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Registered: 10-Sep-2005
male usa
10g glass
1.0 ppm amonia (still cycling)
7.2 ph
1 Neon tetra
1 Guppy

Originally I had 6 neon tetras and 2 guppies. I bought the tetras for cycling at my LFS (didn't know that was a bad idea at the time). My friend bought the guppies at Wal-Mart but gave them to me when his tiger barbs attacked them.

One of my guppies died recently along with four neon tetras. I thought it was a result of the cycling but today I noticed one of the tetras had white spots on its head. They looked cottony. I went to Wal-Mart (only place open on sunday morning) and got some Wardley Ick Away. They didn't have medicine for fungus. I put in the tank and my infected fish started doing sommersaults and died immediately. I noticed since then that the back of the bottle says "Do not use on baby fish, tetras of scaless species."

So pretty much I think I have fungus but nothing to cure it with. I also ahve a tank full of Ich medicine that will probably kill my last tetra. I don't even know what questions to ask, but I know I need help.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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The only advice I could give you will kill the neon any way.

Double dose for Ich for at least two weeks then start over again.

Store some prepared water for one week this will stop Ich Via you water supply ever again.

Here is more info on Ich it should help if not please ask plenty of questions.
Have a look in [link=My Profile]http://" style="COLOR: #00FF00[/link] for my tank info

[link=My Betta desk top tank]" style="COLOR: #00FF00[/link]

[link=ICH Info]" style="COLOR: #00FF00[/link]


Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 10-Sep-2005
male usa
I use chlorinated tap water. Will I get Ich from that water? I figured it was the Wal-Mart fish that gave it to me.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Registered: 20-May-2005
male usa

Your fish died most likely from the cycling, the Ich is a side effect on the weakened fish.

Did you see that Keith has a link in his post that talks about Ich? It is the words “ICH Info”, just click on it to learn more about it.

When you say you use chlorinated tab water, do you mean that you do not add any de-chlorinator (like Stress Coat or Prime) to it before you fill the tank?

To be frank, Neons are not fish you should use to cycle a tank, and (IMHO) Guppies neither. Why don’t you tell us a little more about your tank, like how long is it set up for already, nitrite and nitrate readings, just the usual garb that people like to know when answering health questions (if you don’t know what I mean, read the sticky in this forum called “IS YOUR FISH SICK? READ THIS!”.

Hope this helps,


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 10-Sep-2005
male usa
I found out too late that neons were not good cycling fish (my LFS sucks but it is the only one within 50 miles). The guppies were an emergency. It was either face cycling or hungry Tiger barbs for them.

I do use stress coat on the water before filling the tank.

The tank is 2 weeks old now. I only waited about 2 days to put the fish in (this is my first aquarium, I had no idea).

I guess I need to buy some more test kits. I only have amonia and ph. If my guppy dies (it looks pretty healthy right now) what should I do to make sure the tank keeps cycling?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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