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 Freshwater Aquaria
 Planted Aquaria
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 TopicAuthorRepliesLast Post
New To Java Moss
i just had my lfs order some java moss. they harged me 3.99 for a little pot of it. should be here next week. what im trying to figure out is when i p...
sodaaddict84309-Apr-2007 01:25
New to live plants
I have a 55 gallon aquarium with 15 cichlids, 2 plecos, and a blue crayfish. I have fine white gravel and a uga filter with 2 penguin 550 powerhead...
camaro383racer209-Apr-2007 00:32
Java moss balls
Hi I'm really excited!! We did the rounds of the LFS in our area today and stumbled upon some java moss for sale! I know it seems silly to b...
Gone_Troppo508-Apr-2007 02:54
Fist Time Plants
today i bought my first two plants ever(aquatic obviously). i just wanted to know a little bit about them. i got a sword which the guy at the lfs said...
sodaaddict84707-Apr-2007 16:32
Submerged or not?
Hi all, I have bought some hornwort, and i am wondering if it could be submerged completely in the aquarium. Or, should i let it still float? Can you...
GobyFan2007607-Apr-2007 02:49
How much Phosphate is too much?
Hello Everyone! Its been awhile since ive posted anything, i dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing...So I am seaking help. Over the past fe...
shawnp2k1406-Apr-2007 23:34
Low light floating plants?
I do not have alot of options at my LFS for plants, so I need a plant that is readily available, yet does well in partial light. The fish I have in my...
reun1406-Apr-2007 21:04
Flying Fox good for beard algae??????
29 u.s gallon community tank. zebra danios, harlequin rasbora, cories, and Otocinclus affinis. Could I put a young flying fox in the...
oldpro205-Apr-2007 22:36
Please ID this plant The plant looks exactly like regular vallisneria but is much (much) smaller. Maximum l...
mughal1131305-Apr-2007 13:44
Vacuming Gravel
what is the best way to vac the gravel in a planted tank. besides rotating the area. do you just not vac the gravel and remove the lower water and let...
djrichie302-Apr-2007 05:26
Some plants I found at the LFS
I'm pretty excited about our new Aquarium Adventure store... to put it mildly, it rocks. AND they have a great selection of plants and a pretty knowle...
kitten302-Apr-2007 01:16
Will ferts do much?
I bought some ferts today, and put some in. [link=Heres a link to the product desc ription][/l...
GobyFan2007331-Mar-2007 16:16
Bulbs From The Store
Are the bulbs from walmart any good? I just purchased one, and i want to grow some. Any experiences? EDIT-They are the apongeton bulbs....
GobyFan2007628-Mar-2007 05:17
25G Aquariums
I have an aggresive tank (barbs) 25g thats been running for 3 months has 6 tiger barbs 6 rosy barbs 4 pearl danios 5 zebra danios 2 blue long fin da...
platy boy125-Mar-2007 05:50
Plant Lighting
sorry to bother you all twice in one day but with a 6700 light how long does it have to be on every day for java moss, anubias and java ferns to be he...
platy boy225-Mar-2007 00:37
4 Gallon Nano Log
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Hi gang, Just like to introduce you to my latest project, this is my desk top tank. I've been working on it, playing around with a few things, poking...
NowherMan69824-Mar-2007 14:34
Adding to gravel
Pages: 1, 2
I have gravel in my tank right now and wondering what kind of plant substrate I could add in the areas where I want a few plants to go? I want a black...
fishyfishy262423-Mar-2007 08:30
Red Tiger Lotus
Okay, when I planted my 45 gallon tank I had placed a Red Tiger Lotus bulb in and this was on the 21st of Feb, so it has been 4 weeks now. My questio...
OldTimer822-Mar-2007 03:39
Low Light Plants
Ok I've set up my 30 Gallon I have mostly Fake Plants but I want to try some live ones seeing how I have a 30 Gallon Tank with a 20 watt bulb anything...
antman08015420-Mar-2007 05:34
Problems with Vals
I purchased 4 Vallisneria americana at a LFS along with 4 Sagittaria. The tank is 15g Eclipse. It is lighted by 2x 15w tubes, 1 Powerglow and 1 Flor...
des_sniper818-Mar-2007 05:57
Plant ID request
Hi, Here's a little quiz for the plant gurus. I'm very new to crypts and have recently planted three of them. Here are a few pics to be identifies. 1...
mughal113518-Mar-2007 05:50
Planted 12 Gallon Eclipse Tank
hey everyone just wondering if anyone has any experience with growing plants in this tank. wattage is 13 and K rating is 50k....
haRg0wbOi517-Mar-2007 06:33
Underwater Bamboo
Does anyone out there have any experience with keeping bamboo in a planted tank? One of my LFS has started carrying decorative bamboo for growing in...
Dolf417-Mar-2007 03:04
Can I plant in my gravel
I get confused about whether or not I can put plants in my gravel so I took a couple of pictures to see if someone can help me decide. I just added s...
ImRandy851217-Mar-2007 02:43
How to plant HC?
