass?

That should go in the front.


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 12:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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i mean vals. got loads they grew well in my 40g so spread them out and had left over to put back into the new look 40g.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 15:12Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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How about if you try some Tennellus (Pygmy Chain Sword) for the foreground?


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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 15:17Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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i'll have a look out for them - i'm not going to add much more yet going to wait she what the plants i have now do!


water is now clear, don't no if its just down to adding the carbon, but it sure helped.

i've transfered some of the fish


i've decided against adding the corys for a number of reason - first i would never see them! and i'm not sure how they would be on the flourite. so i've rescaped my 40g with cories in mine it's all sand with bit of gravel at one end.
going to add large shoal of something and add few more corys - just don't know what shoal to have yet - prob be neons think the blue would look good in that tank.

i'm only going to add 5 more rasbora and a couple male rainbows, but these are at later date, got let it settle down first - check everything is fine.

my luminaire hasn't arrived yet - they said they had delay there end and should be out as soon as possible - what ever that means
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 18:01Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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current stock of new tank

1 angel
4 dwarf neon rainbows
7 Hariquin rasbora
6 glowlight tetras
1 clown pleco
3 ottos

hows does that look?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 18:03Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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That looks wonderful

I didn't know you have Rainbows and when I looked at the second picture I saw 2 fish that looked a lot like 2 females.

I just recently got my first 6 praecox, 3m and 3f.

On a different topic, how many fish did you add already? Isn't the tank not cycled? I am not sure if you have enough plant mass to stopp an ammonia spike. Be careful.


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Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2006 04:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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yes i know about that, i'll keep my eye on the levels, the filter was cycled and i've added gravel from the old tank to help the cycling process. i needed to get the other tanks dismantled as soon as possble, girlfriends sister is having one and is picking it up tommorow

she lives 5 hours drive away so shes planned on coming this weekend. so had to have it ready.

i had 6 rainbows but lost my two males when i move from my mothers place to my new house - they were the only ones i lost no idea why. i'll get a couple more once the tank is settled.

still waiting on my light - should be here monday. will the plants be ok with very low light until then?

cheers shekoi
Post InfoPosted 27-Jan-2006 12:41Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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I think the plants should be ok until early next week. People have tank blackouts for an entire week and the plants survive. I think the worst that could happen is that some of the leaves that are weaker might die.


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Post InfoPosted 28-Jan-2006 12:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by shekoi
update 30/1/2006 - this years going quick

still waiting on the luminaire no signs of it yet - buying from germany so might be a bit late.

this is where i'm up to at the moment - the wire is the power extension for my T8 which is badly lighting up my tank at the moment.

i'm doing a 20% water change a day at the moment, because i've had to add all my fish at once - there is no problem with the water all reading 0. the filter was cycled and i've added substrate from my old tank, plus the bogwood and plants - so it might cycle ok.
Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 12:54Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by shekoi
heres some more photos of the new tank.

glowlights hiding out in the grasses


i'll post some more later.

Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 13:14Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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i've just ordered some more plants. i've gone for easy grow low-mid light plants. these are what i've ordered.

Aponongeton crispus (bulb&plants) single
Crytocoryne nevilli 5
Bacopa rotundifolia single
Cryptocoryne balansae single
Cardamine lyrata (bitter cress) single
Hygrophilia polysperma (mush plant) 5
Eleocharis vivipara (hair grass) 5

most to help fill out the foreground and a few for the middle and back left.

still no luminaire
Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 18:31Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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now finished the modifications to the hood so that the luminaire - if every arrives can fit over the tank and so you can't see the surface of the water and all the condensation glass etc.
Post InfoPosted 30-Jan-2006 18:39Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by shekoi
Little advise and help now needed. -LF Bensaf ready?


tank is 72g(US) - getting close to heavily planted
will have about 2.2wpg - if luminaire ever arrives.
co2 by excel at the moment will be getting pressurised soon as can.

anyway what dose of what should i be adding to the water and how often?

cheers Karl
Post InfoPosted 31-Jan-2006 13:51Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
Oi Karl,

I wish I would have a direct answer for you, but I don't as I don't know what ferts you have available.

