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  L# Guppies actin' weird.
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SubscribeGuppies actin' weird.
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male uk
A few of my guppies have clamped fins and are swimming side to side like a snake or "Wriggling".
They all are girls except the wrigglin' two fry in the net breeder with another guppy fry who isn't wriggling which I don't know the sex of. I also have another guppy, a female in the net breeder with the fry, she has her Tail fin ripped up, she also has a whiteish/greyish patch at the base of her tail.. what could it be? It's not fuzzy.

Thanks in advance.
Post InfoPosted 17-Dec-2006 15:57Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 28-Dec-2002
male usa us-colorado
Check out this site, it is one of dozens that specialize
in fish disease:

This site suggests that your fish have "velvet" which
is a form of parasite.

While the other could have either injuries from a
scrappy tank mate, or fin rot.

When was the last time you vacuumed the gravel?
What are the water chemistries? pH, Ammonia, Nitrite,
Nitrate, water temperature, etc.?


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Post InfoPosted 17-Dec-2006 18:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male uk
The female guppies do seem to be on some sort of vendetta toward the larger male guppies and the lone hunchback female. Chasing and nipping them and ripping their fins,
and occasionally each other.

Last Vacuum was one week ago to the day.
Water temp is 27 degrees. do you think that's alright?
Ahh.. chemistries, ph, ammonia, nirates, nitrites, I don't know anything about that. Ammonia should be ok as the fish arn't dead and I did a water change this morning. 25%change.
A while ago, Mum took a bag of water to the LFS, They tested it and said everything looked fine, nothing to worry about.
I Put some melafix in the tank to help the shredded up female guppy in the Net breeder. Hopefully it will help the Wriggling guppies, but remember it's the one guppy who has the whitish spot, only her and no others, she doesn't wriggle, only has ripped up fins and a whitish spot at the base of the tail.
the wriggling guppies have no other symptoms except wriggle through the water and clamped fins.

Post InfoPosted 17-Dec-2006 19:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 10-Mar-2004
female canada
Hi there,
it will help if you answer the following questions.

What size tank?
What occupants?
How long has tank been set up?
Test results for ammonia?

The symptom your describing is called Shimmy.
Its not a disease, but rather a sign that the fish are
very unhealthy.
Whitish grayish patches suggest Columnaris bacteria,
or similar bacterial infection.
Treatment would be with any gram negative antibacterial,
Maracyn 2, Furan 2, Triple Sulfa, Kanamycin, etc.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 18-Dec-2006 00:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male uk
EditedEdited by Rookie_Boy
A 29g,
2 neons, 3 glowlights tetras,
1 angel, 1 german ram, 2 mollies and 1 platy,
4 adult adult female (including the hunchback)
7 adult males, 1 mid sized male, 5 mid sized females,
4 older fry, 10 or 11 week old fry.
3 julli cories and a panda cory.

Been set up for about... 3 n half years.


an update,
I found the ripped up girl dead, I saw a spot on one of the mid size girls, I took her out, same colour, greyish/whitish, and euthanised her as the other fish were chasing and picking on her in the same way they picked on the ripped up girl, So it seems that the fish are trying to exclude any ill fish! I took out 8 fish so far and put them in the 15g. The ripped up girl was already dead, 1 euthanised, 5 guppies and 1 platy put in the 15g as they were shimmying and has clamped fins.

now the platy and 3 midsize female and 2 older fry have been taken from the 29g's stocking and put into the 15g's stocking.
Post InfoPosted 18-Dec-2006 11:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
Posts: 3238
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Registered: 10-Mar-2004
female canada
Hi there,
sorry for the delay in the response.
Well it certainly is unlikely that water
issues are the cause of this illness.
It definitely sounds like a gram negative bacterial
infection of some kind - im leaning to columnaris
My suggestion for treatment is this,
first change 50% of the water in the isolation tank.
Then dose 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt per 10 gallons
of water, in this case, 1.5 tablespoons for the 15g.
Predissolve it in some water and then add a little at a time over the period of the whole day.
Get yourself a good quality gram negative antibacterial drug. My favorite is the Furan 2, or Jungle Fungus Eliminator, these are the same drugs essentially.
Dose a full dose on the first day.
Every day change 50% of the water and return a half dose
of the med and the salt to the water.
This will ensure ultra clean water, essential for healing, while still maintaining a steady level of antibiotics.
Furan 2 is my favorite because it is widely available,
very inexpensive, and works very very well for gram negative infections such as columnaris, fin rot, and others.
If you cannot find Furan 2, other options are Maracyn 2,
Triple Sulfa, Kanamycin, or similar.
Just make sure the box says "for gram negative bacteria".

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 19-Dec-2006 22:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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