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SubscribeStocking My New 55 Gallon Planted
Big Fish
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male usa
Ok so here is what I was thinking- Please give me suggestions.

- 2 german blue rams
- 2 gold ramsr bolivian...I havent made up my mind yet.
- A school of hrelquin rasboras- how many is a good school?
- My platy colony- I dont save fry so breeding shouldnt become a problem.
- A group of corys- probably just add to the 4 I already have.
- 6 otos
- Shrimp

Let me know if i am over stocked and I will cut down. Let me knwo what you think.

- Hornwort
- Anubias- are these a low to moderate light plant? If night I wont get them.
- Some wisteria
- Java ferns
- And any other low to moderate light plants i may find

I am very excited about all of this I t will be my first real planted so it will be very interesting. I probably will make a log once I get the tank and etc.... Thanks for the help!/:'
Post InfoPosted 03-Dec-2006 04:02Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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Lets see...
Hmmm... Why not have more Germans and no Bolivions? Hmmm... For Harlies I would say 10 maybe and everything else is fine. Sounds liek you might be a understocked. May I suggest Rainbow fish and a breeding colony of Cherry Shrimp. Also how many watts of light do you have?

Post InfoPosted 03-Dec-2006 06:58Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Well I guess I will just get the gold rams and not the bolivians. Well I am not sure of my watts yet as I dont have the tank or lights yet. But low- to moderate lighting. I will get the shrimp. But I dont think I will be getting any rainbows. Maybe another schooling fish? Any suggestions?
Post InfoPosted 03-Dec-2006 07:01Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Neons or Cardinals are good. A pair of rainbows looks great in a planted tank. Also do you mean German Blues not Gold?

Post InfoPosted 03-Dec-2006 07:05Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
A pair of German Blues and A pair of Gold Rams.
Post InfoPosted 03-Dec-2006 07:34Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Gold rams and blue rams are the same
species, Garofoli. (not german they arent
from germany).
Id say the opposite, why blue rams and not
Great preferrer of the bolivians myself.
Sounds good to me.
For the school of Harlequins, I think 12 would
make a nice school, 20 would be even nicer.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 03-Dec-2006 11:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Well I think I like the coloring of the gold rams better, Glad you all think its a good stocking. Yea, I will probably go with around twelve harlequins.

Any more input is VERY welcome
Post InfoPosted 03-Dec-2006 17:45Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Do you like the Shrimp Idea or not? Besides that the whole tank sounds great!

Post InfoPosted 03-Dec-2006 19:05Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Yes I had the shrimp idea from the start but you gave me the idea of cherries

Anyway, If my LFS still has them I will be getting my two Gold Rams today!!!! They will stay in the 17 gallon until the 55 is set up.

Ok so here is the list of decor and other things I will have.

Stealth heater
HOB filter- suggestions as to what kind?
Artificial Driftwood
Eco complete
sound good?

Thanks again for the help everyone!

Post InfoPosted 03-Dec-2006 20:51Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 12-Apr-2006
male usa
Thermometers are nice to have. For the HOB Filter I personally like The Marineland Bio-Wheel Line but Most people like Aquaclear. It's completely up to you.

Post InfoPosted 03-Dec-2006 21:07Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
HOB filter- suggestions as to what kind?

None. For a 55g tank, go with a Canister filter.
You wont regret it. It will keep the tank cleaner,
require less maintenance, and allows for greater
amounts and mixtures of media.
I highly recommend the Rena XP series. Great
filters, easy to set up, a whiz to prime,
many options for media, two options for output - spray
bar or powerhead, and totally silent. Best of all,
you dont have to see it or cut holes in your hood
to fit it.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 03-Dec-2006 22:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Cory Fanatic
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male usa
Oh yea I forgot the thermometer. Well I was looking at an Penguin 350 today it seemed very nice. I already have a Penguin 170 and it runs like a dream. Thanks for the suggestion on the canister filter I will look into it.

Now about the Rams. They will no tbe getting in any until Friday soo I will go back next weekend.

How many pounds of ecocomplete should I use?
Post InfoPosted 03-Dec-2006 23:12Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female australia au-newsouthwales
How many pounds of ecocomplete should I use?
This link will help.
If you are going for a planted tank, remember that you will want a good thick substrate, so be generous with the depth measurement.

Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 00:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Thanks Robyn for the link. Ok well now i am perplexed. I cant decide weather or not I want gold rams or blue rams since I cant have both........ help.
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 02:34Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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EditedEdited by GirlieGirl8519
How many pounds of ecocomplete should I use?

I used 5 bags in my 55g and that gave me a good 2 inches in the front and 3 inches in the back (sloped). I think 5-6 bags is enough, depending on how many inches you want.

Ok well now i am perplexed. I cant decide weather or not I want gold rams or blue rams since I cant have both........ help

IMO Blue rams are prettier, they have more blue, so thus are more colorful, but golds are nice too. Have you seen pictures of each?
Blue Rams
Gold Ram (sorry, that website is in another language but the picture came up when I googled Mikrogeophagus ramirezi gold )

Its your decision, but I personally like Blue Rams better.

I'd go with 10-12 Harlequins. And go with a cannister, like Sneaky suggested. I have a Rena XP3 on my 55g tanks and they keep them super clean.

Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 04:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Cory Fanatic
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male usa
Ok so here is the new stocking list as far as fish go....

-12 Harlies
-8 Otos
-Cherry Shrimp
-Platies- probably by the time I have the tank established and put them in I will have around ten so probably with other fish in the tank nt that many more will survive from then on.
-Bolivian Ram- pair. I swithched to these as I ws informed the temp difference with the Blue rams and my pride and joys Panda Cories would be to great so I wouldnt be able to keep them.
- Panda Cories- I will probably add up to 20.

OK now about the filter,
How much are the above ones listed? Aslo I have never used a cansiter filter so I dotn knwo how they work. Please explain.
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 04:19Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 04:33Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Darn that didnt come through..... ok so that was supposed to be a photo of my idea for a setup. I will try again.
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 04:34Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 04:36Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Cory Fanatic
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male usa
Ugh oh well I cant get it up.
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 04:36Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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