I am dosing KNO3, and interchangably KH2PO4 and K2SO4 (to balance K and P). For Micros I use TMG.

The others know more about where you might get access to these ferts, I know one of them is Stomp Remover and one is an Enema (or maybe that is even the same).

Overall, your light is good but not overwhelming. I would think that you will not achieve super fert uptake. The Excel (for carbon supplement) can be added daily or every other day.

Let's see what the others say...


EDIT: BTW, tank looks nice already

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Post InfoPosted 31-Jan-2006 15:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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We have the same size tank.

I dose 3 times/weekly
Sun/Tues/Thurs (macros)
.50 tsp no3
.05 tsp po4
Mon/Wed/Fri (micros)
10 ml Flourish
5 ml Flourish trace

I have stronger light and co2 pressurized so your plants will probably use less depending upon your mass. I would start off with 1/2 of the above doses and see how it goes. If plants grow and mass increases then increase dosing.

Depending on your plant mass and with your light you could probably cut these number in half.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 31-Jan-2006 15:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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cheers for the replies - i'll go have a look in lfs for flourish etc.
Post InfoPosted 31-Jan-2006 16:17Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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well done, the tank looks great

DOn't forget dosing of the Excel as well. See how it works for a week or so, then you may be able to up the dose to give you better growth. Megil is experimenting with it now on his high light tank, it'd be great for you to document how it works for you as well, as well as what doses.

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 31-Jan-2006 17:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by shekoi
cheers for the replies - i've found all the flourish things on the site i buy from so now ordered.

the luminaire has just arrived

no time to take photos now i'll post some when i get back in from uni.

only problem with it is the bulbs - they are only 30W each not the stated 39W and all are 14000K is that a problem for plants?
or should it be ok for a while before i get some around 6500K?

so now works out at 1.7 WPG

EDIT: the company have just emailed me that the 30W printed on the bulbs is a misprint and they are 39W so i'm back up to 2.2wpg.

still are 14000K is this ok for plants or should i change some? all?

cheers Karl
Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 10:46Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Anything above 10,000K is usually considered not good light for plants. Not that it harms them, but the temperature range doesn't help them to grow either.

When are you getting the other lights?


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Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 15:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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cheers LF

i could get a couple of bulbs max now but can't afford 4.

not sure what K value my LFS has says ideal for plant growth. it's the plant pro lamp on this link - think it's second one down.

anyway here are some more photos of the tank with the luminaire on.

what do you think of the tank?
Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 17:04Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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quick question about my corys again.

they are still in my 40g at the moment which is very bare, with just couple plants and sand substrate, this is slowly being filled with rocks before turning into a african cichlid tank.

so i don't want to house the corys in it for much longer, but will they be ok in a heavily planted tank? there will be no open swimming space on the substate very soon, as i have even more plants being delievered to me.

and it will be very hard to see them ans check they are ok and feeding.
Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 17:21Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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I know nothing about Cories in densly planted tanks, sorry. But your concerns are exactly the reason why I decided not to get any.

About the light: I am weak on reading a color output chart as well, but if I am not mistaken then good plant lights have a spike in the blue and red range. The one you link to seems to be rather equal on almost all levels (I think that means 10,000K, wild guess though).
If this is the case then these lights are ok, but not the best for your plants. A good combination could be 2 of these and 2 of the 6,500K that you want to get (makes it less green to the human eye than pure 6,500K).

I take it that the 14,000K you have are the ones below the one you are looking for. The name might be giving away what their purpose is: "Arcadia T5 Marine White Lamp" .

Hope this helps a little,


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Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 17:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Shekoi - re: the cories, don't worry about the plants getting in the way of your cories, it's the other way around The cories will be fine with ground cover plants, they'd probably enjoy rooting through the plants for bits of food - but that's just the problem. Like loaches they're e to digging through the substrate and this may be enough to upset any ground cover plants like glosso, and may get in the way of them really settling in the substrate. Not that it WILL be a problem for the plants, but don't worry about the cories, they'll do just fine i would imagine.

