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 Technical Tinkering
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what kind of filter should I get?
Tank: 20 gallon long (30"x12"x12" ) Stocking list: 8 Apistogramma agassizii 3 ottos 6 marble hatchetfish I already have a whicper submersiable fi...
djtj1109-Aug-2005 03:06
I am thinking about getting an airpump and airstone but I would just like a bit more info. I am looking at one thats rated for a 30g but would it be o...
ericm707-Aug-2005 19:32
Sharing filtration between a large and small tank
My 5g dwarf puffer tank sits no more than 3" away from my 90g planted community tank(in the works). The 90g is using a jebo canister rated at 300gph...
sham606-Aug-2005 21:22
problem with Aqua One CF 1000
I have never had a canister filter before so I am at a loss to fix my problem. The filter has been running smoothly for 6 weeks. Then the water inta...
Connie DG305-Aug-2005 09:46
Fluval Cannister with in-line CO2 reactor
Has anyone used an in-line reactor with a fluval cannister? I was thinking of doing this because I get a good deal on them at work. I know you can do...
mattyboombatty304-Aug-2005 02:11
DIY aquarium canopy
Any one have a link to a good diy canopy???...
jakeoman202-Aug-2005 20:48
Hello all, I was thinking of buildig a shelf to hold my fish tanks. I have 2 1/2 g, 10g, and 29g. What should it be made of so it does not break?...
esandbergger1230-Jul-2005 06:24
Filter Quitting
I just set up my 10gallon today, and got a used Whisper filter, it was a 5-10, I believe,from my sister. As I started cycling the tank, periodically i...
Hello Fishy629-Jul-2005 19:25
I would like to know what compact fluorescent bulbs exactly are and if you need to change anything in a normal fluorescent fixture to get them....
ericm229-Jul-2005 02:56
How to make DIY co2 reactor?
I'm just getting into plants and I'm going to use co2. I don't want to spend too much money to buy a co2 reactor at the store so I'm turning to DIY....
Tetra Fan728-Jul-2005 06:50
what type of fitration system for a 33g?
The kit I bought came with an undergravel filter which I would rather not use. Can someon give me some suggestions on what I should buy for an aquari...
kylewayne1027-Jul-2005 18:07
Aquarium stand
I have a friend with a 45 gallon....48 inches long, and she has it sitting on a very sturdy trunk-like thing. The only thing is, about 6 inches of th...
vjayshutterbug727-Jul-2005 16:18
Filter Floss in Aquaclear
Has anyone tried using filter floss instead of a second sponge in their Aquaclear? I've been using two sponges and BioMax in my Aquaclear 150's and I'...
renoharps526-Jul-2005 19:53
Super Glue?
So I am wondering if dry non-toxic super glue is harmful in a fish tank. I have many many years of experience building terrain and model kits and I u...
smapty1126-Jul-2005 15:31
i have all-glass aquarium silicone. a few questions does it have to be used only for glass? iam using tank diverders (cut up) so i want to seal it...
bettachris426-Jul-2005 14:22
Acrylic mini bow cracking
I have a 5 gallon mini bow with a betta in it. It sits on my desk. I noticed a crack in the acrylic on the front about 4 months ago. Then I just notic...
sugabeatz326-Jul-2005 06:26
How much power does a typical fishtank consume each day?
I have the following thing sucking in power 2 X Aquaclear 50 1 X 200W Hagen heater 1 X Pump (it's rated @ 80Gallon) 1 X florecentlight (T12, 4') eve...
warlock110625-Jul-2005 18:56
Eheim 2313
Heidi put an Eheim 2313 on the 75g tank she left in my livingroom. My question is, is it more than adequate for a 75g, or do I need to add more filtr...
pugperson125-Jul-2005 05:40
lighting and filtration question
OK got the new tank home (used off of ebay) and have it set up... question #1: I'm planning on stealing the Eheim 2213 off of my 125 (t...
houston425-Jul-2005 03:28
leaky 10 gallon
I woke up this morning to find my ten gallon tank only about half full. I drained it and put the fish in another tank I had. I was inspecting the leak...
iowafishguy424-Jul-2005 10:03
gravel vac hose.
i have had a gravel vac for a few years now but the hose that connects it all is full of algae. is there anywhere online that sells the hose for cheap...
Dafridge224-Jul-2005 06:00
150 gallon
I'm planning on a 150 gallon. I was just wondering if it mattered where I placed it in my house, incase it might break the floor... If it matters, i h...
nickman713623-Jul-2005 16:31
making a caniter filter
Pages: 1, 2
well i got this idea of poison waffle making my own canister that is! but basicaly what i've done is take a perfectly cylindrical pl...
Darth Vader2123-Jul-2005 16:23
Eheim Pro 2026....
