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Big Fish
Oh My Heck!
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Registered: 11-Apr-2007
male usa
EditedEdited by fishmonster
Hey guys, i have a cory that is just rolling around in my tank and im worried, Any ideas on what it might be? Sorry forgot to say he was just rolling over and over, nowhere near the water flow either. I have him currently in a net, im hoping its just stress. I dont see any physical injuries or majorly damaged fins.

Thanks for your input as always, Shane - [ Thanks to ScottF ]
Post InfoPosted 24-May-2007 02:51Profile PM Edit Report 
platy boy
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male canada
hes proforming for you(no joke) pandas are a fish that will do flips and stuff because there proforming for you or the other fish in the tank but wait for calis answer on this

33 gallon 7 neon tetras-5 platys-3 bleeding heart tetras-2 corys-1 rainbow shark-2 L83 gibby plecos
Post InfoPosted 24-May-2007 03:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Show me the Shishies!
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female australia au-victoria
I am taking a guess that it is whirling disease. read up on it click here
Can you tell us more about your tank too? What other inhabitants are there, what are you pH ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings? Tank size and filtration?

Before you criticize someone walk a mile in their shoes. That way you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Post InfoPosted 24-May-2007 07:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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EditedEdited by longhairedgit
Uncontrollable rolling is not normal behaviour for a cory, and id follow the link that lindy gave you, and look into protozoans that cause neurological disorders too.

Be prepared to buy antiprotozoan meds like metronidazole, and administer it very quickly if you want to save the fish.

Does the fish roll energetically like it cant control itself , or is it very weak, and simply tumbling because it isnt strong enough to right itself? The former is usually whirling disease or protozoan activity in the nervous system , the latter is debilitation, and usually a complication with the swim bladder too. I advise antiprotozoan cures because basically , if it is whirling disease, and I sincerely hope that it isnt, there is no truly effective cure, and death is more or less inevitable.You can cure the other problems that are protozoan in nature and not actually the real whirling disease, although even then, you have to act very quickly as the fish will probably not feed while in this state and you have a limited time to save the fish until the point of no return is reached.

ps. No disprespect platyboy, its just theres a way to go for you yet in terms of fishkeeping knowledge, and you have to be careful because people who dont know better might take that advice and run with it, and that could kill their fish! Everyone is appreciative of your trying to help, but thats not by any means your first erroneous entry, and you must be most careful when giving out advice in life or death situations.
Post InfoPosted 24-May-2007 19:00Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Oh My Heck!
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Registered: 11-Apr-2007
male usa
EditedEdited by fishmonster
Well the rolling around was not controllable. I was worried about the whirling diease and unfortuatly had no way to get treatment or take to vet. I euthanised as soon as possible. I know that is a bad way to do it but I was worried about my other fish. What can i do to protect my other fish incase this infected the tank at this point? Where would i get this medication?

Other habitants include 2 Pineapple swords, 3 Black skirt tetras, 5 Head & Tail light tetras, 4 Neons, 2 Other tetras of which i cannot remeber the name, 2 CAE, 1 BN, 1 Skunk Botia, 5 Pandas, 2 Bolivian Rams.

Do not have the Params right now, will get them tonight when i get home. Tank is due for WC it has been a week since my last 10% WC

Thanks for your input as always, Shane - [ Thanks to ScottF ]
Post InfoPosted 24-May-2007 22:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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Registered: 21-Aug-2005
male uk
EditedEdited by longhairedgit
If its genuine whirling disease the only control you have that will be effective is a UV steriliser, this makes it very hard for the pathogen to pass from one fish to another, since anything outside , free in the tankwater, will generally go through sterilisation. Other than that, you have already done the correct thing, by removing a fish by euthanisation that could become a breeding ground and a source from which all other fish might be infected.You also have to be pretty rigourous about vacuuming up the fish crap.

Before you go through all your fish like that though, I would ask a vet or college for a bacteriology report before killing more, since the unexplored option of treating for other protozoa as yet remains unused. If you can, put your dead fish on ice and see if you can get it analysed.

Your options are highly limited unfortunately, but I would not wish to see someone make the mistake of killing all their fish for the price of a bottle of flagyl or some jungle labs antiparasite formula. If the fish was whirling badly though, it might not have been far from death anyway, and in this regard you probably did not make a mistake and merely saved the fish from a horribly drawn out death, but all the same, try some treatment, and get the corpse analysed before you are forced into making such extreme decisions again. After all, you wouldnt want the same to happen to all of your fish.

Explore all options.The metronidazole you can get from a vet in a pure suspension , its also contained in the junglelabs antiparasite formula which you may be able to get from a LFS or order online. Since youre in the US it should be available. Some pharmacies may let you have FLAGYL over the counter. Just blend it in the food and give it to them daily for a week. Sometimes if you set a mix of food in gelatin mixed with the med, the fish eat the lot, and it gets swallowed instead of just going into the water. Even there though, it will have a limited effect.
Post InfoPosted 24-May-2007 23:07Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
platy boy
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Registered: 23-Mar-2007
male canada
longhairedgit, thanks i was ona roll trying to help people but you help me relize i was hearting not helping(you saved alot of people)

33 gallon 7 neon tetras-5 platys-3 bleeding heart tetras-2 corys-1 rainbow shark-2 L83 gibby plecos
Post InfoPosted 25-May-2007 01:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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Registered: 21-Aug-2005
male uk
No harm, no foul, I was probably of a similar mindset when I was a youngster, I know theres no harm intended. We all get a little overambitious at one time or another. At least youre keen, and that enthusiasm often leads to great things.
Post InfoPosted 25-May-2007 02:45Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Oh My Heck!
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Registered: 11-Apr-2007
male usa
EditedEdited by fishmonster
LHG, I have some seachem NEOPLEX, its an antibiotic. I was wondering if that would help at all until i can get the treatment you are talking about.

I can actually buy the metronidazole treatment from seachem also in a powderform. i will treat with the neoplex for now.

Thanks for your input as always, Shane - [ Thanks to ScottF ]
Post InfoPosted 25-May-2007 05:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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Registered: 21-Aug-2005
male uk
EditedEdited by longhairedgit
I would actually not bother until you have the correct product, using a product you dont need will cause a burden on the renal system of the fish that it could do without, it is often risk enough to use the correct treatment. Often different treatments dont mix well either.If seachem say that they mix ok however, I guess its fine to use both, it will certainly stop secondary infections.
Post InfoPosted 25-May-2007 06:04Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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