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 18:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by shekoi
i don;t know if they are the marine ones it doesn't say on them just says 14000K they came with the luminaire which stated ok for marine, freshwater and plants so who knows?

most of the instructions and details are in German

i'll get one of the 10000K if thats what they are and i'll see if i can find a T5 with 6500K- haven't seen one yet.

Still haven't got my harries to sit still how do you do it LF?

Cheers Nowherman - i'll put the cories in and see how they do, i haven't got any plants that are shallow rooting, all cryto, and grasses so should be ok then?
Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 18:15Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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What kind of light where the vals in before you moved them to the new tank. 1.7wpg I think is low for that plant. I would definitely not fool around with your lights for too long. Get anything between 5,000 and 10,000k, if I'm not mistaken 14000k as LF pointed out are more for marine use and might give you add'l algae problems in your tank.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 18:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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i still haven't found any 36" T5 bulbs with that fits into that scale, i'll get a couple of the 10000K and shop round, but they aren't cheap

some of the vals where in my 40g which has 1.25wpg and they grew ok.
some where in my 10G which had 1.5wpg.


Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 18:21Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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how do you do it LF

It's a secret

Well, it is called "make 100 pictures and one just might be good"


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Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 18:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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ok i'll give it ago - i'll post the results in march i think

i'm just going to move the corys over now - got find a bag for them.
Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 18:25Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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that took longer then planned - quick little buggers!

sit harlie sit

ok didn't work this 100 try, try agian
Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 18:57Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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cories are now in look happy enough after the short trip from one tank to another.

lets hope their not to stressed

now for the 40G aquascapping need about 20-30Kg of oceon rock for what i want to do so one piece a month, be done by christmas

Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 19:02Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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sit harlie sit

I think you might have to borrow tetratech's Wisteria Whip, maybe it works on harlies as well .

One more thing: what is an ocean rock exactly? A rock that has been rounded with water and sand or litterally a piece of calcium containing ocean rock. You can see where I am going with this question, right?


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Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 19:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Having fun with the harlies there? I love how they swim; they push forward then slow down to a stop so you think you can snap a pic, but then they push off again, leaving a red blur in the photo. A couple techniques:

1.) high shutter speed if you can
2.) higher ISO if you can

3.) a trick I've learned to get them to hold still. You've got cories so this might work. Drop a shrimp pellet or algae wafer down to the bottom. They'll probably try to get it on its way to the bottom, but leave it be once it hits bottom. At this point your cories should be all over it. if they're anything like loaches, as they eat they'll break off little bits that'll fly up a little bit into the water column. My harlies love to gather around the loach feeding spots and just hover in one place waiting for scraps of food. It's a great time to snap pics because not only are they holding still, they're also holding in a tight schooling formation in on espot, so you can get a few together. Try it, see if it works. I took some pics this way last night which I'm going to post in my log tonight. Take a look later if you want.

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 19:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I took some pics ... last night

Uh, so did I, maybe I add one of my Espei pictures to your thread then


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Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2006 20:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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thanks for the ideas.

i can't increase shutter speed only got cheap digital camera.

LF - not really sure what ocean rock really is just what LFS call it, it's a dirty white colour, with holes in it and it is smooth. i'll try get picture, said save for freshwater, and if makes water harder that would be ok as it will be housing africans.

haven't had time check on cories this morning got up late and had to go to work but hopefully they are ok..
Post InfoPosted 02-Feb-2006 11:37Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Isn't that the worst? All you need is just a few minutes to make sure everybody is happy and you just can't find this time. Well, they will be all right, I hope. The tank looks great and they will like it


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Post InfoPosted 02-Feb-2006 12:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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cories are fine - never seen them so active must love the plants.

just done a water change and i kept the fitler running when the water level was lower so i could check the output better, it seems to have dropped alot, so i cleaned the motor, inlet, outlet and filter material - but it havesn't changed - any ideas what the problem could be?

might have found problem with getting new bulbs for my luminaire - the only ones i've found are 10000K and 36" long i've just measured mine they are only 33"

so now i have a headache

should ahve gone for the expendsive one from LFS instead of ebay bargain

Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 14:42Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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I have no idea what might be the issue with your filter. If you cleaned everything then it should run fine, except if the impeller in the motor is beginning to have too much wiggle room and doesn't quite move as well as it did before. How old is the filter now?

