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 Technical Tinkering
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are there any good thermometers?
Four thermometers on the tank in this pic, four different temps (the 4th is a stick on type). After experimenting when I first started keeping fish I...
Theresa_M116-May-2005 18:56
Water change with Python
I've never used a python before for water changes. When you refill the tank, how do use the python and also dechlorine the water before it goes into...
tetratech1216-May-2005 15:42
Eheim filter for 29g
I'm getting ready to setup a 29g tank and I was wondering if an Ehiem 2233 is too much filter for a tank that size. It looks like they're clearing out...
renoharps216-May-2005 05:59
Filter Issues
I have a 20 gallon tank with a Top-Fin filter. I need to find replacement parts or I will have to buy a new filter. If anyone knows where I can find...
pitbullriot516-May-2005 01:18
filter wont start!
when i was at school, there wasa black out and i got back and the filter wouldn't start. i clean it and pluged it back in and it wont start. now what...
bettachris316-May-2005 01:15
Aquarium Stand
Hello! I just bought an all glass 55 gallon aquarium today and I'm soon going to construct a stand for it. Any stand building tips or hints?...
Dragonchild315-May-2005 16:34
Lee's Ultimate Gravel Vac 25'
Does anybody use this? If so, how well does it work? Any complaints, compliments? I don't want to spend $35 just to be disappointed. So, thanks for y...
Pammy215-May-2005 04:06
29 gallon filter suggestions
I want to possibly set up my 29 with a sand substrate and would like to know what kind of filter might be good for this tank. Thanks...
castlequest214-May-2005 23:15
Got the Blues.....
OK so my friend and I did some messing around. We put blue LED lights up in my light fixtures for my 55 Gal. thus creating a moon light. It isn't su...
Wingsdlc1013-May-2005 18:22
tell me everything you know about diatom filters!!
things like how they work, which ones are best... etc. i've heard nothing but nice things about diatom filters and because i have had a cloudy 50 gal...
betahex613-May-2005 17:19
I can't find the right epoxy!!!
Does anybody know where I can get Rustoleum 9200 epoxy system? Or perhaps the Sherwin Williams Epoxide HS? The Sherwin Williams store by my house sa...
xxmrbui3blesxx811-May-2005 21:39
Please Help with a DIY canopy & lights for plants
Hello, Thanks for reading my post. I have a 30 gallon gourami tank that I would like to fill with live plants. I have one of the best aquarium plant...
joshovis1111-May-2005 18:48
drilling glass
Does anyone have any experience drilling glass? Is it easy/hard/imposssible to do? I want to add a sump to my tank but I don't want to break it. What...
djtj511-May-2005 18:45
Electronic Ballast how much to replace
Hi, i have blown up my electronic ballast in my aqualina light and was wondering how much are they to replace, its for a 55w globe and i live in au...
eureka red311-May-2005 18:06
Anyone have Whisper Diatomagic?
Hey, need a favor If you have one of these, can you please look at the pump itself and see if there is an o-ring or gasket that is suppose to be...
Cory_Di711-May-2005 06:59
Small Pond filter suggestions?
I'd like some suggestions on small pond filters please! Thanks...
castlequest210-May-2005 23:49
Getting a heater in.....
My tank is an Eclipse 5 gal hex with a built in filter and bio-wheel. Unfortunately this makes it near impossible to add a heater with out doing somet...
katieb310-May-2005 20:55
20 Gallon Hex Lighting Suggestions
I currently have a 20 gallon hex which I'm setting up and would like to place live plants in it. Will probably have to be of a lower light variety as...
OldTimer210-May-2005 04:15
"pimpin" a 30 gallon
The good news is that I'm getting a free 30 gallon tank in a week or so. The catch is that I have to get rid of my 2 betta tanks. My mom told my to ge...
djtj210-May-2005 02:52
Help req'd! leak at the top!
Hey everyone, here's the problem: the black strip located on top of the aquarium on my 45g tank is coming loose. The moisture is now getting inbetween...
incubus701009-May-2005 14:56
CO2 tank empty after only a week
Well I just upgraded from DIY CO2 to a 10# tank. I have a two guage regulator and a needle valve. I hooked everything up, and started the CO2 bubbli...
crazy4plants409-May-2005 05:37
Big Current, Slow Swimming
How do i turn down the flow rate on my Penguin Biowheel Filter?...
Mustang00308-May-2005 01:11
Making somthing out of Failiure...........
