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SubscribeCongos with odd disease
Fish Addict
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Registered: 17-Jul-2003
male canada
This morning I noticed that my congos had really small white spots their fins were tattered (not from fighting), and parts of their body were red. What is this and what is the fastest way to cure it?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile PM Edit Report 
Show me the Shishies!
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female australia au-victoria
Do the white spots look like salt grains? (ich)

Can you also please tell us about your tank?

Size (gallons)
Fish stock (species and quantity)
Maintenance schedule
Water readings - ammonia, nitrite, nirtate and pH

Before you criticize someone walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 17-Jul-2003
male canada
They are in a ten gallon because I am cycling the tank and I was planning on breeding them. Right now there are 2 rainbows. 4 congos (3 of which are males) about ten white clouds. and a yoyo loach.

The spots do not look like ich because I just got rid of ich from most of the fish and a mouth fungus on one of the rainbows.

As for the water when I get a spare moment I will check it but I have been doing many water changes and my tap water is;
pH 7.3
gH 8
kH 6

Please respond quick. This happened overnight.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 17-Jul-2003
male canada
The water parameters are
pH 7.2
nitrite .25 ppm
nitrate (I don't have a test kit)
ammonia 0 ppm
GH 12 dGH(normal)
KH 6 dKH

I take about two gallons out every week in that tank.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 17-Jul-2003
male canada
Just thought I would update on the situation. The congos and the loach are the only fish infected and one of the males only has a small portion of his tail left.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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