About the lights: Yeah, although I don't have too much experience with lights, I think the standard versions come in 6" increments (for reg. flourecents) as each 6" = 5W.

Sorry about that,


PS: did you look at NowherMan6's log recently? We added some Harlequin pictures just to get you motivated

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Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 15:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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yes i've seen the pictures

i'll have another go later!

should have done it while the water was low.

anyway i've found these bulbs that would fit but are not made for aquarium use? still no idea what K just says day light?

what do you think of these then?

Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 15:41Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Sorry shekoi,

I cannot help you with that.

I believe Daylight means 10,000k, but I wouldn't even bet one cent on my statement.


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Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 16:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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cheers LF

i've posted same question in the tinkering forum, hopefully somebody can help there.

Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 16:07Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by shekoi

i'll attach them old way for now and i'll try again later.

Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 16:32Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by shekoi
Trying again might end up bit big

How do i get it smaller?
Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 16:47Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Nice photo shekoi,

And no need to make it smaller

I think you would have to make the original smaller if you would like to display it differently.


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Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 17:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by shekoi
arcardia have told me that their plant pro tubes are 5600K so i've ordered one - can't afford anymore of them, i've also gone for 2 of the daylight bulbs, Frank told me they should be ok.

hopefully these will be better for my plants.

Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 17:58Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by shekoi
the company selling the daylight bulbs have told me that the bulbs are 6500K so i've got two of them ordered, so will only have one 14000K bulb in the luminaire.

should that be a problem?

i will have two 6500K bulbs one 5600K bulb and one 14000K bulb - once paid i will swap the 14000K for either a second 5600K or another 6500K

what think?
Post InfoPosted 04-Feb-2006 19:47Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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I would get rid of the 14,000 as soon as you can afford it. It is pretty useless right now and, as someone mentioned before, might help algae more that plants.

I don't remember your light setup, do you have all 4 tubes parallel? In that case any ofthe new K values will do. If it is a 2x2 setup then you should have the same combinations for both, like on the left 6,500 and 5,600 and on the right the same.


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Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 13:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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all the tubes are together i only have one luminaire so i get a third 6500K bulb cause they are cheaper.
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 14:17Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by FRANK
I've not made it to Technical Tinkering yet, but I can
help with the term SUNLIGHT. For years and years
incandescent and fluorescent bulbs produced a harsh light
that, over time, caused folks to develop headaches and
other vision problems. They discovered that the light
was "harsh" (frequencies, strength, glare) and produced a
series call "Warm" Sometimes called "Warm White", these
bulbs put out light without the "glare" and are easier
on the eyes and cause less problems for folks who are
light sensitive or work in fluorescent lighting. You can
also (if you wear glasses or contacts) have a coating
put on them to reduce the effects of fluorescent lighting.

Light bulbs that say SUNLIGHT or DAYLIGHT are rated at
6700K, have a great Color Rendering Index (CRI) and
are ideal for plant growth and for viewing fish. They
tend to let reds be red and greens, be green, in other
words the colors are truer.
Lower K lights tend to be yellowish and washout the
colors. Lights that are much higher in K ratings tend
toward the blue end of the spectrum and by themselves
tend to give things a bluish tinge and also washout
colors. To overcome the bluish tinge and color washout
most who use these bulbs will mix them with DAYLIGHT
bulbs to overcome that drawback.