Hi, I currently have made , as some may know, a paladaruium and have decided to branch out and attempt to make somthing else out of what I have invol...
mcfat88807-May-2005 06:09
light reflector
Has anyone tried using aluminum foil in the reflector of there light fixture?...
lowlight906-May-2005 06:45
Magnum 350 filter
i was wondering if any one had eer hooked up a mag. 350 to an undergravel filter? If it work, and how well does it work. My fish are messy eaters an...
johnnylaw1984306-May-2005 05:44
Hydor External Heater
Has anyone tried this product.<br>It's a heater that is hooked up inline between two pieces of tubing from a cansister filter back to the tank....
tetratech205-May-2005 10:17
just received my moonlight kit..and will install it tonite... i say, ill put it on till 1 am...that would be enuf for the fish?? what do u think???...
tankie305-May-2005 05:52
looking for a filter
I wish i had more information to provide. but i dont know alot about it. but a short time ago, i was at a friends (dont talk with anymore), and they h...
monkeyboy404-May-2005 20:20
55 Center Brace Broke (tank bowed)
My 55 gallon tank, which has been set up for 7 months or so, seems to have broken!! The center brace on the top of the tank split (where it connects...
crickit991103-May-2005 19:29
shattered tank
what could cause a tank to shatter without any apperent reason?...
cntryboi603-May-2005 15:40
Electrical experts needed
Im going to get some moonlighting happening on my tank. I have looked at leds but have found a cold cathode neon blue tube that will do the job nicely...
gmonster502-May-2005 22:56
Heat & Humidity from tanks...
Heyla! Is there any good way to cut down on the heat and humidity increase caused by having tanks? I've got a bit of plastic wrap over the big cut out...
Tartar_Sauce602-May-2005 22:41
sealing tank from jumpers/escape artists
Ok, this is an old, yucky pic but it's easier to show than describe what I need. I'm converting this 10g into a paludarium which will include my fidd...
Theresa_M1302-May-2005 22:31
Moon Light Tubes ????
Hi All, This may be a very obvious question but it has me stumped so here go's: I've been reading in a few books about moonlight tubes for lighting,...
hollywood602-May-2005 18:20
top fin 10g aquarium starter
any feedback on top fin 10 filter?? im planning to buy this starter as a hopital tank....and my only concer is the [power filter if its good and if it...
tankie702-May-2005 16:07
Setting up a tank after it has been sitting for a few months
OK I just read another post about a second hand tank. But I thought I could use some advice before I set my other tank back up. Now the tank has been...
RAST202-May-2005 03:50
Any experince with this filiter? Oks im thinking of picking up this filter for my 29g tank and was wondering if anyone has had any experince...
salvatorus930-Apr-2005 02:22
high power heater in small tank
i currently have a 100w heater in my 22gal and i think its failing as it has to be set to 32c just to keep it at 25 on the thermostat. just like to no...
gaz2374629-Apr-2005 21:21
Water ph is allways rising please help.
I've wonder and wonder and wonder why my aquas ph is allways rising. My tap water is acid and it "becames" basic in a few days... I got two aquas,...
Smaug329-Apr-2005 14:48
Tetratec air pump very loud/ turning airline brown
Hey guys, I have the Tetratec Deepwater airpump, Model DW-18. Anyways, I have it on my bubblewand on the 20 L tank (which is only 12" deep) Anyways,...
victimizati0n728-Apr-2005 21:53
Quicker Water Changes
I've been thinking about ways to speed up my water changes and I was wondering if I could hook up a small power head like 125gph. Then just run it to...
greenmonkey51728-Apr-2005 18:17
balky siphon
Has anyone else had their siphons stop working with time? Really weird -- I've had the same siphon for a couple of years. Recently, I haven't been abl...
LMuha328-Apr-2005 02:15
filter output
Small filter on a 5g tank has a splashy, high output that's not adjustable. Other than buying a new filter, is there anything I can do to modify the o...
Theresa_M527-Apr-2005 00:33
compact lighting
I'm upgrading my tank size so I need more light. I have a fixture with four 55w tubes and one with 2 reg fluorescent 40w tubes. I was looking at bal...
sham426-Apr-2005 20:43
Aquascene 5 Aquarium Kit - lighting
Please see: [link=
fishnewbie425-Apr-2005 21:10
double stand DIY
Is it possilbe to make a stand strong enough to support 2 180 - 300 gallon tanks? If so, do you think I could get some people at homedepot to do it if...
djtj525-Apr-2005 02:27
New tank, new questions
With my Jewel problem solved (thanks everyone) I am getting another tank. Im looking at a 56gal tank (30x18x24)for a lone Green Terror. My other GT I...
kmpaton024-Apr-2005 23:29
vortex filter
I cant clear up my green water with the vortex d-1, i have a 20 gallon tank and set up the filter like this: when i set up my filter i pour the powd...
Sonic2041924-Apr-2005 21:23
Building a Fish Tank-
Hey whats up, I have heard of people building there own AGA, Is this possible? How Hard would this be? I see kits on ebay for $0.99 selling kits on h...
integra_for_life823-Apr-2005 12:37
C02 DIY Questions
Hi, I am considering building my own C02 generator for my tank. I know a 75g would require quite the large generator, so I am wondering if it would be...
So_Very_Sneaky223-Apr-2005 11:04
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