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Does anyone know what kind of wattage? I still cannot seem to figure it out!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:39Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
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You could also have your local glazier cut up one for ya
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I decided not to buy the top from an online store sice it was causing issues with the shipping, i'm just going to go to the lfs and get one there.
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glad you like it did you end up going with a versa top?
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I just bought a 24" with 65 watts, it is awesome! It was cheaper than the 55 watt one, and has a day and night light! It is a satellite brand.;category_id=1869

Last edited by Hooktor at 15-Jan-2005 11:43
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:39Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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I own a double bulb 48" strip light from all-glass, and it's wider than a single strip light would be. Just measured it, and it's 5.75 inches wide.
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Fish On The Brains
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male canada ca-ontario
I forgot to post the link!;category_id=1853;pcid1=1843;pcid2=

No dimensions though. I'll try to find out.

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Depends on the dimensions. Check your link for dimensions, and measure I know perfecto double bright strips are the same width as regular single flo strips, but they don't make the double brights in 18"
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Fish On The Brains
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male canada ca-ontario
Found a link, and this would be what I'm looking for! But would this unit just sit on top of the light hood fitting in place of the old light housing?
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Fish On The Brains
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male canada ca-ontario
Is there a full hood available with 2 18" flo bulbs? I have 1 18" 15W flo bulb on my 20 gal. high right now. Reason being, I would like to be able to grow high light plants.

Thanks in advance!
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Given the price and description on the first one, i'd say a total of 40 watts. The second one is 55 watts Brighter light, but more cash.
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female usa
I decieded to go to the store and buy some plants and realized that the selection and chance of my plants living is much better if i have more wattage, so i decided with a little help from the fish store salesman, to go ahead and start saving for a better light fixture. The on that they had at the store was 24" across (which is my tank) and had 2 18" bulbs, it was $75. I also would need to buy a glass canopy. When i got home i pulled out my Doctors Foster and Smith catalog and found a pefecto 24" double bulb strip light that had two 24" bulbs. It was $39.99. I do not know how much wattage it was, but it had two flourescent bulbs. I know i probably will have to buy a new glass canopy since i have a plastic one, but which one sounds better? Are they the same thing? I know the second one sounds better, but i dont know what kind of wattage it has, and im not sure it will fit my tank. Will it fit even though the lights go all the way across. And it is worth it to buy these new strip lights? I tired looking for 18" bulbs to put in my current strip light, but i can't seem to find any with high enough wattage.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:39Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
Now what is the wattage do you think on a light fixture like this:;category_id=1853;pcid1=1843;pcid2=

Or is one light better:

I am still deciding!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:39Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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shipping isn't that much its about 8 bucks
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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not a problem, take care.
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female usa
Thanx so much, i think i am just going to buy the 55 watt one from the local fishstore since i won't have to worry about shipping. It is about $75 but i think it will probably come out to the same as any dicount place online since it is so expensive to ship the huge fixtures. Also i think i need to buy a new glass cover, but i dont think that costs that much.
Thanks fallout for your keeping with this post and helping me out! I hope everyone has a happy new year!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:39Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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You're talking VHO bulbs, where VHO stands for Very High Output. They require a different ballast than what your NO, or Normal Output, bulbs do. You'd have to build a new fixture with an accompanying ballast to accomodate those bulbs
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female usa
I still don't understand how the perfecto with 2 24" bulbs would only give me 40 watts, wouldn't having 24" bulbs open me up to having more of a selection with more wattage? For example two of the 75 watt bulbs, or are there different fixtures.
I am still new to this lighting business, sorry i am so lost right now!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:39Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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You'd have 2.75 watts per gallon with the 55 watter, which would put you solidly into the moderate/high lighting territory.

Your Perfecto double strip with the 2 24" bulbs would give you 40 watts. 2wpg would allow you low and the hardier moderate light plants, but the high light plants would elude you.

If you're a diy-type of guy, you should check out the [link=bright kits]" style="COLOR: #FFFF00[/link] from ah supply. You could make your own canopy and purchase the kits mentioned in the link, and you could cram as much as 72 watts on there without a problem. You would, however, have to get a glass canopy and the bulbs seperately. This gives you a better choice of the bulbs YOU want to put on the tank, but it will be a bit more costly. The kits from AH supply include a better reflector, giving you more light IN the tank, not bouncing back ontop of the bulb itself.

If you just feel like slapping something on the tank, the light mentioned in the previous post would do just fine.

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female usa
Does 55 watts give me high, medium, or still low light for a 20 gallon? Thanx for your reply. So i should not go with the double one with two 24" bulbs? I thought that one would be good since there are 24" bulbs with 75 wattage, but is that too much? I am new to this lighting stuff!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:39Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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