In your specific tank (if I'm remembering the TT thread)
you mention that the tank is a large tank and, I think,
possibly 2 feet tall. Once you reach 2 feet in depth,
the light traveling through the water column is scattered
and absorbed and while you might start out at the surface
with x watts per gallon, by the time the light energy
reaches the substrate, it can be considerably less.
To overcome that many will use the higher K light as the
blue part of the spectrum penetrates deeper before it
becomes affected. I believe I mentioned in TT that, that
might be the reason your carpet plant is thriving, the
14,000K light is working. You might consider simply adding
a 6700K bulb or two to the tank lighting to improve both
your overall WPG and to offset any bluish tinge.

Hope this helps...

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Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 18:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Cheers Frank

thats very helpful.

i've just put on two daylight bulbs, so now have
2 daylight 6500-6700K
2 14000K bulbs

i've got one 5600K bulb coming to me should be tomorrow so i'll leave the remaining 14000K bulb in place then.

thanks agian very helpful

Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2006 15:05Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by shekoi
just trying to attach picture, wasn't working for me before
Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2006 16:31Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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What's the size? They have to be less than 100kb, and in reality probably less than 98kb.


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Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2006 17:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by shekoi
thats the problem the pictures are way to big - i'll stick to the old way.

anyway my new 5600K bulb has just arrived - put it on its almost pink in colour.

heres what whole tank looks like now with 3 new bulbs on.

this is the tank with the four 14000K bulbs on.
Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 13:31Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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this is a picture of the reflection of bulbs on the glass can just see the pink colour of the new bulb.
Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 13:33Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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managed a photo of blacky the RTS today - usually he is never still or hiding real well.
Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 13:35Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Looking very nice

Yeah a temperature around 5,500K gives of a pinkish hue, that is normal. It balances out the greenish hue you get from the 6,700K lights and provides more of the red spectrum for the plants (good thing, 6,700K are more on the blue than the red).

Looks like all is in the clear now and you can start to focus on details, for example how to make the driftwood blend in better with its surroundings.


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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 15:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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any suggestions of how to do that?

i've got some plants for the foreground and couple for the back coming tommorow, see earlier in thread for list of plants i've ordered.

i've been looking for moss to cover the bogwood, only found it on ebay - don't know if it would be any good.

Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 15:59Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Aponongeton crispus (bulb&plants) single - Background, will grow tall
Crytocoryne nevilli 5 - Foreground, as a group might look best
Bacopa rotundifolia single - Background, will grow tall
Cryptocoryne balansae single - pretty tall, most likely background, maybe midground
Cardamine lyrata (bitter cress) single - looks tall, don't know too much about it. Might look good wrapping around the wood.
Hygrophilia polysperma (mush plant) 5 - Tall, can create nice terrace effect mid to background
Eleocharis vivipara (hair grass) 5 - forground

That is Java Fern on the front left, right? Maybe some of it would look nice attached to the wood in a few spots (without hiding the whole wood).


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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 16:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by shekoi
cheers LF

i've got some spare java fern floating around my 40g, cause didn't know what to do with it.

where abouts on the wood would you attach it?, somethimes i think it looks odd when attached to high up the wood with nothing under it.

Aponongeton crispus (bulb&plants) single - Background, will grow tall was thinking of putting it back lefthand side behind java fern next to wisteria
Crytocoryne nevilli 5 - Foreground, as a group might look best going foreground middle
Bacopa rotundifolia single - Background, will grow tall righthand side just behind bogwood
Cryptocoryne balansae single - pretty tall, most likely background, maybe midground middle midground
Cardamine lyrata (bitter cress) single - looks tall, don't know too much about it. Might look good wrapping around the wood. good idea - i plant near stem plant leftside big bogwood
Hygrophilia polysperma (mush plant) 5 - Tall, can create nice terrace effect mid to background -back middle i think
Eleocharis vivipara (hair grass) 5 - forground front right infront wood and broad leaf cryto

Cheers Karl
Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 18:42Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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First off: Wow that is quite some color that you use to add your comments in the post above. I am blinded now .