Hi, I've just bought some HC (Hemianthus callitrichoides). I have no idea how to plant it. For the time being, I've planted it like glosso. Suggestio...
mughal113616-Mar-2007 21:03
Kyoto Grass Plants (Ophiopogon Japonica)
also known as mondo grass? anyone have any experience with keeping these plants....
haRg0wbOi415-Mar-2007 18:50
i redid my 12 gallon eclipse tank last night and added 20 lbs of of eco-complete. i use declorinated water to fill the tank up. i checked the tank...
haRg0wbOi315-Mar-2007 00:53
Fish for a 29g Planted?
Hi, I have just finished setting up my second planted tank. Its a 29g and heavily planted. I've used gravel from my older planted tanks (setup for at...
mughal1131314-Mar-2007 19:54
Java Fern
I recently purchased 4 Java Fern plants from an internet supplier and 2 of the plants have numerous black spots (I'm assuming these are seeds?) that a...
OldTimer314-Mar-2007 16:02
The Hood that came with my Aqua-Tech Tank is a Marine Land Eclipse F18T8 Natural Daylight Bulb 24" I just got the tank trying to get everything set up...
antman08015113-Mar-2007 08:19
hair algea/spira gira HELP!
hi guys i am having such problem with this stuff it is green and thin and spreads all over the plant leaves so quick. It looks realy bad. How do i ge...
juwel-180409-Mar-2007 02:18
Need info on RICCIA.
I saw under the classifieds that Riccia was posted. I know very little on this plant since no LFS seem to carry it around here (Florida Panhandle)....
des_sniper608-Mar-2007 13:59
Java Moss
Seven months ago I shut down my aqaurium and emptied it. The fish which I had were given to my daughters class at school. I had put some Java Moss in...
Tina's Tank707-Mar-2007 20:33
Rotting roots?
I planted my 5 gallon hex just over a month ago. It has a female betta and an apple snail(p. Bridgessi). I dose twice weekly with Flourish and have a...
katieb907-Mar-2007 19:01
DIY Light Questions
I'm thinking about making my own light for a 10 gallon I have laying around my house. A couple of questions I have are: How many watts per gallon is t...
agent_orange407-Mar-2007 18:40
Unidentified Flourescent Bulbs
When i purchased my 20 gallon, it included a light fixture with only one flourescent bulb attached to a one slot light strip. it has printed on it "Ec...
GobyFan2007607-Mar-2007 06:49
Planting a Brackish Water Tank
I am new to this forum so please bear with me. I have a 55 gallon brackish tank with app. 30 Mollies and 35 Olive Nerite snails. The tank has been set...
animal9mm707-Mar-2007 06:23
Anubias nana with holes on leaves
I have recently ventured into a real planted tank. I have always wanted to start something small and something low tech with out the hassle of all tho...
Mychael406-Mar-2007 06:15
Plants w/river rock
In my aquarium, i only have river rocks that are rounded. besides floating plants, what other plants can i put in? as soon as i get a camera, i will p...
GobyFan2007802-Mar-2007 23:22
Yellow Leaves
Some leaves of my Echinodorus Tenellus and Hygro Polysperma Rosa turned yellowish. I've also got a Valisneria Spiralis which is doing perfectly fine....
aratalp502-Mar-2007 03:21
OldTimer's Planted 45 Gallon
Okay, I just finished planting (with what plants I currently have) my new 45 gallon tank. Dimensions are 48" x 12" x 18". This is a low light tank s...
OldTimer1925-Feb-2007 04:19
Inviting All Idea
man this is challenging i am loach frenzy, so i did some research but i don't know if i could find the right plant for my 55g tank. 1st - plant need...
khai225-Feb-2007 01:36
Crinum aquatica ?'s
I just got 2 of the Crinum aquaticas a couple of days ago. It seems that this plant is sometimes mixed up as Crinum natans. The place where i bought t...
clownloachfan021-Feb-2007 00:00
Plants on driftwood
I recently bought some "african root" for my new kuhli loaches to hide under. I've been thinking of adding an easy plant to the driftwood and have ne...
ImRandy85320-Feb-2007 23:02
Co2 or not?
hi guys just askin if u use co2 for your plants or not in your tank? (if so please feel free to post pics of your tank/s that use co2 in them)...
juwel-180920-Feb-2007 22:57
Theresa_M 2.5g log
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4
I've been lucky so far with planted tanks...I put together a 20g with minimal research that turned out nicely, a 5g with incandescent lighting that wa...
Theresa_M6020-Feb-2007 16:50
Substrate clouding water
I have a small 20 litre tank I wanted to grow plants in. I have a 4cm thick la yer of some clay type soil(I can't remember what its called) and a 4 cm...
cappa419-Feb-2007 21:33
Setting up the 25G
I have a few questions here is a picture of the tank being set up, now when I gravel vac whats to stop me sucking out all the fertiliser? I have had...
goldfishgeek518-Feb-2007 15:12
Christmas Moss Wat To Do With It?
hi guys i bought so christmas moss but at the moment it is just floating about in the tank but i would love to put it onto a rock. How do i go about...
juwel-180317-Feb-2007 02:49
What Plants To Use?
I am going to be getting rid of my lace java fern driftwood, its not liking the change over to power compacts and iron fertilization. I was thinking a...
clownloachfan016-Feb-2007 22:47
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