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SubscribeCatfish Scars
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Registered: 19-Apr-2007
male usa
I think my ick is gone. I have lost a few fish. I lost my 2 Balas, 3 gouramis, and some tetras.
My upsidedown cat which I was most worried about and had the worst of the ick is now clear of the ick but has these weird white patches (scars) on his skin.
They are not infected or red or bleeding etc. Just look like scars. The other upsidedown cat that never got the ick has no scars etc.
I am lost at what caused this and will the scars heal up or will he look like this forever?
He is eating and swimming and dosent look to be in distress of any kind.
I am installing the UV sterlizer tomorrow. I will begin to remove the meds with small water changes and reinstall the charcoal and get the water retested.
Not adding more fish for at least a month if not longer till I get all back to where it should be.
If anyone knows about the scars on the cat I would appreciated the info. Thanks again to all that helped me out.
Post InfoPosted 24-Apr-2007 04:08Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 03-Feb-2007
male usa
Hey there! How big is your tank? Bala Sharks get as big as a Medium to MediumSmall sized pacu. They will obviously not fit in anything lower than a 60+gal tank.

The scars may still be ick, so if they dissappear, with the new UV, they will be gone. Im sure if you put melafiz in the water, the scars may cure. It could also not be scars, but bacteria or fungus. Use Mela and Pima Fixes to get rid of them. A Pic will help.

I wouldnt really worry, since you now have UV. All is going to be Fine......Just dose the afforementioned meds and wait.....A while.

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Post InfoPosted 24-Apr-2007 04:21Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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Registered: 21-Aug-2005
male uk
When you say scars, are they scratches from flicking with the irritation, or are they distinct white marks in crescent shapes? Is there any swelling?
Post InfoPosted 24-Apr-2007 15:10Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 19-Apr-2007
male usa
The scars are all differant shapes. They arent little like the ick spots but larger spots. Looks like his outter layer of skin was damaged. No swelling or irritation.
He is swimming and eating fine. Could be from rubbing when he had the ick as he did have it covering his entire body.
If he would stay put I would attempt a picture but so far no luck. Thanks for your help all.
Post InfoPosted 24-Apr-2007 15:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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Registered: 21-Aug-2005
male uk
If theyre just scratches from flicking, theyll disappear in a few weeks, most fishes skin repairs very quickly when in otherwise good health.
Post InfoPosted 24-Apr-2007 16:17Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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