Hm, the fern might look good further down on the wood, but you know what - wait anyway until you really get all plants in place, this will change everything anyway. Just try to position the driftwood so it can be removed and placed back in afterwards. If that is not possible (like there is no way in hell for me to remove my driftwood) then you would have to make a decision right there when you replant.


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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 19:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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First off: Wow that is quite some color that you use to add your comments in the post above. I am blinded now .

trying new things - i had to change my background colour so that it could be read, i'm learning next time i'll use bright red.

i'll probably remove bogwood and attach jave fern before replanting as i want to plant in close to the wood to help blend it in.

LF - would you say then put the java fern about third way up then it wouldn't get in the way of the small grasses i'm planting in front of the wood.

What think of my ideas for placing my new plants? - (bright green writing for people who can't focus on it)
Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 19:28Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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I have to pass on giving you any advice on where to put what. For me, this phase is the hardest in the whole process as it is almost impossible to imagine how it would look (not to mention my inability to predict long term changes - just look at my jungle before I redid the tank this weekend).

For example, the Apon: How big is it when you get it? Mine was tiny and got lost in the scape, it actually looked as if I had forgotten to plant a tank section. But within 3 to 4 weeks it grew to over 20 inches in height.

Sorry again,


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Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 19:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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no idea what size it will be, it's mail order from internet site, still hoping they come

i'll plant them where i think should go then post pics and we can all have good chat about it
Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2006 19:46Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by shekoi
plants haven't arrived. told they should have been hear today - hope not lostr in post or something will not be in good condition if i ever do get them

right thats my rant over with.

i've removed my large bog root thing and put on some bits of java fern along the bottom and a bit of anubias at the top, so hopefully they should fill out and cover the bogwood.

i've also moved my crypto broad leaves more into the front right corner, didn't look natural in a line, this also leaves bit more space for the larger new plants - if they come.

any idea how long java fern takes to hold on to the wood - the only cotton thread i could find was white so shows up against the wood.

i'll post pics later as not at home at the momment.

i've also so noticed that my glowlights are chasing each other a lot more then i've seen before, and they are rolling around each other. are they attempting to breed or just finding out who is boss?

now i've changed the bulbs i've noticed bubbles streaming off some of the plants - good sign so far

Post InfoPosted 08-Feb-2006 17:07Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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plants have come this morning!

not impressed, i know they were cheap but, i got just bits of plants, no roots and most where dried up and looked dead.

cryto balance, had one leaf and 1 root, so hopefully it will live.

the grasses i got meant for foreground where 12inches long, i've cut them down to make it easier to plant, put them front right and middle right of the tank.

the nevilli where ok but very small, so it will take ages to fill the front.

i'll see how they do, post pictures tomorrow as tank bit cloudy now cause of the planting.

Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 22:52Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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I've seen the c. balanse come in from a store like that. It'll grow, don't worry. It may melt first, but it'll come in in time.

What were the grasses again? It may be that they were grown emersed, thus they look quite different than submerged growth. Look at page 2 or 3 of my log, you'll see my tenellus looks NOTHING like submerged tenellus, it shrinks in size considerably.

Post some pics, and give it some time

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 22:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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lets hope so

this is the crypto nevilli
Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 23:16Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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the dwarf hair grass, been cut down
Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 23:17Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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not great photo. but its' the one leaf of the balance.
Post InfoPosted 09-Feb-2006 23:18Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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The nevilli look good

I have never seen such a tall hairgrass, even when grown emersed

Is that rather broad leaf supposed to be the balansae? I thought they are much narrower?


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Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 01:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I have never seen such a tall hairgrass, even when grown emersed

I don't know if it's the pic, but that doesn't look like Dwarf Hairgrass. How much did you cut off the top?

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 01:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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i cut off about 6 inches, thats what makes me think they have either sent wrong stuff, or just named it wrong.

ha, see what it does, if grows tall again, i'll move it to back,

going to pinch your idea tetra for mid foreground now with the cut off wisteria.
Post InfoPosted 10-Feb-2006 01:30Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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