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SubscribeIs this Hole in the Head?
Small Fry
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Registered: 13-Dec-2006
EditedEdited by hammo86
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite (note the I): na
Nitrate (note the A): na
pH: na
Temp: 28deg c

Tank Information

Tank Size 8ft - approx 1000L
Stock List (Quantity/Species): 1 jaguar (full size) 1 red devil (full size) 5 medium devils, 1 saratoga, 40cm, 1 green terror, 2 texas cichlids. couple of cat fish.

3x external canister filters.

Hey guys,

Hope the above info is fine - all my fish appear healthy, even the one I am enqiring about. I beleive my Jag is beginning to suffer from hole in the head. All appears to be fine, swimming, healthy etc however the below link shows an interesting shot. What do you think, what should I do? thanks.
Post InfoPosted 14-Dec-2006 13:24Profile PM Edit Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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male usa us-northcarolina
Looks like HITH to me. The best treatment for HITH is better foods(more varied), and lots of water changes.

I'd really work on getting a nitrAte test done to see if you have a buildup there. Try to feed a quality dry food, try out some frozen foods like krill, see if he'll take veggies like peas or something....just round out the diet.

Try to change 1/3 of the tank water each week. This will help bring down any wastes that may have accumulated in the tank over time. If you are already doing this much, try more. Good luck.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 14-Dec-2006 19:58Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 13-Dec-2006
Sounds good mate - I have been only feeding him Aqua One Economy fish food.. sometimes some live gold fish but that would probably be only once every 3 weeks.

Reckon if I introduce some peas into the diet it could fix it? I have been doing 50% water changes every week.
Post InfoPosted 15-Dec-2006 05:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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Registered: 26-Mar-2004
male usa us-northcarolina
Yep, I think diet has a lot to do with HITH. Try to mix it up as best as possible. Get him on 3-4 different types of food.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 15-Dec-2006 07:37Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Bob Wesolowski
Mega Fish
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It is HITH/HLLE. I like Matt's advice on diet and on water quality. My personal experience is that Hole in the Head (HITH) is a symptom of Head and Lateral Line Erosion that, in turn, is caused by diet and water quality.

The problem with the pitting that is generally evidenced in large cichlids is the danger of a secondary infection of the sensory pits.

The following is from Pandora's aquarium:
Hole-in-the-Head Disease (HITH)
Spironucles sp. and Hexamita sp.; debatable and controversial whether they are the true pathogens that cause it Holes that widen the sensory pores in the heads of large fish (this in itself is more aptly ascribed to HLLE, head and lateral line erosion, which in turn is related to a variety of water quality factors, not necessarily an infectious parasite). May exude pus. Often asymptomatic until serious; general signs of lethargy, may have trouble swimming due to loss of balance.
Medications that contain mentronidazole; Brand names: Jungle Hole-N-Head, Aquatronics Hex-A-Mit, Aquarium Pharmaceuticals General Cure, etc.; however, there is controversy over whether or not the parasite is the major causitive factor, medication may not be necessary; see information linked at right. Watch for secondary bacterial infections.
Often attacks large fish fed with live foods. Cichlids are especially susceptible. Please check World Cichlid's page on HITH/HLLE which has much more detailed info, theories, and potential treatments of this disease. Also, Dr. Barb's Flippers and Fins Site has some more info for curious minds.

I currently feed my discus three different types of commercial dry food by Tetra, Aquarian and Hikari with supplemental feedings of live black worms. The varied diet together with 50% water changes every two or three days has kept this beastie from my door.

"To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research."
researched from Steven Wright
Post InfoPosted 15-Dec-2006 17:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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