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  L# Female Guppies die after Birth
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SubscribeFemale Guppies die after Birth
Posts: 128
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Registered: 19-Jun-2006
male usa
Hello, I have a friend who says that after her female fancy guppies give birth they just die the next day. She says that her water levels are stable and they are the same that she has always had them at. She says that the Fry seem fine and go into the breeding grass she has until they grow larger. Another friend of her says she is also having the same problems with her female guppies. They are healthy one day and then after giving birth theydie for no reason. Are they doing something wrong, is there something they are supposed to be doing that they are not? I told her I would ask you guys and see if there was any ideas as to the problms. Thanks

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Post InfoPosted 01-Jul-2006 00:48Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
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Registered: 17-Sep-2002
female uk
Birthing is a tiring and draining process for any species.

Guppies benefit from a little salt, I believe. Does she dose with aquarium salt? Is your water especially hard or soft? What is she feeding them?

I like to think that whoever designed marine life was thinking of it as basically an entertainment medium. That would explain some of the things down there, some of the unearthly biological contraptions
Post InfoPosted 04-Jul-2006 00:39Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
I fully agree salt does help live beareres, it is so long since I had guppies I cannot remember the the amount of salt to be used. Also you cannot use salt with some fish. Before adding any salt a full tank info would have listed before any one could give the correct advice. I also believe some plants do not like salt at all.

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Post InfoPosted 04-Jul-2006 01:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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My friend told me she has the same thing happen, but i pretty much know why, she sucks at caring for fish, currently she has 4 anagelfish, 2 female bettas, 2 painted tetras and soon guppies in a 10 gallon I tried to tell her, but when I told her the tatras were painted she said "cool" < me...I told her her angelfish would eventualy fight..she said, "well, they are fine now" < me...before she even had the 10 gallon, she was keeping guppies in 1 gallons, then got supprized when they died, she had the nerve to call me up one day and tell me that she had a dead female guppy with her babys all around her..dead, she asked me what happened.. ...

My point is *yes there is a point* That it could be water quality, everytime I go to her house, you cant see the bettas in their vases *yup vases* because the water is that grose, there is thick slime on the surface of the water, and when I ask her about it, its always, "well, i just cleaned them yesterday".... < me ... I used to have this problem too, and I narrowed it down to not having great water quality, like stated before, giving birth takes alot out of you, and leaves your gaurd down for both preditores and disease, so if there are some dirtys in the water, its possible that she could get sick, and then just keel over all together..
Post InfoPosted 07-Jul-2006 05:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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