To start off,I have a 60 gal tank. The question I would love help on is, can I make two intakes (one on each end of the tank) with the filter that I h...
entkitty922-Jul-2005 15:09
tank reseal
well i need to reseal a tank. no idea where the leak is coming from cos it is so tiny i cant find it but there is one there. or so the wet paper and t...
lifeofcrimeguy622-Jul-2005 02:34
DIY lighting for a 55 gal
Hi everyone, I'm planning on building a hood for my 55 gal tank. I plan on going with flourescent lighting due to the cost of other lights (me tal hal...
animatorkennedy621-Jul-2005 21:43
tank stand
saw my mate yesterday and 0rganised for him to weld me up a steel stand to hold 4, 4 foot tanks . i am going to have two shelves so it will look like...
dan76721-Jul-2005 21:25
what heater?
I've killed at least 5 heaters so far. 2 walmart heaters, 1 jager, 1 all glass and I can't remember the last one. Most of those I don't even know wh...
sham921-Jul-2005 08:38
Stocking - A new filter or just a bigger tank needed?
I made a post a while back asking about how I could add some more fish to my 20g tank. I gave a list of the fish I had along with what filters I am c...
neurotica1983720-Jul-2005 22:25
canister filters vs. hang on the back filters
Hi everyone, I am looking going to overhaul my 55 gal setup. I am going to create a custom hood, and plant the tank. In my design of my hood I am won...
animatorkennedy1120-Jul-2005 18:25
odyssea cannisters?
Are these filters any good? I've had it with my magnum 350 cannister. To start with it took me 3hours to set it up when I first got it. Then it kep...
sham1020-Jul-2005 01:22
what do u have in your aquaclear HOB filter??
hey i was just wondering for those who have hobs.. what media do they have in them? at the moment i only have 2 foam inserts.. and was wondering if i...
r0b3y718-Jul-2005 19:17
Automated Water Change
I want to set-up an automated and/or continuous water change system on my tanks (1 Malawi cichlid, 1 planted, 1 goldfish). The tanks are in different...
mtber216-Jul-2005 10:48
Visitherm Heater
I have two visitherm heaters and noticed that after unplugging them and replugging them a red light did not flash. Seeing that we're in summer my tank...
Mkcube316-Jul-2005 07:27
new tank debate
OK I'm in needs of a new tank as some of you know...I have found a 75 gallon tank on ebay. The starting bid is $150 which is within my budget, it com...
houston1115-Jul-2005 06:07
Heater stuck on
The heater on the office tank stuck on and the temp in the tank is over 86 degrees Farenheit (that is as high as the thermometer goes). How hot can c...
carissa_aggie614-Jul-2005 23:46
stopid filter crapped out on me!!!!! GRRRR..waaa!
well this morn i woke up to my filter going out (was noisy 1 sec, quiet the next) i took off the intake and shook some stuff from it and all, it has r...
fishyhelper288412-Jul-2005 18:01
Eheim efisubstrate question
How often do most of you clean and replace this stuff. I believe your suppose to do partial changes so you don't kill all of the biological filtration...
tetratech712-Jul-2005 16:26
locating a leak on a metaframe
Ok, so I might not be able to get many replies from people who've actually had a me tafr ame but I'm not sure that it matters too much. The fr ame of cou...
castlequest912-Jul-2005 08:23
Switching heaters around
I need to setup a hospital tank but I dont have a heater for one. I have a bunch of heaters in all my other tanks but I need to figure out how to swit...
greenmonkey51411-Jul-2005 18:01
Pool PH Strips
Can you use pool ph testing strips for aquariums. I think that there generally cheaper and are quicker testing....
greenmonkey51311-Jul-2005 08:20
Filtration suggestions
I'm thinking about upgrading filtration in one 10g and my 15g. I have a 10g that I'd like to make into a home for dwarf puffers, female bettas, or a s...
dsa1811-Jul-2005 05:53
slowing down water flow?
ok all, in my 55g I have a Tetra whisper 60 and a penguin 300 on my 55g, and I just added some female bettas into my 55g with it, and it appears that...
monkeyboy1007-Jul-2005 21:54
tanks from walmart...any problems?
Has anybody had experience with the tanks Walmart sells? They come in the kits with a whisper filter at my Walmart. I am going to buy a new filter and...
GirlieGirl85191204-Jul-2005 00:40
just a little griping ...
Who writes the instructions for aquarium equipment? And do you think there's a conspiracy on the part of manufacturers to make them as confusing as po...
LMuha203-Jul-2005 02:48
battery powered gravel vac? BIG
I would like a battery powered gravel vac...I have one a friend gave me which I can use on my small takes two batteries & has a little b...
justicerulesok329-Jun-2005 09:17
who thinks carbon is worth it and what about zeolite?
i for one think carbon is very good thing to have in a fresh water tank excluding when a medicine is in use and zeolite i don't how important that is...
Darth Vader729-Jun-2005 03:02
Where to put Eheim spraybar?
I have an Eheim 2213 canister filter in my 160L tank, and currently the spraybar is right on the water level (ie. no visible surface agitation) b/c th...
upikabu628-Jun-2005 13:11
Gravel Vs. SAND
i am not sure if this is the right place or not for this post but i am going to be getting a much larger aquarium and would like to use sand rather th...
fish_net426-Jun-2005 00:31
zeolite ammonia remover
hey guys, quick question: i've heard from a couple of people that it's possible to "recharge" zeolite ammonia remover by submersing it in a salt-wate...
dalmyfish424-Jun-2005 03:04
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