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  L# Shipping Plants
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SubscribeShipping Plants
reel big mark
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Registered: 29-Jun-2005
male usa
Hey everyone, I'm considering buying a plant package from and I had a question on how well plants ship. I can choose between next day shipping and 2 day shipping. I was wondering how plants would fare with 2 day shipping as I cant afford the next day shipping which is almost twice as much. So how well do you all think the plants will do with 2 day shipping. Thanks!

its me sk8freak20...i need to get premie so i can change my name back
Post InfoPosted 25-Aug-2006 23:36Profile Homepage AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Hi there,
I have both shipped and received plants sent
via regular ground mail (6-8 days), with no problems.
So long as they are packed properly there should be
no issues.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Aug-2006 00:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Whenever I order from AZ Gardens, the plants arrive
protected by a substantial box, wrapped in wet paper,
and/or in a sealed plastic bag with some water. I have
ordered both ways, and in each case the plants have been
healthy and in great shape.

The problem with ordering plants/fish is the
shippers. Sometimes the live plants or fish spend time
out on the tarmac in the blazing sun, or in the
freezing cold. That is what does most of them in.


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Post InfoPosted 26-Aug-2006 20:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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I have a different opinion about shipping plants than the previous two posters.

Number one: it depends on the plants, as some ship very badly. Take Needle Leaf Ludwigia, even over night it was in bad shape when it arrived. On the other hand, take Anubias, they are good for days in.

Number two: Most online stores make guarantees only when shipped over night. As such, selecting any other option leaves you on your own in case of an issue.

My rule: Better safe than sorry!

I never select anything else than overnight, except if I can be 100% certain that the plants will be ok on a 2 day trip, and that has been the case only once so far.

Hope this helps,


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 26-Aug-2006 23:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
azgardens charges the most for shipping of any site I've ordered from so if I get anything from them I do the cheapest option. They usually ship things pretty well and I've never had any real issues. Plus there plants are great quality so it's usually worth the extra cost. The biggest thing I look at is the temperatures. If it's really hot or well below freezing the plants aren't as likely to do well even with heat packs in the winter. Neither is anything else living for that matter. Otherwise I've had plants sent standard ground that takes 5-7days to get here and most did just fine. Anubias is definitely good at surviving shipping. I left one in the box for another 3 days after it took 6days to get here and it looked like it had just been pulled out of the other person's tank.
Post InfoPosted 27-Aug-2006 06:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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