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  L# Will ferts do much?
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SubscribeWill ferts do much?
Fish Addict
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I bought some ferts today, and put some in. Heres a link to the product description

Do you think this will have any effect on Apongeton Ulvaceus, Elodea, Java Fern, And Anubias? I am also going to use some fert spikes, but havent got to buy them yet, as i cant find them here. I also am going to get This.][/link] [link=And this.][/link] [link=And finally this!

What do you guys think about these ferts and their effectiveness. Anybody with experience? I need to know before i will get the Flourish ferts. I think i will need them, as i am going to attempt to grow Vals and Some crypts(C. undalata "broad", and C. becketti "petcheii".

Is there any other plants that need ferts, grow fast, and dont need >1wpg? I would like to know so that the ferts will be put to good use!

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Post InfoPosted 31-Mar-2007 06:37Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
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Hm, I'm wondering why you want root tabs? I think it's much more cost efficient to just buy a rich substrate, or add laterite. If you have it already, then you dont need root tabs. Also, most of your plants should primarily be tied onto rocks and driftwoods, not planted into the substrate (java fern and anubias), so root tabs aren't going to help them much.

Pro plant is high in nitrogen, so I use that one once a week. I haven't noticed much difference with it, but hopefully it's better that I'm not seeing something negative happen to the plants without it. I also use the three fluorish products you mentioned with much success, though you should slightly increase the suggested dosages. Also, there really isn't enough potassium in any of those products, you might want to buy a fertilizer primarily composed of potassium. I go easy on the iron in tanks that aren't heavily planted with red plants.

There is more popular ferts out there, I think it's Tropica Master Gro? Its pretty proclaimed on this site, though I haven't used it myself.
Post InfoPosted 31-Mar-2007 09:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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What are you doing?

It seems to me that you purchased /or want to purchase almost a ramdom assortment of ferts and other stuff. You need to get to work and learn about plants and their needs first before you apply fertilizers to your tank.

Can you define terms like macros, micros, carbon replacement (that would be the Excel on your list), light requirements and can you identify their interaction? I doubt it. Here is my main advice: Read as much as you can about this topic before you start. I cannot even try to help you with it right now as it would require me to write a book here.

Also, no plant will grow fast below 1wpg, but that is another topic.

Hope this helps,


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 31-Mar-2007 12:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 03-Feb-2007
male usa
I forgot to mention i was going to add a new light strip for my current one is not strong enough, and does not have a capacity for the plants that i like. I just asked for low light plants for my 10 gallon, where i cant seem to find anything in my LFS anymore. Im getting More light needy plants like Money wort or Pearl grass.

I want root tabs because i didnt even consider using laterite or whatever when i changed the substrate. I just cant add itt now, Right?

Little_Fish, I read about Macronutrients and Micro nutrients somewhere, and i think that Macro is the greater, most used nutrients, where micro is the less used but still important. Thats about all i know.

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Post InfoPosted 31-Mar-2007 16:16Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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