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  L# How To Trear Loaches W/ Ick
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SubscribeHow To Trear Loaches W/ Ick
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Registered: 24-Nov-2004
male usa
I have 3 clown loaches about 1 1/2 each that all have ick. How should I treat them   supposedly them being scaleless fish makes a differnce. They are in with my Afican cichlids, should I remove them or should i treat the entire tank. Please let me know asap.

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Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 01:03Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 13-Jun-2004
male usa
i would move all sick fish to lets say 20long hopsitol tank.

being scaless salt would be a bad idea, i would try jungle buddies ick clear, but that is just me.
Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 01:05Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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female australia us-maryland
Removing fish from a tank with ich is a VERY bad idea. Ich is a sign of stress.
Moving fish will stress them more.

That said, look for Rid Ich plus, it's formulated specifically for sensitive fish like loaches. Easily found in most all LCFS. Remove carbon and begin treatment ASAP. Keep an eye on water quality numbers and increase surface agitation. Make sure you treat for the entire time given in the directions.


Post InfoPosted 03-Feb-2006 01:38Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
Babbel is correct dont move them. Ich is also a tank related problem meaning the parasite in its life cycle is in/on the substrate and in the water, therefore the whole tank must be treated.

As Babbel stated only get the correct Ich med for scaleless fish (Clown Loaches) This med will also treat fish with scales.

Other things to do are, increase the temp, (this speeds up the life cycle of the Ich), turn off the lights (helps to create less stress for the fish). As they are sick they wil eat less therefore reduce the feeding only once every second or third day.
Extra airation certainly helps the water.

Check to see if other Meds can be used with the med you intend to use and use Melafix if possible as this will also help the healing process.

Finally treat the tank for at least three weeks after you have seen the last Ich on a fish, also follow all the instructions on the medication as this is extremly important.

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Post InfoPosted 04-Feb-2006 04:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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