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SubscribeGuppy being picked on
Fish Master
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Registered: 14-Jan-2006
female australia au-newsouthwales
EditedEdited by TankWatcher
My tank is 43.5G and water tests show:-
Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0, pH 7.3, Nitrate 20.

I thought my guppy had fin rot & have been treating it with Myxazin by waterlife. There are 5 other guppies in the tank & no-one else has fin rot. The first course of treatment is nearly over & his tail is still looking bad. I emailed the makers of the med to ask if ok to continue the treatment & was told that was fine, but to watch out for fin nippers, just in case. Now, I didn't think that was the case, as I hadn't seen it happening. But tonight, as I sit here watching it, there is this one other guppy that has attacked this poor guppy 3 separate occasions.

I'm wondering - what came first. Did the guppy get fin rot & now because it appears sick or weak, another fish takes advantage & picks on it. Or, was this whole thing caused by that guppy picking on this one, which is the youngest & smallest in the tank. No-one else in that tank has fit rot - all other 5 guppies have lovely tails. I'm going to try & move the sick guppy out, if I can catch him. Not easy in this tank - so many plants & other hiding spots.

Not sure where to put him, if I catch him. My QT tank is currently treating a case of white spot that came in with a recent purchase. Can I put the guppy in that tank, even though the meds in there are for white spot & velvet disease & not fin rot. I have another spare tank, which is not to set up, so not cycled. Not ideal, but I have to move this guy urgently, so if not to the white spot QT tank, this is my only other choice to put him. What do you think would be best?

Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2006 13:41Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
* * *Fish Slave* * *
Posts: 1947
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Registered: 14-Jan-2006
female australia au-newsouthwales
EditedEdited by TankWatcher
I've caught him & put him in the fresh QT tank. I used water from the tank he was in & transferred a rock with java moss & 4 java moss balls into the tank with him, to try to move some good bacteria with him.

I know this isn't ideal, but I wanted to be able to continue treating him with Myxazin. The instructions for this med say not to mix medicines & 48 hours to elapse between changing meds.

If you think I should take him out of this uncycled QT tank & put him in the white spot QT tank, pls let me know. BTW, no white spot in the tank now, just treating for a 2nd week to make sure no recurrence.

thank you

Post InfoPosted 27-Mar-2006 14:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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